分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 2263條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
WMP | Old Javanese WMP | a-belah | separated | 分離的 | ma-belaq [PAN] | belaq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1 | ||
a-beŋkuŋ | bent, crooked | 彎曲,彎曲 | beŋkuŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 2 | |||||
a-boh | swollen (of eyes, feet) | (指眼睛、腳)腫 | baReq [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 3 | |||||
a-buru | to hunt, go hunting | 打獵,打獵 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 4 | |||||
a-buru | to hunt, go hunting | 打獵,打獵 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 5 | |||||
a-bwat | heavy, burdening, severe; burdened; serious, grave, earnest | 沉重的,沉重的,沉重的;沉重的;嚴肅的,嚴肅的 | ma-beReqat [PMP] | beReqat | Zoetmulder 1982 | 6 | ||||
a-cemer | unclean, foul, low | 不潔,骯髒,卑鄙 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 7 | |||||
a-ḍa-ḍawuh | to give food, bestow gifts (on the part of the king) | 送餐,送禮(國王方面) | dabuq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 8 | |||||
a-dagaŋ | to trade | 交易 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 9 | |||||
a-dalem | deep | 深的 | dalem [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 10 | |||||
a-ḍapət | closely joined, compact, thick (darkness) | 緊密連接,緊密,厚實(黑暗) | dapet [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 11 | |||||
a-ḍapur | piled up (?) | 堆積在一起?) | dapuR₂ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 12 | |||||
a-ḍimpit | closely joined, fastened together | 緊密結合在一起 | diq(e)pit [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 13 | |||||
a-doh | far away, distant | 遙遠,遙遠 | zauq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 14 | |||||
a-dol | to sell | 出售 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 15 | |||||
aḍuh | an exclamation of emotion (pain, surprise, etc.) | 感歎(痛苦、驚訝等) | aduq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 16 | |||||
a-duh | to contain fluid | 盛裝液體 | zuRuq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 17 | |||||
a-dyus | to bathe, take a bath | 洗澡,洗澡 | riRus [POC] | diRus | Zoetmulder 1982 | 18 | ||||
āgama | sacred tradition, doctrine or precepts; collection of such doctrines; sacred work | 神聖的傳統、教義或戒律;這些教義的集合;神聖的工作 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 19 | |||||
a-gatel | itchy | 發癢的 | ma-gatel [PMP] | gaCel | Zoetmulder 1982 | 20 | ||||
agem | cloudy sky | 多雲的天空 | agem₃ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 21 | |||||
agem | handful; grasp | 抓住 | Ragem [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 22 | |||||
ager-ager | kind of seaweed, Sphaerococcus lichenoides | 一種海藻,地衣蝶球菌 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 23 | |||||
a-giliŋ-an | chariot soldiers | 戰車兵 | giliŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 24 | |||||
agoŋ | with gongs | 用鑼 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 25 | |||||
a-guntiŋ | to cut (have cut) the hair | 剪頭髮 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 26 | |||||
a-hawuk | grey, ash-grey | 灰色,灰灰色 | qabuk [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 27 | |||||
a-hudan | with rain | 下著雨 | ma-quzaN [PAN] | quzaN | Zoetmulder 1982 | 28 | ||||
a-hutaŋ-hutaŋ | receive gifts | 接受禮物 | qutaŋ qutaŋ [PWMP] | qutaŋ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 29 | ||||
a-huyaŋ | hot, heated, hot and bothered, restless | 熱,熱,熱,煩躁,不安 | huyaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 30 | |||||
ah-yaŋ | like a god, divine, extraordinary | 像上帝,神聖,非凡 | qiaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 31 | |||||
a-itik-an | to keep, as a young bird | 作為一只小鳥 | itik₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 32 | |||||
ajak | ask, invite (to do something together) | 請求,邀請(一起做某事) | azak [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 33 | |||||
ajaran | horse ('trained animal') | 馬(訓練有素的動物) | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 34 | |||||
aji | holy writ, "the scriptures", sacred text (containing e.g. rules of conduct for a brahman; instructions on administration, politics, the practice of arms, the writing of poetry, etc.); sacred or magically powerful formula | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 35 | ||||||
a-kaka | toward an elder brother | 向著哥哥 | kaka₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 36 | |||||
a-kalis | hard, unfeeling, unreceptive, callous, indifferent; untouched, unscathed | 冷酷無情無情無情 | kalis [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 37 | |||||
aka-ro-ro-n | two together | 兩個人在一起 | duha [PMP] | duSa | Zoetmulder 1982 | 38 | ||||
a-katir | to use as an outrigger | 用作支腿 | katiR [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 39 | |||||
a-kaṭuk | to chatter (of the teeth)? | 喋喋不休(指牙齒)? | katuk [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 40 | |||||
a-kəmuh | to rinse with | 沖洗 | kemuR [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 41 | |||||
akən | like, by way of; to be considered as | 作為;被認為 | aken₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 42 | |||||
a-kiŋ | dry, dried up, shrivelled | 幹的,幹的,乾癟的 | keRiŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 43 | |||||
a-kira-kira | to plan, think out how best...., intend | 計畫,思考如何最好地 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 44 | |||||
akon-akon | possession (promised as war booty); acknowledged (adopted) child | 佔有(許諾作為戰利品);承認(領養)的孩子 | aku-en [PWMP] | aku | Zoetmulder 1982 | 45 | ||||
aku | pronoun of the first person: I, me | 第一人稱代詞:我,我 | aku [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 46 | |||||
a-kuḍuŋ-kuḍuŋ | covered, wrapped in a veil (blanket, etc.) | 用面紗(毯子等)覆蓋、包裹 | kuduŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 47 | |||||
a-kukub | covered, under a sheet | 被蓋在床單下麵 | kubkub₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 48 | |||||
a-kumpul | to gather, be together | 聚在一起 | kumpul [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 49 | |||||
(a)-kuniŋ | pale yellow, ivory-colored; copper (adj.) | 淺黃色,象牙色;銅(形容詞) | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 50 | |||||
a-kuru | thin, emaciated | 瘦弱 | kuru₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 51 | |||||
a-kusu | make fire by rubbing two sticks together | 把兩根棍子搓在一起生火 | kusu₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 52 | |||||
a-lābha | to be successful | 成功 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 53 | |||||
alah | lose, be defeated, be worsted, give away, succumb | 失敗,失敗,精疲力盡,放棄,屈服 | alaq₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 54 | |||||
alah | lose, be defeated, be worsted | 輸,輸,輸 | alaq₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 55 | |||||
a-lama | long, for a long time, already a long time, old; long ago | 很久很久了,已經很久了,老了;很久以前 | lama₂ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 56 | |||||
alaŋ-alaŋ | “to be in the way”, obstructing | “礙事”,妨礙 | qalaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 57 | |||||
alap | take, fetch, carry off, steal, seize, win | 帶走,帶走,帶走,偷走,抓住,贏 | alap [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 58 | |||||
alap alap | a certain bird of prey. The texts suggest a large creature, which can attack a man; an eagle? | 某種猛禽。這些文字暗示了一種可以攻擊人的大型生物;鷹? | alap [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 59 | |||||
a-laraŋ | inaccessible, withdrawn, keeping oneself aloof? | 難以接近,孤僻,與世隔絕? | laRaŋ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 60 | |||||
alas | wood, forest; also: quantity of flowers or plants growing in a thick cluster | 木材,森林;還有:叢生的花或植物的數量 | halas [PMP] | Salas | Zoetmulder 1982 | 61 | ||||
a-lawaŋ | door-keeper | 看門人 | lawaŋ₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 62 | |||||
a-layū | run, run away, take flight, flee | 逃跑,逃跑,逃跑,逃跑 | laRiw [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 63 | |||||
a-layu | languishing, withering | 凋謝 | layu [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 64 | |||||
a-ləbū-ləbū | covered with dust, playing in the dust | 滿身塵土,在塵土中玩耍 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 65 | |||||
alih | moving to another place, changing | 搬到另一個地方,改變 | aliq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 66 | |||||
a-limpuŋ-an | to fight with spears? | 用長矛戰鬥? | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 67 | |||||
a-liwer | move about, dart to and fro (of many, without order), rush about, fly around, swarm, flash back and forth | liwed [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 68 | ||||||
a-lon | slow, gentle, soft (of wind, gait or other movement; of sound or speech); modest, self-controlled | laun [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 69 | ||||||
alub | put in the fire, heat | 放進火裏,加熱 | alub [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 70 | |||||
a-lumpat | leaping | 跳躍 | lumpat [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 71 | |||||
a-lumut-lumut | mossy | 苔蘚 | lumut-lumut [PMP] | lumut | Zoetmulder 1982 | 72 | ||||
a-ma-kan-i | to feed, give someone something to eat | 喂,給人吃的 | ma-kaen [PAN] | kaen | Zoetmulder 1982 | 73 | ||||
a-manḍəŋ | to look hard, gaze, stare at, fix with one’s eyes; (in battle) to look someone defiantly in the eye | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 74 | ||||||
a-manis | sweet, gentle, kind, lovely | 甜美,溫柔,善良,可愛 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 75 | |||||
a-ma-ŋan-i | to hurt, wound | 傷害 | ma-ŋaen [PMP] | kaen | Zoetmulder 1982 | 76 | ||||
a-maŋku | to hold or receive on the lap; to carry in both hands or arms in front of the chest | 抱在膝上;雙手或雙臂放在胸前 | paŋku [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 77 | |||||
a-maŋun | to shape, form, build, compose, bring into existence, cause, perform | 塑造、形成、建造、組合、產生、引起、表演 | maŋ-baŋun [PWMP] | baŋuN | Zoetmulder 1982 | 78 | ||||
a-mati mati | kill (in general, not in a particular case), commit the crime of killing | 殺人(一般來說,不是特殊情況),犯殺人罪 | m-atay m-atay [PMP] | aCay | Zoetmulder 1982 | 79 | ||||
a-mayaŋ | in blossom | 百花齊放 | mayaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 80 | |||||
a-mayuŋ | like a parasol | 像一把陽傘 | payuŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 81 | |||||
ambet | to lash | 鞭打 | ambet [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 82 | |||||
ambun | cloud (or mist?) | 雲(還是霧?) | ambun [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 83 | |||||
ambun | cloud (or mist?) | 雲(還是霧?) | Rabun [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 84 | |||||
a-mebed, am-bebed | tie, bind, bandage, entwine | 綁,綁,繃帶,纏 | maŋ-bejbej [PWMP] | bejbej | Zoetmulder 1982 | 85 | ||||
a-məcut | to whip, wield a whip | 鞭打,揮舞鞭子 | pecut [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 86 | |||||
a-məcut | to whip, wield a whip | 鞭打,揮舞鞭子 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 87 | |||||
a-melar-aken | to spread out, open | 展開,打開 | maŋ-bekelaj [PWMP] | bekelaj | Zoetmulder 1982 | 88 | ||||
a-mener-mener | go straight | 直走 | bener [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 89 | |||||
a-mentuk | to form, make, build | 形成、製造、建造 | bentuk [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 90 | |||||
a-menuh-i | to fill, make complete | 填滿,完成 | maŋ-penuq [PWMP] | peNuq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 91 | ||||
