分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 74條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
OC | Nehan OC Papua New Guinea [nsn] | atun | bonito (tuna) | 金槍魚 | qatun [POC] | 1 | ||||
beb | butterfly | 蝴蝶 | bebe [POC] | 2 | ||||||
bo-bol | Acanthurus sp., tang | 唐刺五加 | bolo bolo [POC] | 3 | ||||||
bun(a) | bird species, family Columbidae, Yellow-bibbed fruit dove | 鳥類,科 | bune [POC] | punay | 4 | |||||
bunar | batfish | 蝙蝠魚 | bunaR [PMP] | 5 | ||||||
daul | Lesser Frigate Bird: Fregata ariel | 小型護衛艦鳥:■ | (dr,d)aula [POC] | 6 | ||||||
haman | float, outrigger poles which balance the canoe | 浮子,平衡獨木舟的支腿杆 | saman [POC] | saRman | 7 | |||||
haŋan | name | 名稱 | ŋacan [POC] | ŋajan | 8 | |||||
har | give | 給 | 噪聲 | 9 | ||||||
harum | needle | 針 | saRum [POC] | zaRum | 10 | |||||
hawa | what? | 什麼? | sapa [PMP] | 11 | ||||||
hih | peel with the hand, peel off in strips | 用手剝皮,切成條 | sisi₃ [PCEMP] | 12 | ||||||
hihi-on | peelings | 剝皮 | sisi₃ [PCEMP] | 13 | ||||||
hirup | to sip | 啜飲 | siRup [PAN] | 14 | ||||||
hua | to paddle a canoe | 劃獨木舟 | suak [PEMP] | 15 | ||||||
huh | to nurse at the breast; breast milk | 母乳 | susu₁ [PAN] | 16 | ||||||
huhu-n | chest, breast | 胸部,胸部 | susu₁ [PAN] | 17 | ||||||
i-ŋo | 1sg.: I, my | 1sg.:我,我的 | ŋau₂ [POC] | aku | 18 | |||||
kadik | red ant that builds nest in trees: Hymenoptera, family Formicidae | 在樹上築巢的紅螞蟻:膜翅目,蟻科 | kadik [POC] | 19 | ||||||
kadik kurum | large black ant found on the ground (has a bad sting which can last for several hours) | 在地上發現的大型黑螞蟻(有一種能持續數小時的劇痛) | kadik [POC] | 20 | ||||||
kod-kodoh | correct, directly, straight, righteous | 正確,直接,正直,正直 | kodos [POC] | 21 | ||||||
kokop | cover up, cover with leaves | 蓋住,用樹葉蓋住 | kokop [POC] | kebkeb₁ | 22 | |||||
kokop-on | pot lid, leaf covering for cooking pot | 鍋蓋、鍋蓋 | kokop [POC] | kebkeb₁ | 23 | |||||
laia | plant species, family Zingiberaceae; several types | 薑科植物種類;幾種類型 | laqia [PMP] | 24 | ||||||
lako | go down a short distance, from inland to the road, village or beach; to away from speaker | 從內陸到公路、村莊或海灘,走一小段距離;遠離演講者 | lako [POC] | lakaw | 25 | |||||
laŋ | housefly, generic for flies, Diptera, family Muscoidea; fly and similar small insects | 家蠅,蒼蠅屬,雙翅目,蠅科蠅類;蒼蠅和類似的小昆蟲 | laŋo [POC] | laŋaw | 26 | |||||
laŋit | sky | 天空 | laŋit [PMP] | laŋiC | 27 | |||||
lih | louse egg, nit | 蝨子蛋,尼特 | lisa [POC] | liseqeS | 28 | |||||
limah | wooden bailer used in bailing out canoes and boats | 用於獨木舟和小船的木制排水器 | limas [PMP] | 29 | ||||||
lio | triggerfish (generic) | 三角魚(通用) | lio-lio [POC] | 30 | ||||||
liwo- | tooth | 牙齒 | lipon [POC] | lipen | 31 | |||||
loŋor | hear, listen, obey | 聽,聽,聽 | roŋoR [POC] | deŋeR | 32 | |||||
loŋoro namanate | hear with understanding, find out by listening | 聽得懂,聽得懂 | roŋoR [POC] | deŋeR | 33 | |||||
lot | sore | 疼痛的 | loto₂ [POC] | 34 | ||||||
lua | to vomit, be seasick | 嘔吐,暈船 | luaq [PMP] | 35 | ||||||
mata-ia | beautiful, pretty, nice to look at | 漂亮,漂亮,好看 | mata [PMP] | maCa | 36 | |||||
mata-n | eye, face (takes possessive marker for person and number); natural hole or soft spot in a coconut shell | mata [PMP] | maCa | 37 | ||||||