a-məpər | to urge, press, push; to be insistent (in questioning), press for further particulars | 催促,催促,催促 | perper₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 92 | |||||
a-meteŋ | become or be pregnant | 懷孕 | beteŋ₂ [PWMP] | beteŋ₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 93 | ||||
a-mətəŋ | to darken, blind, obscure | 使黑暗、盲目、朦朧 | peteŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 94 | |||||
a-mijət | to press with the fingers, squeeze, crush, knead, massage | 用手指按壓、擠壓、揉搓、按摩 | pizet [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 95 | |||||
a-mikul | to carry over the shoulder, carry with a carrying pole | 扛在肩上,用扁擔扛 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 96 | |||||
a-milaŋ | count, enumerate, calculate, consider one by one, take into account, consider | 數,數,算,逐項考慮,考慮,考慮 | maŋ-bilaŋ [PWMP] | bilaŋ₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 97 | ||||
a-milih | to choose, make a choice from (well-considered, not at random), select, give one’s preference to | piliq [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 98 | ||||||
a-minta | to ask for, beg for | 求,求 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 99 | |||||
a-mintur | to fish with a #bintur | 用魚叉釣魚 | bintur [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 100 | |||||
a-miŋkuk | to bend, curve (river) | 彎曲,彎曲(河流) | biŋkuk [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 101 | |||||
ami-ro | do something twice | 做某事兩次 | duha [PMP] | duSa | Zoetmulder 1982 | 102 | ||||
ami-rwa | second cousin | 二姐 | duha [PMP] | duSa | Zoetmulder 1982 | 103 | ||||
a-miṣa | be powerful?, be poisonous? | 強大嗎?,有毒嗎? | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 104 | |||||
a-misah | to isolate oneself, withdraw | 孤立自己,撤退 | pisaq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 105 | |||||
a-misan | (to do something or to be done) in one act, at the same time, completely (not by halves, definitely) | pisan [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 106 | ||||||
a-misik-i, w-in-isik-an | whisper to someone, give secret instruction | 對某人耳語,給秘密的訓示 | bisik₃ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 107 | |||||
a-monḍok | to erect a temporary shelter, to camp | 搭建臨時避難所 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 108 | |||||
ampal | a particular kind of beetle | 一種特殊的甲蟲 | ampal [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 109 | |||||
ampun | show mercy toward, receive with favor | 施捨,受惠 | ampun [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 110 | |||||
a-muji | to extol, praise | 讚美 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 111 | |||||
a-mujuk-mujuk-i | try to persuade, cajole | 勸說,哄騙 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 112 | |||||
a-mukət | to fish with a dragnet or seine; to catch (in a net), entrap, entangle, enmesh | 用拖網或圍網捕魚;用網捕魚 | ma-muket [PWMP] | puket₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 113 | ||||
a-mukti | to enjoy, savor, taste (also said of unpleasant things), have to suffer or endure | 享受、品嘗、品嘗(也指不愉快的事物),必須忍受或忍受 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 114 | |||||
a-mukul | to beat (with a hammer); to play a percussion instrument | 敲擊(用錘子);演奏打擊樂器 | pukul₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 115 | |||||
a-mukut-mukut-i | to bend over? | 彎腰? | bukut [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 116 | |||||
a-muluh | like bamboo, like a bamboo vessel | 像竹子,像竹器 | buluq₂ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 117 | |||||
a-muni | hide, keep secret | 藏起來,保守秘密 | buni₁ [PMP] | buNi | Zoetmulder 1982 | 118 | ||||
a-muni | to hide, keep secet | 躲起來,保持安全 | maŋ-buni [PWMP] | buNi | Zoetmulder 1982 | 119 | ||||
a-munuh | slaughter, kill, put an end to, slay | 殺戮,殺戮,結束,殺戮 | maŋ-bunuq [PWMP] | buNuq₂ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 120 | ||||
a-muŋar-i | be the first in doing something, enjoy something in its prime, break fresh ground, taste the first fruits | buŋaR [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 121 | ||||||
a-murah | cheap, copious | 物美價廉 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 122 | |||||
a-muta-muta-ni | to blindfold; turn a blind eye | 蒙上眼睛 | maŋ-buta [PWMP] | buCa | Zoetmulder 1982 | 123 | ||||
a-mutər | to turn, rotate, spin; to churn, to produce as if by churning; to meditate in order to bring forth the deity; “to make go round”’ | puteR [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 124 | ||||||
a-mwat toh | to gamble | 賭博 | taRuq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 125 | |||||
anak | child; smaller of two things (as a small mountain at the foot of a bigger one) | 孩子;兩樣東西中較小的(如大山腳下的小山) | anak [PMP] | aNak | Zoetmulder 1982 | 126 | ||||
anak anak | give birth to a child (calve, etc.); consider as one's child | 生孩子(小牛等);認為是自己的孩子 | anak anak [PWMP] | aNak | Zoetmulder 1982 | 127 | ||||
anak anak-an | doll or anything (which is treated and fondled) like a baby | 洋娃娃或任何像嬰兒一樣的東西 | anak anak-an [PWMP] | aNak | Zoetmulder 1982 | 128 | ||||
anak anak-(an) | pupil of the eye | 瞳孔 | anak anak-an [PWMP] | aNak | Zoetmulder 1982 | 129 | ||||
anak-ḍara | maid, virgin | 女僕,處女 | anak daRa [PWMP] | aNak | Zoetmulder 1982 | 130 | ||||
anak wanwa | person belonging to the #wanwa-community | wanwa社區成員 | anak i banua [PMP] | aNak | Zoetmulder 1982 | 131 | ||||
anak wesi | servant, attendant, constant companion | 僕人,侍者,常客 | anak i qaRta [PMP] | aNak | Zoetmulder 1982 | 132 | ||||
a-nalin | to change | 改變 | salin [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 133 | |||||
a-nambut | to seize, grasp, fetch, take up; take up (words), receive, continue, reply | 抓住,抓住,抓住,抓住 | sambut₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 134 | |||||
a-namir | to put on a scarf? | 戴上圍巾? | samir [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 135 | |||||
a-naŋguŋ | to carry, bear | 扛,熊 | taŋguŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 136 | |||||
a-naŋis | to weep, cry | 哭泣,哭泣 | ma-naŋis [PMP] | Caŋis | Zoetmulder 1982 | 137 | ||||
a-naŋkəp | to close (fit) together | 合攏 | taŋkep [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 138 | |||||
a-napu | to sweep, sweep away, slash | 掃,掃,砍 | sapu [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 139 | |||||
a-napu-napu | to sweep, clean with a broom | 用掃帚清掃 | sapu [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 140 | |||||
a-nasap | to level, raze to the ground | 平地,夷為平地 | ma-ñapsap [PWMP] | sapsap | Zoetmulder 1982 | 141 | ||||
a-natab | to knock on | 敲門 | tabtab₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 142 | |||||
a-na-tah | to shape with a punch | 打孔 | taRaq₁ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 143 | |||||
a-nawiŋ | to hide behind a wall (partition) in order to overhear or spy | 躲在牆(隔牆)後面偷聽或窺探 | tabiŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 144 | |||||
a-nawuŋ | to stage a cockfight | 鬥雞 | sabuŋ₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 145 | |||||
anawuŋ talun | live in the woods | 住在樹林裏 | talun₁ [PMP] | CaluN | Zoetmulder 1982 | 146 | ||||
aṇḍa | ladder | 梯子 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 147 | |||||
a-nəlat | to appear between something else | 出現在其他事物之間 | selat [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 148 | |||||
a-nəmbah | to worship, revere, pay respect to, pay homage to | 敬拜、崇敬、尊敬 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 149 | |||||
a-nəmbiŋ | to go to the side (bank, etc.) | 到一邊去(銀行等) | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 150 | |||||
a-nemer-i | to defile | 玷污 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 151 | |||||
a-nenun | to weave, intertwine | 編織 | tenun [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 152 | |||||
a-nəpak | to hit with the (flat) hand, smack; to hit (stamp) with the foot | 拍打用(平的)手拍打;用腳拍打 | tepak₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 153 | |||||
a-nəpi | simple, plain, unadorned | 簡單,樸素,樸素 | sepi [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 154 | |||||
a-nəpi-nəpi | to go to the side, lie close to the edge | 要走到一邊,靠近邊緣躺著 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 155 | |||||
a-nəsəl-i | to go in among or between | 介於兩者之間 | selsel₁ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 156 | |||||
a-nətək | to cut, cut up; to slash at | 割傷 | ma-nektek [PWMP] | tektek₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 157 | ||||
a-nilil | to take over, borrow, use for a time | 接管,借用,使用一段時間 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 158 | |||||
a-nimba | to draw water from; to draw something (from a well) | 從井裏取水 | timba [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 159 | |||||
a-nimbun | to heap up, pile up | 堆積,堆積 | timbun [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 160 | |||||
a-nimpaŋ | to deviate, deflect, leave the main road | 偏離,偏離,離開大路 | simpaŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 161 | |||||
a-ninḍi | to allude to, make allusions to, hint at, intimate | 暗示,暗示 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 162 | |||||
a-nipat-akən | to give the right direction to; to follow the direction of | 給…指明正確的方向 | sipat [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 163 | |||||
a-nipis | thin, weak; lithe, lissom, supple | 瘦弱;柔軟 | nipis [PMP] | Nipis | Zoetmulder 1982 | 164 | ||||
a-niram | to wash, shower, bathe, water, (be)sprinkle | 洗、淋浴、洗澡、灑水 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 165 | |||||
a-nisih | to be on the side, to be on one side, to go to the side (to one side), to lean to the side | 側身,側身,側身,側身 | sisiq₁ [PWMP] | sisiq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 166 | ||||
a-nisih-i | to share | 分享 | sisiq₁ [PWMP] | sisiq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 167 | ||||
a-nisik | to peck, scratch | 啄、抓 | ma-ñiksik [PWMP] | siksik₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 168 | ||||
a-nisik-i | to delouse | 清除 | ma-ñiksik [PWMP] | siksik₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 169 | ||||
a-noŋ | to seek cover under | 在下面尋找掩護 | saeŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 170 | |||||
anteŋ | quiet, calm, working steadily | 安靜,冷靜,工作穩定 | anteŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 171 | |||||
anti | wait, stay, remain, live, wait for, expect | 等等,留下,留下,活著,等待,期待 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 172 | |||||
antih-antih-an | spider-web | 蜘蛛網 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 173 | |||||
a-nu | someone (something, somewhere) or other, So-and-So, What's the name, you-know-who (-what, -where) | a-nu [PMP] | -nu₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 174 | |||||
a-nudiŋ-i | to point the finger at (esp. with the left hand in challenging) | 指(尤指用左手挑戰) | tudiŋ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 175 | |||||
a-nuduh | to point at, point out, indicate, show, guide; to order, instruct, appoint, designate | 指點、指出、訓示、展示、引導;命令、訓示、指定、指定 | ma-nuzuq [PWMP] | tuzuq₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 176 | ||||
a-nuhun, s-um-uhun | to carry on the head; to take or receive on the head; to raise over the head; to pay homage, accept respectfully, act respectfully | suquN [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 177 | ||||||
a-nuji | like a quill | 像羽毛筆 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 178 | |||||
a-nukər | to hinder, repel, resist | 阻礙、排斥、抵抗 | suker [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 179 | |||||
a-nulam | to embroider | 刺繡 | sulam [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 180 | |||||
a-nuligi | to throw the #suligi | 扔蘇利吉 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 181 | |||||
a-nuligi | to throw the #suligi | 扔蘇利吉 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 182 | |||||
a-nuliŋ | to play the flute | 吹長笛 | suliŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 183 | |||||
a-nulis | to draw on, paint on, write on | 畫畫,畫畫,寫字 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 184 | |||||
a-numbak | to spear, stab | 刺 | tumbak [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 185 | |||||
a-numpah | to enounce (launch) an imprecation against | 向…注資 | sumpaq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 186 | |||||
a-nuntun | to lead, guide, conduct | 領導、引導、引導 | tuntun [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 187 | |||||
a-nu-ŋ | something that ... In practice it is comparable to #ikaŋ: who, which; or #(a)siŋ: whoever, whatever | a-nu [PMP] | -nu₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 188 | |||||
a-nuŋkal | to force open by shoving something in (?) | 把某物推進去強行打開?) | suŋkal [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 189 | |||||
a-nurak | to receive with shouts, shout at, urge with shouts; jeer at | 以喊聲接受,以喊聲喊叫,以喊聲催促;嘲笑 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 190 | |||||
a-nurat | to draw on, write on, write (a letter) | 畫,寫,寫(一封信) | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 191 | |||||
a-nuru-nurū | to put to sleep, sing to sleep, sing a lullaby to | 入睡,歌唱入睡,唱搖籃曲 | tuduR [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 192 | |||||
a-nuruŋ | to push, shove forward, press | 向前推,向前推,按 | suruŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 193 | |||||
a-nusah | to disturb, confuse, stir up, rouse, move | 擾亂、迷惑、煽動、喚醒、移動 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 194 | |||||
a-nusul | to follow after, catch up with | 緊跟其後 | sulsul₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 195 | |||||
a-nusu-nusu | to hurry on, push on | 快點,繼續 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 196 | |||||
a-nutur | to remember, keep in mind, realize | 記住,記住,意識到 | tutur₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 197 | |||||
anūt wuri | follow behind, from behind | 跟在後面,從後面 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 198 | |||||
anyaya | unjust action, the wrong way of acting; impropriety | 不正當行為,錯誤的行為管道;不正當行為 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 199 | |||||
aŋ-adu | put face-to-face, bring into contact, make clash, have fight, pit against; to vie in, measure | 面對面、接觸、碰撞、打架、鬥毆;爭強好勝 | maŋ-adu [PWMP] | adu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 200 | ||||
aŋ-adu-adu | incite | 煽動 | maŋ-adu [PWMP] | adu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 201 | ||||
aŋ-agem | hold (in one’s hand), grasp, hold firmly | 抓住(手),抓住 | maŋ-Ragem [PWMP] | Ragem | Zoetmulder 1982 | 202 | ||||
aŋ-aku | make something one's own, to appropriate; relate to someone; take possession of, master; regard as one's own, acknowledge, confess to, admit; claim (as one's own), be sure of, depend on, answer for, guarantee, declare that one is able to (often boastfully) | maŋ-aku [PWMP] | aku | Zoetmulder 1982 | 203 | |||||
aŋ-alap | take, fetch, carry off, steal, seize, win | 帶走,帶走,帶走,偷走,抓住,贏 | maŋ-alap [PWMP] | alap | Zoetmulder 1982 | 204 | ||||
aŋ-alun | to undulate, billow; (of sound) to resound, swell (or "like the surf"?); also: like waves, i.e. in rows (stripes, layers), row upon row | maŋ-qalun [PWMP] | qalun | Zoetmulder 1982 | 205 | |||||
aŋ-ampun-i | show mercy toward, receive with favor | 施捨,受惠 | maŋ-ampun-i [PWMP] | ampun | Zoetmulder 1982 | 206 | ||||
aŋ-antelu | lay or sit on eggs | 產卵或坐卵 | maŋ-qateluR [PWMP] | qateluR | Zoetmulder 1982 | 207 | ||||
aŋ-antih | to spin | 旋轉 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 208 | |||||
aŋ-a-nu | do something or other, do you-know-what | 做點什麼,你知道嗎 | a-nu [PMP] | -nu₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 209 | ||||
aŋ-anu | do something or other, do you-know-what | 做點什麼,你知道嗎 | maŋ-anu [PWMP] | -nu₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 210 | ||||
aŋaŋ | wide open, gaping | 敞開著,張開著 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 211 | |||||
aŋ-aŋkat-aŋkat | lift, elevate; send off, make depart; take up one's belongings (weapons, baggage) in order to depart | maŋ-aŋkat-aŋkat [PWMP] | aŋkat | Zoetmulder 1982 | 212 | |||||
aŋap | gaping | 張口 | qaŋap [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 213 | |||||
aŋ-apa | in what way? how? | 以什麼管道?怎樣? | maŋ-apa [PWMP] | apa₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 214 | ||||
aŋ-api | purify by fire | 用火淨化 | maŋ-hapuy [PWMP] | Sapuy | Zoetmulder 1982 | 215 | ||||
aŋ-apit | enclose on both sides, flank; grip, clamp | 兩邊、側面封閉;夾鉗、夾子 | maŋ-hapit [PWMP] | Sapit | Zoetmulder 1982 | 216 | ||||
a-ŋapuk | like kapok | 像木棉 | kapuk [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 217 | |||||
aŋ-apus | to bind, ensnare; to bind together | 捆綁 | Rapus [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 218 | |||||
aŋ-apuy | be on fire, to flame, blaze; set on fire, inflame, burn | 生起火來,點著,點著;生起火來,點著,點著 | maŋ-hapuy [PWMP] | Sapuy | Zoetmulder 1982 | 219 | ||||
aŋ-apuy-i | set fire to; inflame, rouse to anger | 縱火 | maŋ-hapuy-i [PWMP] | Sapuy | Zoetmulder 1982 | 220 | ||||
aŋ-asah | file, grind, scour | 銼、磨、擦 | maŋ-hasaq [PWMP] | Sasaq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 221 | ||||
aŋ-asta | to hold in one’s hands, govern | 掌權 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 222 | |||||
aŋ-asu | low, vile ('like a dog') | 卑鄙的,卑鄙的(像狗一樣) | asu₁ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 223 | |||||
aŋ-ater | accompany, escort, take someone somewhere; bring, carry | 陪同,護送,帶某人去某處;帶,帶 | maŋ-hateD [PWMP] | SateD | Zoetmulder 1982 | 224 | ||||
aŋ-ati | pay attention to, bear in mind | 注意,記住 | qatay [PMP] | qaCay | Zoetmulder 1982 | 225 | ||||
aŋ-atus-i | in hundreds | 成百上千 | Ratus [PMP] | RaCus | Zoetmulder 1982 | 226 | ||||
a-ŋawit | to hook, catch, join by hooking on | 鉤住 | ma-ŋawit [PWMP] | kawit | Zoetmulder 1982 | 227 | ||||
aŋ-ayam-i | give a cock-fight | 鬥雞 | qayam₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 228 | |||||
aŋ-dudut | pull | 拉 | dutdut [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 229 | |||||
aŋ-ḍuḍut | tear out | 撕掉 | dutdut [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 230 | |||||
a-ŋəkəp-i | to embrace, to lock in one’s arms | 擁抱,擁抱 | kepkep [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 231 | |||||
aŋ-embek-embek | stifle one's sobs | 忍住哭泣 | he(m)bek [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 232 | |||||
aŋ-empan-i | to light, start a fire | 點火,生火 | epan [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 233 | |||||
aŋen-aŋen | thoughts, considerations, reflections; the seat of the thoughts, intellect, mind, heart, spirit | 思想、考慮、思考;思想、智力、頭腦、心靈、精神的所在地 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 234 | |||||
aŋ-entut | to fart, break wind | 放屁,吹風 | maŋ-qetut [PWMP] | qetut | Zoetmulder 1982 | 235 | ||||
aŋ-garit | to scratch, graze | 抓撓 | garit [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 236 | |||||
aŋ-gərəŋ | to growl, snarl | 咆哮 | 偶然性 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 237 | |||||
aŋ-gətəl | to pinch | 捏 | getel [PMP] | geCel | Zoetmulder 1982 | 238 | ||||
aŋ-gigir-gigir | to give a fright, startle | 驚嚇 | gigir [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 239 | |||||
aŋ-gugut | to bite, nip | 咬,咬 | gutgut₁ [PMP] | gutgut | Zoetmulder 1982 | 240 | ||||
aŋ-gurit | to scratch, write on; to make into a poem | 劃,寫;寫成詩 | gurit [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 241 | |||||
aŋ-halaŋ-i | to obstruct, hinder | 阻礙 | qalaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 242 | |||||
aŋ-hawu | become ashes | 化為灰燼 | maŋ-qabu [PWMP] | qabu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 243 | ||||
aŋ-hudan | like rain; walk through the rain | 雨中漫步 | maŋ-quzan [PWMP] | quzaN | Zoetmulder 1982 | 244 | ||||
aŋ-hudan-i | to rain on, shower with | 下雨,淋浴 | quzan-i [PMP] | quzaN | Zoetmulder 1982 | 245 | ||||
aŋ-huyaŋ-huyaŋ-an | toss and turn feverishly | 翻來覆去 | huyaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 246 | |||||
a-ŋikik-an | shouting with jeering laughter | 大笑著喊叫 | kikik [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 247 | |||||
aŋ-ikū | to follow | 跟隨 | ikuR [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 248 | |||||
aŋ-isep | to suck, suck in, suck out, suck up, absorb, inhale | 吸,吸,吸,吸,吸,吸 | maŋ-qisep [PWMP] | qisep | Zoetmulder 1982 | 249 | ||||
a-ŋiwa | to go to the left | 向左走 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 250 | |||||
aŋkat | departure, getting up | 出發,起床 | aŋkat [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 251 | |||||
aŋkep | embrace tightly | 緊緊擁抱 | hakep [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 252 | |||||
aŋkik | panting, gasping | 喘氣 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 253 | |||||
aŋkup | pincers or tongs | 鉗子或鉗子 | aŋkup₁ [PMP] | aŋkup | Zoetmulder 1982 | 254 | ||||
aŋ-laki-laki | making a virile appearance, plucky | 有男子氣概,勇敢 | laki₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 255 | |||||
aŋ-lampit | to carry the #lampit | 拿著燈 | lampit [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 256 | |||||
aŋ-ləŋgak | to fall over backwards | 向後倒 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 257 | |||||
aŋ-limpuŋ | like a spear (pointed) | 像矛(尖的) | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 258 | |||||
aŋ-liput | to envelop, enwrap, engulf, enfold, cover, surround | 包、裹、吞沒、包、蓋、圍 | liput₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 259 | |||||
aŋ-lukat | to free, release, deliver (from sin, etc.) | 釋放,釋放,釋放 | lukat₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 260 | |||||
aŋ-lumpat-i | to leap on, leap over | 跳,跳 | lumpat [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 261 | |||||
aŋ-lumpuh-i | to paralyze, rob of strength | 麻痹,剝奪力量 | lumpuq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 262 | |||||
aŋ-luwaŋ | hollow | 空洞的 | lubaŋ₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 263 | |||||
aŋ-rah-i | to inflict a bleeding wound | 造成流血的傷口 | daRaq [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 264 | |||||
aŋ-rapət | to take up positions (closely) side by side | 並排 | dapet [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 265 | |||||
aŋ-ro | to share (among two?) | 分享?) | duha [PMP] | duSa | Zoetmulder 1982 | 266 | ||||
aŋ-rwa-rwa | to be double, divided, ambiguous | 雙重、分裂、模棱兩可 | duha [PMP] | duSa | Zoetmulder 1982 | 267 | ||||
aŋsu | draw or scoop water | 取水或舀水 | asu₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 268 | |||||
aŋsu | draw or scoop water | 取水或舀水 | qasu₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 269 | |||||
aŋ-ulih-i | go home or come back to | 回家或回到 | maŋ-uliq [PWMP] | uliq₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 270 | ||||