mata nahua | place for canoes to come, haven | 獨木舟來的地方,海文 | mata [PMP] | maCa | 38 | |||||
mata nar huhu-n | breast nipple | 乳房乳頭 | mata ni susu [POC] | maCa | 39 | |||||
mata nar um | window | 視窗 | mata [PMP] | maCa | 40 | |||||
nun | earthquake | 地震 | nunu₁ [POC] | 41 | ||||||
paŋaŋa | open the mouth | 張開嘴 | paŋaŋap [POC] | 42 | ||||||
paraha | put foot against something, place foot firmly | 把腳放在某物上,把腳放穩 | paRas [POC] | 43 | ||||||
parau | boat | 船 | paraqu [PMP] | 44 | ||||||
pos | to squeeze grated coconut (Ross, Clark and Osmond 1998:283) | 擠碎椰子(羅斯,克拉克和奧斯蒙德,1998:283) | popos [POC] | pespes | 45 | |||||
pul | sea cucumber species, sea slug | 海參種類,海蛞蝓 | pula₃ [POC] | 46 | ||||||
ran | branch of tree | 樹枝 | raqan [POC] | daqan | 47 | |||||
rau-rau | a plant species; two types: a yellow leaf and green leaf variety, fam. Leguminoseae, coral bean species; coral trees (leaves can be eaten as a spinach substitute: Erythrina variegata, Erythrina indica | raun [PEMP] | dahun | 48 | ||||||
sa | bad, evil; wrong | 壞的,邪惡的;錯誤的 | saqat [POC] | zaqat | 49 | |||||
seŋ | Rainbow Lory, Trichoglossus haematodus | 彩虹色,血滴蟲 | seŋa₂ [POC] | 50 | ||||||
sipih(i) | bird species, family Psittacidae, cardinal lorikeet | 鳥類,鸚鵡熱科,紅雀 | sipiri [POC] | 51 | ||||||
tad | up, upward direction | 向上,向上 | tadal [POC] | 52 | ||||||
tad(a) | up, upward direction | 向上,向上 | tadra [POC] | 53 | ||||||
tada-kai | to look up to, respect | 尊敬 | tadra [POC] | 54 | ||||||
tahi- | brother, sibling | 兄弟姐妹 | taci [POC] | Suaji | 55 | |||||
tai | feces, excrement | 糞便 | taqi [PMP] | Caqi | 56 | |||||
takop | hold with hands | 手拉手 | ta(ŋ)kep₂ [PMP] | 57 | ||||||
taliŋa- | ear | 耳朵 | taliŋa [POC] | Caliŋa | 58 | |||||
tama- | father | 父親 | t-amax [PMP] | amax | 59 | |||||
tama- | father | 父親 | t-amax [PMP] | amax | 60 | |||||
tamat | person, human, man | 人,人,人 | tau-mata [PMP] | Cau | 61 | |||||
taon | place fish trap among rocks | 在岩石間放置捕魚器 | taqon [POC] | taqen | 62 | |||||
tina- | mother | 母親 | t-ina [PMP] | ina | 63 | |||||
tio | yellowstripe goatfish: Mulloidichthys flavolineatus | 黃條山羊魚:黃線魚 | tiqo [POC] | Ciqaw | 64 | |||||
tio | Yellowstripe goatfish: Mulloidichthys flavolineatus | 黃條山羊魚:黃線魚 | tiqo [POC] | tiqaw | 65 | |||||
to | sugarcane: Saccharum officinarum | 甘蔗:甘蔗 | na topu [POC] | tebuS | 66 | |||||
toka | to stay, put, together at the same time in concert, located, stay put or perched, as a bird in a tree | toka₃ [POC] | tekas | 67 | ||||||
to-tor | a tree: Cordia subcordata | 樹:■ | toRu [POC] | 68 | ||||||
tubu- | grandparent/grandchild (recip.); ancestor of | 祖父母/孫子(互惠);祖父母 | tubu₂ [POC] | umpu | 69 | |||||
tulal | very small musical pipe, bamboo flute | 很小的笛子,竹笛 | tulali [PMP] | tulani | 70 | |||||
tulaur | wind from the southwest | 西南風 | tokalaur [POC] | 71 | ||||||
tur | stand (implies stopping a previous movement such as walking or jumping) | 站立(意味著停止先前的動作,如行走或跳躍) | tuqur₁ [POC] | tuqud | 72 | |||||
tut | to hammer, hammer wooden pegs | 錘,錘木釘 | tutuk₂ [POC] | tuktuk₃ | 73 | |||||
wan(a) | shoot | 拍攝 | panaq [PAN] | 74 |