aŋ-ulur | loosen, release; lower on a rope; let go | 鬆開;放在繩子上;放開 | maŋ-huluR [PWMP] | SuluR | Zoetmulder 1982 | 271 | ||||
a-ŋumpul | to gather (something) | 收集(某物) | kumpul [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 272 | |||||
aŋ-upah | pay a wage, give a reward | 發薪水,獎勵 | maŋ-upaq [PWMP] | upaq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 273 | ||||
aŋ-usī | go to, go in the direction of, take refuge with, try to reach or obtain, strive after, attack, assail, pursue | maŋ-usiR [PWMP] | qusiR | Zoetmulder 1982 | 274 | |||||
aŋ-yaŋ | worship as a god; implore, beg, pray | 像上帝一樣敬拜;祈求、乞求、祈禱 | qiaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 275 | |||||
apa | what? (interrogative pronoun); also simply to introduce a question | 什麼?(疑問代詞);也可以簡單地提出問題 | apa₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 276 | |||||
a-pahit | bitter | 苦的 | ma-paqit [PMP] | paqiC | Zoetmulder 1982 | 277 | ||||
a-panḍəŋ-an | to stare each other in the eye | 對視 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 278 | |||||
a-papan | using a shield, bearing a shield | 用盾牌,拿盾牌 | papan [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 279 | |||||
a-pasaŋ-pasaŋ-an | arm in arm | 手挽手 | pasaŋ₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 280 | |||||
a-payuŋ | with a parasol | 用陽傘 | payuŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 281 | |||||
a-pikat | to catch birds, using a decoy | 用誘餌抓鳥 | pikat [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 282 | |||||
a-pilih | having one’s preferences, particular in the choice of | 有自己的喜好,特別是在選擇 | ma-piliq [PMP] | piliq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 283 | ||||
api lupa | pretending not to know | 假裝不知道 | lupa [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 284 | |||||
a-pinta | to have a request, ask for | 請求 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 285 | |||||
a-pisah | to separate, part; to be separated, parted | 分開,分開;分開 | pisaq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 286 | |||||
a-pisan | to be one, united, joined | 團結一致 | pisan [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 287 | |||||
a-pisan | to be one, to be united, joined; in one act, in one go | 團結一致;一舉一動 | pisan [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 288 | |||||
apon | lime (constituent of betel quid) | 石灰(檳榔汁的成分) | qapuR-an [PWMP] | qapuR | Zoetmulder 1982 | 289 | ||||
a-pukul | beating, knocking (against each other); playing a percussion instrument | (互相)敲擊;演奏打擊樂器 | pukul₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 290 | |||||
a-pupuh | to come to blows | 打起來 | puqpuq₃ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 291 | |||||
a-pupur | wearing powder, powdered | 粉末狀,粉末狀 | purpur [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 292 | |||||
apus-an | bond, fetter | 束縛 | Rapus [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 293 | |||||
apus-apus | bond, band, fillet, noose; ensnaring, trap, trick, deceit | 捆綁,捆綁,魚片,套索;圈套,陷阱,詭計,欺騙 | Rapus [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 294 | |||||
a-pusuh | to die (close like a flower?) | 死(像花一樣閉上?) | pusuq₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 295 | |||||
a-putih | white | 白色 | putiq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 296 | |||||
apuy, apwi | fire | 火 | hapuy [PMP] | Sapuy | Zoetmulder 1982 | 297 | ||||
arah | exact position or direction | 準確的位置或方向 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 298 | |||||
arak | arrack, a distilled alcoholic liquor | 蒸餾酒 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 299 | |||||
aran | name | 名稱 | ajan [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 300 | |||||
a-rara | having an unmarried daughter or sister | 有未婚的女兒或妹妹 | daRa₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 301 | |||||
a-rəbut | to contend for, fight for, strive to be the first in getting something | 爭先恐後 | rebut [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 302 | |||||
arek | kiss | 吻 | hajek [PMP] | Sajek | Zoetmulder 1982 | 303 | ||||
a-ro-rwa-n | together with | 一起 | duha [PMP] | duSa | Zoetmulder 1982 | 304 | ||||
artha | aim, purpose; advantage, utility; object of the senses; substance, wealth, money | 目的,目的;優勢,效用;感官對象;物質,財富,金錢 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 305 | |||||
a-sabuk | to wear a sash | 戴腰帶 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 306 | |||||
asah | file, grind, scour | 銼、磨、擦 | hasaq [PMP] | Sasaq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 307 | ||||
asah-an | grindings | 磨光 | hasaq-an [PMP] | Sasaq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 308 | ||||
a-sakit | in pain, ill, hurt, wounded | 痛苦、生病、受傷、受傷 | ma-sakit [PMP] | sakit | Zoetmulder 1982 | 309 | ||||
a-salin | to change | 改變 | salin [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 310 | |||||
a-s〈al〉isib-an | to go (attack, etc.) in all directions (hither and thither)? | 向四面八方(四處)進攻? | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 311 | |||||
a-samir | with a curtain or cloth cover | 有窗簾或布罩的 | samir [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 312 | |||||
asana | a tree: Terminalia tomentosa, with deep golden, fragrant flowers; it plays a prominent role in descriptions in #kakawins | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 313 | ||||||
a-sawah-sawah | to work in the #sawah, grow irrigated rice | 在沙瓦工作,種植灌溉水稻 | sabaq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 314 | |||||
a-sawur-an | scattering, dispersing, raining | 分散、分散、下雨 | saq(e)buR [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 315 | |||||
a-səḍəp | pleasant, agreeable; pleasing, kind | 討人喜歡的;討人喜歡的 | sedep₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 316 | |||||
a-səlat | with space in between, interspersed | 中間有空隙 | selat [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 317 | |||||
a-sənəŋ | to have a loved one; toward the loved one | 擁有一個所愛的人;向著所愛的人 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 318 | |||||
asep | incense | 熏香 | asep [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 319 | |||||
asep | incense | 熏香 | qasep [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 320 | |||||
a-sepak | to kick (esp. with the hind legs, of a horse) | 踢(尤指用後腿踢) | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 321 | |||||
a-səpi | deserted, empty, still, lonely, dismal, forlorn, bereft | 荒蕪、空虛、寂靜、孤獨、淒涼、淒涼、喪失 | sepi [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 322 | |||||
asih | love, affection, loving kindness, sympathy, benevolence, favor | 愛,愛,仁愛,同情,仁愛,恩惠 | qasiq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 323 | |||||
a-simpən | brought together in a limited space, grouped together, compressed, in a limited number, containing the basic essential; put away, hidden | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 324 | ||||||
a-sinaŋ | radiant, shining, brilliant, bright | 光彩奪目 | sinaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 325 | |||||
a-sisik | with scales | 帶刻度 | siksik₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 326 | |||||
a-soŋ | having as cover, covered by, in the shadow of, overshadowed by; also of feelings of sadness, etc. which are carried along like a #soŋ | saeŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 327 | ||||||
a-soŋ-soŋ | with a parasol (cover) of | 帶著陽傘 | saeŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 328 | |||||
as-si-simpən | to put away, hide | 藏起來,藏起來 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 329 | |||||
asu | dog, hound | 狗,狗 | asu₁ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 330 | |||||
a-suliŋ | to play the flute; flute player | 吹長笛;長笛手 | suliŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 331 | |||||
a-sulit(-sulit) | troublesome, hard to get out of | 麻煩,很難擺脫 | sulit₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 332 | |||||
a-sumpiŋ | to wear a #sumpiŋ | 穿相撲 | sumpiŋ₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 333 | |||||
a-surak | to shout, cry, roar | 喊,哭,吼 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 334 | |||||
a- suruŋ | at close quarters (pushing each other) | 近距離(相互推動) | suruŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 335 | |||||
a-susu | with breasts | 有乳房 | susu₁ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 336 | |||||
a-suwəŋ | wearing a #suwəŋ | 穿著一件suw | subeŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 337 | |||||
a-taŋgul | to parry, fend off | 招架,擋開 | taŋgul [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 338 | |||||
a-taŋis | tearful; addressing (imploring, etc.) with tears | 含淚的;含淚的稱呼(懇求等) | taŋis [PMP] | Caŋis | Zoetmulder 1982 | 339 | ||||
a-taŋkəp | closing together | 緊密相連 | taŋkep [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 340 | |||||
a-tarima | to accept, receive gratefully, be grateful | 接受、感激、感激 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 341 | |||||
a-tatā | well-ordered, well-arranged, in the correct position | 井然有序,井然有序,位置正確 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 342 | |||||
a-tӧb | thick, luxuriant (hair, foliage, fruits, rain) | 濃密、繁茂(頭髮、樹葉、水果、雨水) | teReb [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 343 | |||||
a-təpak jaja | to beat one’s breast | 捶胸頓足 | tepak₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 344 | |||||
ater | accompany, escort, take someone somewhere; bring, carry | 陪同,護送,帶某人去某處;帶,帶 | hateD [PMP] | SateD | Zoetmulder 1982 | 345 | ||||
athawa | or (between both parts, or after the second part); and also | 或(在兩部分之間,或在第二部分之後);以及 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 346 | |||||
ati-ati | give one's full (undivided) attention | 全神貫注 | hatay [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 347 | |||||
ati-ati | give one's full (undivided) attention | 全神貫注 | qatay [PMP] | qaCay | Zoetmulder 1982 | 348 | ||||
a-tilik | to visit, go and see how someone is getting on | 去拜訪,看看有人怎麼樣 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 349 | |||||
a-timbun | heaped up, piled up | 堆起來,堆起來 | timbun [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 350 | |||||
a-tuduh | to give directions, give guidance, point out, give orders | 指點、指點、命令 | tuzuq₂ [PMP] | Cuzuq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 351 | ||||
a-tuha | old, elder, eldest, senior; “old at”, consummate, accomplished, experienced | 年老的,年長的,年長的,年長的;“年老的”,完美的,有成就的,有經驗的 | tuqah [PMP] | tuqaS | Zoetmulder 1982 | 352 | ||||
a-tuha-tuha | old, elder, senior | 老人,老人,老人 | ma-tuqaS tuqaS [PAN] | tuqaS | Zoetmulder 1982 | 353 | ||||
a-tukup | to cover (with the hands) | 覆蓋(用手) | tuŋkup [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 354 | |||||
a-tumpaŋ | in layers or tiers | 分層的 | tumpaŋ₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 355 | |||||
a-tumpuk | piled up, heaped up, crowding together | 堆起來,堆起來,擠在一起 | tumpuk [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 356 | |||||
a-tuntun | joined together in a row | 連成一排 | tuntun [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 357 | |||||
a-tunu | on fire, ablaze; seek death by fire, throw oneself into the fire | 在火上,燃燒;在火中尋求死亡,投入火中 | tunu [PMP] | CuNuh | Zoetmulder 1982 | 358 | ||||
a-turu-turū | to have a sleep, take a nap | 睡覺,小睡 | tuduR [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 359 | |||||
atus | hundred | 一百 | Ratus [PMP] | RaCus | Zoetmulder 1982 | 360 | ||||
a-twas | hard | 堅硬的 | teRas [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 361 | |||||
awak | body, embodiment, self, own self, own (special) form of being, nature, kind | 身體,化身,自我,自我,存在的(特殊的)形式,自然,善良 | hawak [PMP] | Sawak | Zoetmulder 1982 | 362 | ||||
awaŋ-awaŋ | sky, air | 天空,空氣 | awaŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 363 | |||||
a-wates | bordered by, bordering on | 邊界,邊界 | bates [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 364 | |||||
a-watu | having as rocks | 像石頭一樣 | ma-batu [PWMP] | batux | Zoetmulder 1982 | 365 | ||||
a-watuk | to cough | 咳嗽 | batuk₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 366 | |||||
away | beckon, wave (to) | 招手,揮手 | ambay [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 367 | |||||
away | beckon, wave to; signal (beckon) to come closer | 招手 | away₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 368 | |||||
a-welar | broad, widely spread, extensive | 廣泛的,廣泛的,廣泛的 | ma-bekelaj [PWMP] | bekelaj | Zoetmulder 1982 | 369 | ||||
a-weli | to buy things, buying (in general) | 買東西,買(一般) | beli [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 370 | |||||
a-weluk-weluk | billowing | 滾滾 | beluk [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 371 | |||||
a-wetu | bring forth, having as product or result, express itself in | 產生,作為產品或結果,在 | betu [PMP] | betu₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 372 | ||||
a-wicāra | to discuss, talk about, have a talk | 討論,談論,談論 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 373 | |||||
a-wiḍaŋ | broad | 寬闊的 | bidaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 374 | |||||
a-wiṣa | poisonous | 有毒的 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 375 | |||||
a-wisik-wisik | to whisper | bisik bisik [PWMP] | bisik₃ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 376 | |||||
awu-hawu-n-en | reduced to ashes? in a state of decay? | 化為灰燼?處於衰敗狀態? | qabu-en [PWMP] | qabu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 377 | ||||
a-wūk | decayed, decomposed, rotten, mouldered away | 腐爛、腐爛、腐爛、黴爛 | ma-buRuk [PMP] | buRuk | Zoetmulder 1982 | 378 | ||||
a-wukir | with mountains | 群山環繞 | bukij [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 379 | |||||
a-wulaŋ | to wear a #wulaŋ | 穿上烏拉 | bulaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 380 | |||||
a-wulu | with hair | 有頭髮的 | bulu₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 381 | |||||
awun-awun | fine rain, wet mist | 細雨,濕霧 | ambun [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 382 | |||||
a-wuni | have a secret; be secretive | 有秘密;秘密地 | buni₁ [PMP] | buNi | Zoetmulder 1982 | 383 | ||||
awuŋ | to howl (of dogs) | (指狗)嚎叫 | qauŋ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 384 | |||||
a-wuŋar-an | for the first time, still fresh? | 第一次,還新鮮嗎? | buŋaR-an [PWMP] | buŋaR | Zoetmulder 1982 | 385 | ||||
a-wuwur | scattered | 分散的 | bubud [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 386 | |||||
ayak | sieve | 篩子 | ayak₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 387 | |||||
ayam alas | wood fowl, jungle fowl | 叢林鳥 | qayam₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 388 | |||||
ayam talun | wood-fowl | 木雞 | talun₁ [PMP] | CaluN | Zoetmulder 1982 | 389 | ||||
babad | a clearing; to clear (a piece of forest) | 清除;清除(一片森林) | bajbaj [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 390 | |||||
babah | door, gate, entrance, opening, aperture | 門,門,入口,開口,開口 | baqbaq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 391 | |||||
babak | split open, laying bare, raw (wound), torn off | 裂開,裸露,生(傷),撕開 | bakbak₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 392 | |||||
babar | parted, scattered, rent asunder; to scatter, disperse | 分開,分散,分開;分散 | baRbaR [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 393 | |||||
babar | spread out, unfold, open (tr.), unfold, open (intr.) | 展開,展開,打開(tr.),展開,打開(intr.) | barbar [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 394 | |||||
babu | mother; older servant | 母親;年長的僕人 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 395 | |||||
bagus, wagus | handsomeness; handsome (of a man | 英俊的;英俊的 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 396 | |||||
baju, waju | jacket | 夾克 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 397 | |||||
bala(g)bag | stocks | 股票 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 398 | |||||
balakaŋ, walakaŋ | back | 後面 | balakaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 399 | |||||
balanak | a sea fish, the grey mullet | 海魚,青鯔魚 | balanak [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 400 | |||||
balaŋ | throw at, fling down | 扔,扔 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 401 | |||||
bali, wali | come back, return; once more | 回來,回來;再一次 | baliw₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 402 | |||||
balik | opposite, contrary; reverse | 相反的,相反的;相反的 | balik₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 403 | |||||
balisah | restless | 焦躁不安的 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 404 | |||||
baluk | kind of sailing boat? | 什麼帆船? | baluk₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 405 | |||||
bana | kind of tree (Barleria) with blue flowers | 一種開著藍色花朵的樹(■) | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 406 | |||||
bañak | goose | 鵝 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 407 | |||||
banawa | boat, ship | 船,船 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 408 | |||||
banawa | k.o. large double-hulled watercraft | k、o.大型雙殼船艇 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 409 | |||||
baṇḍuŋ | together, at the same time | 一起,同時 | banduŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 410 | |||||
bantal | cloth; a bundle of cloth (as a measure) | 布;一捆布(作為量度) | bantal [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 411 | |||||
banṭèŋ ~ banṭyaŋ | species of wild buffalo, Bos sundaicus | 野生水牛的種類,■ | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 412 | |||||
banteŋ ~bantyaŋ | a species of wild buffalo, Bos sundaicus | 一種野生水牛,■ | 偶然性 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 413 | |||||
bantiŋ ~ wantiŋ | to strike, give a violent blow to; dash to the ground | 猛擊,猛擊 | bantiŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 414 | |||||
bantiŋ ~ wantiŋ | to strike, give a violent blow to; dash to the ground | 猛擊,猛擊 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 415 | |||||
ban-u | water | 水 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 416 | |||||
bañu tawa | fresh (tasteless) water | 新鮮(無味)水 | tabaR [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 417 | |||||
banyaga | merchant, captain of a merchant-vessel; merchant-vessel; to trade | 商船的船長;商船;貿易 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 418 | |||||
baŋbaŋ | red | 紅色 | baŋbaŋ₈ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 419 | |||||
baŋgala | Bengal | 孟加拉 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 420 | |||||
bara-bara | all sorts of things | 各種各樣的事情 | bara₃ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 421 | |||||
barabas | streaming | 流動 | barasbas [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 422 | |||||
barabas | streaming | 流動 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 423 | |||||
baraŋ | anything which, whatever, just any(-body); just as it comes, just anyhow, indiscriminately, without further thought, without sufficient cause; at any time, continually | baraŋ₁ [PMP] | baraŋ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 424 | |||||
barat | strong wind, storm; west | 強風、風暴;西部 | habaRat [PMP] | SabaRat | Zoetmulder 1982 | 425 | ||||
baris | line, rank; various sorts of martial dances | 隊伍、等級;各種武術舞蹈 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 426 | |||||
barwaŋ, baroŋ | the Malayan honey bear: Ursus malayanus | 馬來蜜熊:馬來熊 | baRuaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 427 | |||||
basah | wet; decomposed, rotting | 濕的;腐爛的 | baseq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 428 | |||||
basah-an | lower garment; originally the piece of cloth that is not removed when bathing | 下衣;最初洗澡時不脫掉的一塊布 | baseq-an [PWMP] | baseq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 429 | ||||
batis | leg | 腿 | baties [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 430 | |||||
béa | expenses, contribution | 費用、貢獻 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 431 | |||||
bebak | scratched, grazed, abrased | 擦傷、擦傷、擦傷 | bebak₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 432 | |||||
bebed | a particular kind of big fish | 一種特殊的大魚 | bedbed [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 433 | |||||
bebed | band, tie, bandage, girdle, lower garment fastened round the middle | 帶子、領帶、繃帶、腰帶、系在中間的下裝 | bejbej₂ [PMP] | bejbej | Zoetmulder 1982 | 434 | ||||
bebek | grind, pulverize | 研磨,粉碎 | bekbek₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 435 | |||||
bébék | duck | 鴨子 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 436 | |||||
bebeŋ | blocked, held up | 堵塞,滯留 | beŋbeŋ [PWMP] | beŋbeŋ₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 437 | ||||
beḍil | firearm (old type); musket, matchlock, blunderbuss #am-bed.ilfire at | 槍械(老式);步槍、火柴鎖、大炮-床位.ilfire在 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 438 | |||||
bek | onomatopoetic particle (thumping sound) | 擬聲詞(重擊聲) | bek [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 439 | |||||
bekel | provisions (for a journey) | 供給(旅行) | bekel [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 440 | |||||
béla | lay down one's life, be prepared to die with another person, die for and with another person #b-in-élato die (sacrifice oneself) for someone #pa-bélaweapon (kris) which one plunges into oneself to become a #bela | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 441 | ||||||
belah | a cleft or crack; be split, cleft, rent | 裂縫;裂開 | belaq [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 442 | |||||
belah-an | division, separate part | 分割,分離部分 | belaq [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 443 | |||||
bélér | a particular kind of eye defect (?) | 一種特殊的眼睛缺陷?) | biliR [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 444 | |||||
benem | roast under hot ash; lay in ashes, burn down | 在熱灰燼下烤;化為灰燼,焚燒 | benem₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 445 | |||||
benem-an | food roasted under hot ash | 熱灰燼下烤的食物 | benem₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 446 | |||||
bener | straight, in the right direction, right, due (with points of the compass), used substantively and adjectivally | bener [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 447 | ||||||
bentuk | form, shape; auxiliary word for counting | 形狀 | bentuk [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 448 | |||||
beŋ | onomatopoetic particle: blow | 擬聲詞 | beŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 449 | |||||
beŋaŋ | gaping, open-mouthed | 張大嘴巴 | beŋaŋ₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 450 | |||||
besar | big | 大的 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 451 | |||||
beseh | swollen | 腫脹的 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 452 | |||||
besur | to have had enough of, tired of, weary, bored with | 受夠了,厭倦了,厭倦了,厭倦了 | besuR [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 453 | |||||
betah | tenacious, stubborn, persistent, tireless; possessing staying-power, endurance, tolerance, stamina | 頑強的,固執的,堅持不懈的,不知疲倦的;有持久力,耐力,容忍力,耐力 | betaq₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 454 | |||||
bha gya, bage | good fortune, luck; fortunate, lucky | 好運,好運;幸運,幸運 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 455 | |||||
bhaŋga | breaking or destroying the laws of #dharma (of social relations, etc.); arrogant, conceited, insolent, brutal, rude, reckless | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 456 | ||||||
bhukti | what is enjoyed; food | 享受的東西;食物 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 457 | |||||
bibi | mother; my dear, as form of address to a woman (wife, beloved, etc.) | 母親;親愛的,作為對一個女人(妻子、愛人等)的稱呼 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 458 | |||||
bibit | fishhook #a-mibitto fish (with a hook) | 魚鉤(帶魚鉤) | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 459 | |||||
biku, wiku | person who has a religious status or function, a person devoted to a religious life, holy man, sage; priest, monk, nun, ascetic, hermit | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 460 | ||||||
b-in-arut | swaddled | 繈褓 | barut [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 461 | |||||
b-in-ebed | was bound, tied by winding around | 被捆綁著,被纏繞著 | b〈in〉ejbej [PWMP] | bejbej | Zoetmulder 1982 | 462 | ||||
b-in-ebek | to grind, pulverize | 磨碎 | b〈in〉ekbek [PWMP] | bekbek₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 463 | ||||
b-in-ekel-an | give provisions | 給養 | bekel [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 464 | |||||
b-in-elah | (perfective) to split, cleave, rend | (完美的)分裂、劈開、撕裂 | b〈in〉elaq [PAN] | belaq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 465 | ||||
b-in-eŋaŋ | to open up (to provide space for a house, etc.) | 開放(為房子等提供空間) | beŋaŋ₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 466 | |||||
b-in-eŋkuŋ | to bend, divert | 彎曲,轉移 | beŋkuŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 467 | |||||
b-in-isa | skilled, skilful | 熟練,熟練 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 468 | |||||
bintur | a creel-trap to catch crabs | 捕螃蟹的河溝陷阱 | bintur [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 469 | |||||
b-in-uŋbuŋ-an | to contain in a bamboo cylinder | 裝在竹筒裏 | buŋbuŋ₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 470 | |||||
b-in-urit-burit | striped (as an animal) | 條紋的(作為動物) | burit₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 471 | |||||
b-in-uwaŋb-in-waŋ | be thrown away, flung away, thrown down, hurled about, carried off (wind), routed | 被拋棄,被拋棄,被拋棄,被投擲,被帶走(風),被擊潰 | b〈in〉uaŋ [PWMP] | buqaŋ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 472 | ||||
b-in-uyut | elder | 長者 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 473 | |||||
biŋkas | broken up, scattered | 破碎,分散 | biŋkas [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 474 | |||||
biŋuŋ | confused | 困惑的 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 475 | |||||
biŋuŋ | confused | 困惑的 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 476 | |||||
biru | blue (pale blue, greyish blue, greenish blue, turquoise?) | 藍色(淡藍色,灰藍色,綠藍色,綠松石色?) | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 477 | |||||
biṣa | venomous | 毒液的 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 478 | |||||
bisu | dumb, mute | 啞巴,啞巴 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 479 | |||||
bisu-bisu | keep mum | 保持沉默 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 480 | |||||
bok | onomatopoetic particle (falling down) | 擬聲詞(落下) | buk [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 481 | |||||
bokor | kind of bowl | 一種碗 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 482 | |||||
boŋoh | act foolishly | 愚蠢的行為 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 483 | |||||
brata hawuk | penance in ashes? | 在灰燼中懺悔? | qabuk [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 484 | |||||
buaŋ, bwaŋ | throwing away | 扔掉 | buqaŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 485 | |||||
bubar | scattered, dispersed, broken up | 分散,分散,分裂 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 486 | |||||
bubuk | kind of termite | 一種白蟻 | bukbuk₃ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 487 | |||||
bubul | split open (intr.); open, crack, burst | 裂開(內部);裂開,破裂 | bubul [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 488 | |||||
bu-burit saroya | some aquatic creature? | 一些水生生物? | burit₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 489 | |||||
buddhi | the power of forming and retaining general notions, intelligence, reason, mind, discernment; opinion, notion, idea; character, nature, disposition; intention, purpose | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 490 | ||||||
buddhi-mān | wise, perspicacious | 聰明,敏銳 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 491 | |||||
bugar | scattered, dispersed, broken up | 分散,分散,分裂 | bugar [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 492 | |||||
buhaya | crocodile | 鱷魚 | buqaya [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 493 | |||||
bukuh | sit respectfully bowed | 恭敬地鞠躬 | bu(ŋ)kuq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 494 | |||||
bulw-an, bulo-n | chameleon sp. | 變色龍。 | bulu-an [PWMP] | bulu₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 495 | ||||
bunter | bulging, swollen, full (breasts); round, circular, global | 鼓脹、腫脹、豐滿(乳房);圓形、圓形、全域 | bunter [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 496 | |||||
buŋbuŋ | a bamboo cylinder (used as container for water, palm-juice, etc. | 竹筒(用作盛水、棕櫚汁等的容器)。 | buŋbuŋ₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 497 | |||||
bureŋak | to scream | 尖叫 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 498 | |||||
bureŋaŋ | amazed, aghast | 驚愕 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 499 | |||||
bureŋik | shriek | 尖叫 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 500 | |||||
buri | to follow | 跟隨 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 501 | |||||
burik | striped | 條紋的 | burik [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 502 | |||||
burilap | flickering (as a torch) | 閃爍(如火炬) | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 503 | |||||
burit | rear guard | 後護板 | burit₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 504 | |||||
buru | hunter; hunting | 獵人 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 505 | |||||
buru | hunter, hunting | 獵人,狩獵 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 506 | |||||
burut | kind of disease | 一種疾病 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 507 | |||||
burut | kind of disease | 一種疾病 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 508 | |||||
burw-an | game | 遊戲 | buRaw-an [PWMP] | buRaw | Zoetmulder 1982 | 509 | ||||
burw-an | game | 遊戲 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 510 | |||||
busuŋ | dropsical | 糞便 | busuŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 511 | |||||
buṭak | partially bald, with bald patches | 部分禿頭,有禿斑 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 512 | |||||
buteŋ | enraged, furious, angry | 憤怒,憤怒,憤怒 | buteŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 513 | |||||
buteŋ | enraged, furious, angry | 憤怒,憤怒,憤怒 | buŋet [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 514 | |||||
buyut | great-grandfather, great-grandchild; elder | 曾祖父,曾孫子;長輩 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 515 | |||||
bwat | weight, heaviness; burden; severity, force, intensity, violence | 重量,重量;負擔;嚴重性,力量,強度,暴力 | beReqat [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 516 | |||||
bwat toh | gambling | 賭博 | taRuq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 517 | |||||
caket | close by, not letting go, (holding) tightly | 緊挨著,不放手,(緊握) | ca(ŋ)ket [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 518 | |||||
campur | mixed; unclean, in a state of impurity (because of menstruation), defiled | 混合的;不潔的,處於不潔的狀態(因為月經),被玷污的 | 偶然性 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 519 | |||||
cecek | house-lizard | 家養蜥蜴 | cekcek [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 520 | |||||
cekel | seize, clutch | 抓住,抓住 | cekel [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 521 | |||||
ceŋak | cry of a #caŋak bird (heron sp.) | 蒼鷺的叫聲 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 522 | |||||
céŋkok | concave | 凹面的 | ci(ŋ)kuk [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 523 | |||||
ceŋuk | of the cry (songs? warble?) of a quail | 哭(歌?沃布林?)鵪鶉的 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 524 | |||||
cucup | drink or suck in big gulps | 大口喝或大口喝 | cupcup [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 525 | |||||
cukup | enough, sufficiently (large, much, etc.) | 足夠,足夠(大,多等) | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 526 | |||||
c〈um〉emer-i | to defile | 玷污 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 527 | |||||
ḍaḍa | breast, chest | 胸部,胸部 | dahdah [PWMP] | daSdaS | Zoetmulder 1982 | 528 | ||||
ḍaḍap | a tree, Erythrina indica | 一棵樹,印度刺桐 | dapdap₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 529 | |||||
dagaŋ | trading | 交易 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 530 | |||||
dagaŋ-an | merchandise, wares | 商品 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 531 | |||||
dagiŋ | flesh, prey | 肉,獵物 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 532 | |||||
dalem | inner part, interior; inner part of the #kraton (Palace) | 內部,內部;克萊頓(宮殿)內部 | dalem [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 533 | |||||
dalih-an | pretext, idea, secret (unavowed) motive (purpose, intention) | 藉口、想法、秘密(不可用)動機(目的、意圖) | dalih-an [PWMP] | dalih | Zoetmulder 1982 | 534 | ||||
dalima, dālima | pomegranate: Punica granatum | 石榴:石榴 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 535 | |||||
daluwaŋ | clothing of bark cloth (worn by hermits, etc.) | 樹皮布衣服(隱士等穿的) | zaluaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 536 | |||||
dami | rice-straw | 稻草 | zaRami [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 537 | |||||
damya-damy-an | a whistle made from a rice-stalk | 用稻草製成的口哨 | zaRami [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 538 | |||||
damy-an | stubble | 殘茬 | zaRami [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 539 | |||||
daŋanan | hilt of a kris | 克麗絲之柄 | daŋanan [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 540 | |||||
ḍapət | being close together, closely joined | 緊密地結合在一起 | dapet [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 541 | |||||
ḍapur | cluster (of trees, bamboo); pile (?) | 成簇的(樹木、竹子);成堆的?) | dapuR₂ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 542 | |||||
ḍatəŋ | to come, arrive; arrival | 來,到 | dateŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 543 | |||||
ḍatəŋ-an | (recently arrived) guest | (最近到達)客人 | dateŋ-an [PWMP] | dateŋ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 544 | ||||
ḍawuh | falling, coming down (order, curse, anger, love); to fall, come down | 墮落,墮落(秩序,詛咒,憤怒,愛);墮落,墮落 | dabuq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 545 | |||||
ḍawuh-an | dam | 水壩 | dabuq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 546 | |||||
dawut | pulled out, uprooted | 被拔出來,連根拔起 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 547 | |||||
ḍeḍek | rice chaff | 米糠 | dekdek [PMP] | dekdek₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 548 | ||||
ḍeḍet | compact, dense, thick, packed (both: filling completely, and: filled | 緻密、緻密、厚實、密實(兩者:完全填充,和:填充 | detdet [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 549 | |||||
dəku | to bow respectfully | 恭敬地鞠躬 | deku [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 550 | |||||
delep | immerse | 沉浸 | delep [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 551 | |||||
deles | bowstring | 弓弦 | deles [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 552 | |||||
ḍəpa | fathom (the outstretched arms as a measure of length) | 英尋(伸出的手臂作為長度的量度) | depah [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 553 | |||||
dikep | catch with the flat of the hand | 用扁手接住 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 554 | |||||
dina | day, daylight | 白天,白天 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 555 | |||||
d〈in〉wal ~ d〈in〉ol | to sell | 出售 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 556 | |||||
doh | a distance, the distance, afar, being far away | 一段距離,一段距離,很遠,很遠 | zauq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 557 | |||||
doh doh | at a distance, far away | 遠處,遠處 | zauq zauq [PMP] | zauq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 558 | ||||
du ~ dū | corner, side, edge | 角、邊、邊 | zuRu [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 559 | |||||
ḍuḍuk | to sit (possibly connected with ceremonial functions) | 坐(可能與儀式有關) | dukduk₃ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 560 | |||||
duh | juice, sap, oil (for a lamp) | 果汁、樹液、油(用於燈) | zuRuq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 561 | |||||
dukut | grass | 草 | zukut [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 562 | |||||
ḍukut | grass | 草 | zukut [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 563 | |||||
dukut ~ ḍukut | grass | 草 | dukut₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 564 | |||||
dulit | to make lime (for chewing betel) | 做酸橙(嚼檳榔用) | dulit₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 565 | |||||
dulur | companion, that which goes together with something | 同伴,與某物相配的東西 | duluR [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 566 | |||||
d〈um〉alih | to believe (think) something to be, take for, guess; to presume (without foundation), suspect, accuse | dalih [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 567 | ||||||
ḍ〈um〉awuh | to fall, come down | 倒下,下來 | dabuq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 568 | |||||
ḍ〈um〉əpa | to span, enclose | 跨越 | d〈um〉epa [PWMP] | depah | Zoetmulder 1982 | 569 | ||||
d〈um〉oh | to go away, withdraw | 離開,撤退 | zauq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 570 | |||||
d〈um〉oh-i | to avoid, evade, shun, forsake, desert, abandon | 逃避,逃避,逃避,拋棄,拋棄 | zauq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 571 | |||||
duŋis | with a short (curled) upper lip | 上唇短(捲曲) | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 572 | |||||
ḍuyuŋ | sea cow, dugong | 海牛,儒艮 | duyuŋ₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 573 | |||||
dwal ~ dol | wares | 商品 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 574 | |||||
dwa-lap-an | eight (etymologically = 'two taken away from ten') | 八(詞源是“十取二”) | alap [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 575 | |||||
dyus | bath water, water for ritual purification | 洗澡水,儀式淨化用水 | riRus [POC] | diRus | Zoetmulder 1982 | 576 | ||||
ebus, embus | snort, breathe violently | 呼嚕,劇烈呼吸 | qembus [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 577 | |||||
egap | gasp for breath | 喘氣 | egap [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 578 | |||||
ekah | sigh, moan | 歎息,呻吟 | eŋkaq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 579 | |||||
elak | lie open, with gaping opening | 張開,張開 | elak [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 580 | |||||
eluk | bend, curve | 彎曲,彎曲 | qeluk [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 581 | |||||
eluŋ | young and flexible branch, shoot (esp. of climbing plants) | 嫩枝,嫩枝(尤指攀援植物) | eluŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 582 | |||||
emas | gold | 金 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 583 | |||||
empo-n | distinguished person, "master", "lord" | 尊敬的“主人”、“主人” | empu-an [PWMP] | empu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 584 | ||||
(e)mpu | distinguished person, "master", "lord"; often, but by no means exclusively, of religious persons (brahmans and others) and joined to a proper or categorical noun ("sir", "lord", "master", "the honorable or reverend") | empu [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 585 | ||||||
-en | non-past passive suffix used primarily with bodily afflictions; e.g. #bubuh-en to suffer from a tumor | -en [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 586 | ||||||
endah | out of the ordinary, striking, astounding, extraordinarily beautiful (etc.); it is amazing! | 超凡脫俗、引人注目、令人震驚、異常美麗(等);令人驚奇! | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 587 | |||||
eneb | that which has settled on the bottom | 沉底的東西 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 588 | |||||
enem | six | 六 | enem [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 589 | |||||
enjak | step on | 踏上 | enzak [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 590 | |||||
entut | fart, wind | 放屁,風 | qetut [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 591 | |||||
eŋkab | open, unfold, develop, expand | 打開,展開,發展,擴展 | e(ŋ)kab [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 592 | |||||
ésuk, m-ésuk | morning; the next morning | 早上;第二天早上 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 593 | |||||
gaḍuŋ | a climbing plant of the family Dioscorea. It has fragrant flowers and yields a tuber with narcotic properties | gaduŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 594 | ||||||
gagak | crow | 烏鴉 | gakgak [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 595 | |||||
galuga | kind of red dye made from the stones of the #kusumba kliŋ; red | 一種紅色染料,由庫蘇巴的石頭製成 | galugaʔ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 596 | |||||
gambir | a small, white, fragrant flower, a kind of jasmine | 一種小的,白色的,芳香的花,一種茉莉花 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 597 | |||||
gamet | kind of fish or other aquatic animal | 魚類或其他水生動物 | gamet [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 598 | |||||
ganas | swift, wild, impetuous, furious, savage | 敏捷,狂野,衝動,狂暴,野蠻 | ganas [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 599 | |||||
gante-n | betel quid exchanged between lovers | 情人間交換的檳榔 | ganti-an [PWMP] | ganti | Zoetmulder 1982 | 600 | ||||
ganti | turn; in turn | 反過來 | ganti [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 601 | |||||
ganty-an | alternation, succession, replacement | 更替 | ganti-an [PWMP] | ganti | Zoetmulder 1982 | 602 | ||||
garut | “scratcher”, hook (a kind of tool) | “刮刀”,鉤子(一種工具) | garut [PMP] | garuC | Zoetmulder 1982 | 603 | ||||
gatel | itching (n. and adj.) | 發癢 | gatel [PMP] | gaCel | Zoetmulder 1982 | 604 | ||||
gaṭik | strike, clash | 罷工,衝突 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 605 | |||||
gayam | a particular kind of tree, Inocarpus | 一種特殊的樹,■ | gayam [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 606 | |||||
geges | to shiver | 顫抖 | ge(s)ges [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 607 | |||||
gəgət | to grit the teeth (with fury?) | 用憤怒咬緊牙關?) | getget₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 608 | |||||
gek | (onom.) jolts and jumps | (onom.)顛簸和跳躍 | gek [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 609 | |||||
gənəp | complete, full | 完整,完整 | genep [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 610 | |||||
gereŋ | growl, snarl | 咆哮,咆哮 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 611 | |||||
getah | sap of tree or plant | 樹液 | geteq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 612 | |||||
gigil | ague, a fever (malarial?) with hot and cold stages and fits of shivering | 發燒(瘧疾?)有冷熱階段和一陣顫抖 | gigil [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 613 | |||||
gi-gilap-an | glittering | 閃閃發光 | gilap [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 614 | |||||
gigir | fright (and its nervous reaction: shuddering, little screams, etc.) | 恐懼(以及它的神經反應:顫抖、尖叫等) | gigir [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 615 | |||||
gigir-en | in a fright, shuddering | 嚇得發抖 | gigir [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 616 | |||||
gigit | to bite | 咬 | gitgit [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 617 | |||||
gigut | to bite | 咬 | gigut [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 618 | |||||
gila | great fear and anxiety, shuddering | 巨大的恐懼和焦慮,顫抖 | gila [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 619 | |||||
gila-gila | something frightening, something giving the shudders (of horror, feeling aghast, etc.) | 令人恐懼的東西,使人發抖的東西(指恐怖、感到驚駭等) | gila-gila [PMP] | gila | Zoetmulder 1982 | 620 | ||||
giliŋ | wagon, carriage, cart | 馬車 | giliŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 621 | |||||
giliŋ-an | wagon, carriage, cart | 馬車 | giliŋ-an [PWMP] | giliŋ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 622 | ||||
giliŋ-giliŋ | a little roll or ball? | 一個小滾還是一個球? | giliŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 623 | |||||
g〈in〉ətəl | to pinch | 捏 | getel [PMP] | geCel | Zoetmulder 1982 | 624 | ||||
g〈in〉untiŋ | to cut (with scissors) | 剪(用剪刀) | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 625 | |||||
giyak | screaming | 尖叫 | giak [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 626 | |||||
giyuh | moving to and fro, shaking | 來回移動,搖晃 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 627 | |||||
goŋ | a gong | 鑼 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 628 | |||||
grah | weak, powerless (of the limbs) | 虛弱無力(指四肢) | geraq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 629 | |||||
gugut-en | clenching the teeth | 咬緊牙關 | gutgut₁ [PMP] | gutgut | Zoetmulder 1982 | 630 | ||||
g〈um〉anti | to do (come) in one’s turn, replace, succeed | 輪到做(來),代替,成功 | ganti [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 631 | |||||
g〈um〉arut | to scratch, paw; also of playing the #saluki (a certain musical instrument, probably a percussion instrument | g〈um〉arut [PMP] | garuC | Zoetmulder 1982 | 632 | |||||
g〈um〉ənəp-i | to complete | 完成 | g〈um〉enep [PWMP] | genep | Zoetmulder 1982 | 633 | ||||
g-um-er | thundering, roaring (laughter, shouting) | 雷鳴、咆哮(笑聲、喊叫) | ger [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 634 | |||||
g〈um〉igil | to shiver, shudder (with cold, fear) | 顫抖,顫抖(寒冷,恐懼) | gigil [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 635 | |||||
g〈um〉ila-gilaŋ | shining, gleaming | 閃閃發光 | gilaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 636 | |||||
g〈um〉ilap | to gleam, glisten, shine, glitter | 閃閃發光 | g〈um〉ilap [PWMP] | gilap | Zoetmulder 1982 | 637 | ||||
g〈um〉iliŋ | to roll onward | 向前滾動 | g〈um〉iliŋ [PWMP] | giliŋ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 638 | ||||
guntiŋ | scissors | 剪刀 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 639 | |||||
guntur | a thundering mountain torrent | 雷鳴的山洪 | guntur [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 640 | |||||
guŋguŋ | booming (sound) | 隆隆聲 | guŋguŋ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 641 | |||||
gurilap | flickering (as a torch) | 閃爍(如火炬) | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 642 | |||||
gurit | to scratch, engrave, paint; to write, write a poem | 劃、刻、畫;寫、寫詩 | gurit [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 643 | |||||
gurit | writing, composition, esp. poem | 寫作,作曲,尤指詩歌 | gurit [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 644 | |||||
gurit | to scratch, engrave, paint, write | 刮、刻、畫、寫 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 645 | |||||
gusi-gusi | gums | 牙齦 | gusi [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 646 | |||||
habalaŋ | throw (something) at | 向(某物)投擲 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 647 | |||||
hadas | anise (Foeniculum vulgare) | 茴香(小茴香) | hadas [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 648 | |||||
(h)alaŋ | a weapon (“blocking-weapon”?) | 武器(“攔網武器”?) | qalaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 649 | |||||
halaŋ pakan | a particular kind of cloth (?) | 一種特殊的布?) | pakan [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 650 | |||||
hali-kukun, wali-kukun | a tree: Schoutenia (family of the Tiliaceae) | 一棵樹:紫椴科 | kukun [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 651 | |||||
haliwat | to pass, pass by, pass over, travel along | 走過,走過,走過 | qaliwat [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 652 | |||||
halu | probably a kind of club (with an iron point) | 可能是一種棍子(有一個鐵尖) | qahelu [PMP] | qaSelu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 653 | ||||
(h)alun | long rolling wave, swell of the sea | 滾滾長波,洶湧的大海 | qalun [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 654 | |||||
(h)ambawaŋ | kind of mango | 一種芒果 | qambawaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 655 | |||||
(h)ambeŋ | halted, restrained, prevented | 停止,克制,封鎖 | hambeŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 656 | |||||
(h)ambeŋ | halted, restrained, prevented | 停止,克制,封鎖 | qambeŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 657 | |||||
hampas | residue after boiling | 煮沸殘渣 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 658 | |||||
(h)amp(e)ru | gall | 膽子 | qapejux [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 659 | |||||
hani | rice in the field? | 田裏的稻子? | qanih [PMP] | qaniS | Zoetmulder 1982 | 660 | ||||
hanitu | evil powers? | 邪惡的力量? | qanitu [PMP] | qaNiCu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 661 | ||||
hano | the aren-palm (Arenga saccharifera) | 阿倫棕櫚樹(■) | qanahaw [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 662 | |||||
hantelu | egg | 雞蛋 | qateluR [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 663 | |||||
hantimun | cucumber | 黃瓜 | qatimun [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 664 | |||||
hantu | to die, dead, extinguished; death | 死亡,死亡,熄滅;死亡 | qanitu [PMP] | qaNiCu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 665 | ||||
(h)añut | throw something into the river (sea) to let it be carried away by the current (tide), especially of the ashes after cremation; to perform the funeral rites for; plunge something into, throw into, let something go down into, let something be carried away | qañud [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 666 | ||||||
hany-an | rice ready for harvesting | 準備收割的水稻 | qanih-an [PWMP] | qaniS | Zoetmulder 1982 | 667 | ||||
(h)aŋet | warmth (less than #panas), pleasant warmth | 溫暖(低於帕納斯),宜人的溫暖 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 668 | |||||
haŋi | stink, smell | 臭,臭 | qaŋiR [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 669 | |||||
(h)aŋin | wind | 風 | haŋin [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 670 | |||||
(h)aŋin-aŋin | a gust, draught, waft, current of wind caused by a swift movement, wing-beat, breathing, etc.) | 由快速運動、拍打翅膀、呼吸等引起的陣風、風、風) | haŋin-haŋin [PMP] | haŋin | Zoetmulder 1982 | 671 | ||||
haŋsa | goose | 鵝 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 672 | |||||
haŋus | covered with soot, fire-blackened | 被煙灰覆蓋,火燒黑 | haŋus₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 673 | |||||
hapa hapa | empty ears (of rice) | 空穗(米) | qapah qapah [PWMP] | qapah | Zoetmulder 1982 | 674 | ||||
(h)apit | enclosed, squeezed, pressed | 封閉、擠壓、壓制 | qapit [PMP] | qapiC | Zoetmulder 1982 | 675 | ||||
(h)apit | enclosed, squeezed, pressed; "inserted", name of the 11th and 12th months | 封閉式,擠壓式,壓榨式,“插入式”,11月和12月名稱 | hapit [PMP] | Sapit | Zoetmulder 1982 | 676 | ||||
(h)apū | lime | 石灰 | qapuR [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 677 | |||||
(h)ara | a particular kind of tree (of the ficus family) | (榕樹科)一種特殊的樹 | qaRa₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 678 | |||||
harama | edible marine creature | 可食用海洋生物 | qaRama [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 679 | |||||
(h)areŋ | charcoal | 木炭 | qajeŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 680 | |||||
harep | the front, fore part; to stand before, to wish, desire, be on the point of (about to) | 前面,前面;站在前面,希望,渴望,就在(即將)的點上 | qadep [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 681 | |||||
(h)asem | tamarind | 羅望子 | qalesem [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 682 | |||||
hasem-hasem(-an) | something sour, a dish of various (pleasantly) sour items (fruits, preserves) | 酸味的東西,由各種酸味的東西(水果、蜜餞)做成的菜 | qalesem [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 683 | |||||
(h)asin | salt, salty | 鹽,鹹的 | qasiN [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 684 | |||||
hasta | hand, (lower) arm; the eleventh lunar asterism; a linear measure | 手,(下)臂;第十一個月星號;線性量測 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 685 | |||||
(h)atak | a certain legume | 某種豆科植物 | hametak [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 686 | |||||
(h)atat | green parrot | 綠鸚鵡 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 687 | |||||
hatep | roof, cover | 頂蓋 | qatep [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 688 | |||||
(h)ati | a part of the body: liver?; heart as seat of feelings; be inclined, feel like, want | 身體的一部分:肝臟?心如感情之座 | qatay [PMP] | qaCay | Zoetmulder 1982 | 689 | ||||
(h)awer | restrain, suppress, check, stop, prevent | 抑制,抑制,檢查,停止,防止 | habed [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 690 | |||||
(h)awin | bear, bring along (weapon, insignia, betel set), of someone escorting a person of rank | 熊,帶來(武器,徽章,檳榔套裝),護送一個有地位的人 | qabin [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 691 | |||||
(h)awis | finished, completely gone | 完成,完全消失 | qabis [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 692 | |||||
(h)awu | ash, ashes | 灰燼,灰燼 | qabu [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 693 | |||||
hawu-hawu | powder | 粉 | qabu [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 694 | |||||
hawuk-hawuk | greyish | 灰色的 | qabuk [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 695 | |||||
(h)ayam | fowl, cock, hen | 雞,雞,雞 | qayam₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 696 | |||||
(h)ayar | unfold, spread out (to dry) | 展開(晾乾) | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 697 | |||||
(h)ayun | moving to and fro, swinging, dangling | 來回移動,擺動,懸掛 | hayun [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 698 | |||||
hayuyu | crab | 蟹 | qayuyu [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 699 | |||||
(h)elar | wing (of bird, insect, etc.) | (鳥、昆蟲等的)翅膀 | qelad₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 700 | |||||
(h)eled | one swallow | 一只燕子 | qeled [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 701 | |||||
helet | what lies between, separates one thing from another | 介於兩者之間的東西 | qelet [PMP] | qeleC | Zoetmulder 1982 | 702 | ||||
(h)emban | that which carries or encloses | 攜帶或包圍 | heban [PMP] | SebaN | Zoetmulder 1982 | 703 | ||||
(h)embun | mist, fine rain, dew, dew drops | 霧,細雨,露珠,露珠 | qembun [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 704 | |||||
heneŋ | silence, stillness, quiet | 安靜,安靜,安靜 | qeneŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 705 | |||||
(h)enti | used up, finished so that nothing remains, utterly destroyed, exhausted | 精疲力盡,精疲力盡 | qeti₃ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 706 | |||||
(h)enū | road, way | 路,路 | qenuR [PMP] | qeNuR | Zoetmulder 1982 | 707 | ||||
(h)ia | indeed, so, in fact, truly, right | 確實,所以,事實上,真的,對 | qia [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 708 | |||||
(h)idep | eye-lashes | 睫毛 | qizep [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 709 | |||||
hidep | the mind as the seat of cognition (knowledge, experience, sensation); the innermost recesses of the human being; knowledge, thinking, view, opinion, belief | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 710 | ||||||
(h)idu | spittle, saliva | 唾沫 | qizuR [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 711 | |||||
(h)ikan | fish | 魚 | hikan [PMP] | Sikan | Zoetmulder 1982 | 712 | ||||
hilaŋ, ilaŋ | vanished, disappeared, lost, destroyed, dead, come to an end, ceased | 消失,消失,消失,毀滅,死亡,結束,停止 | qilaŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 713 | |||||
(h)ili | flowing, current | 流動,流動 | qiliR [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 714 | |||||
hilir-an | flow, current | 流量,電流 | qiliR-an [PWMP] | qiliR | Zoetmulder 1982 | 715 | ||||
h-in-atep | cover with a roof | 蓋屋頂 | q〈in〉atep [PWMP] | qatep | Zoetmulder 1982 | 716 | ||||
h-in-atep-an | put a roof on something | 在某物上蓋屋頂 | q〈in〉atep-an [PWMP] | qatep | Zoetmulder 1982 | 717 | ||||
h-in-awu-hawu | make into powder | 製成粉末 | q〈in〉abu [PWMP] | qabu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 718 | ||||
hineb, ineb | being shut; door-panel | 關閉;門板 | qiNeb [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 719 | |||||
h-in-emban | carry on both arms or in a carrying shawl; hold on one's lap; to nurse, be the guardian of | 雙臂抱著或披肩抱著;抱著膝;要看護,要守護 | h〈in〉eban [PMP] | SebaN | Zoetmulder 1982 | 720 | ||||
(h)inep | spend the night | 過夜 | qinep [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 721 | |||||
hinten | diamond | 鑽石 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 722 | |||||
(h)ireŋ | blackness; the dark half of the moon | 黑暗;月亮的黑暗部分 | qiReŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 723 | |||||
hiri | envious, jealous, watching what another will do or get | 嫉妒,嫉妒,看著別人做什麼或得到什麼 | qiRih [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 724 | |||||
(h)iriŋ | border or edge (of the sky) | (天空的)邊界 | qiriŋ₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 725 | |||||
(h)iriŋ | side, flank, slope (of mountain) | 側面,側面,斜坡(山的) | qiriŋ₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 726 | |||||
(h)isep | that which is sucked up, absorbed | 被吸收,被吸收 | qisep [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 727 | |||||
hitem | black (only in certain compounds) | 黑色(僅在某些化合物中) | qitem [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 728 | |||||
(h)ituŋ | to calculate, enumerate; to consider, think of; pay attention to, relish | 計算、列舉;考慮、思考;注意、欣賞 | qituŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 729 | |||||
hos | exerting oneself, (moving) with difficulty, going heavily, heavy (heart, breathing) | 用力,(移動)困難,沉重,沉重(心臟,呼吸) | qaRus [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 730 | |||||
höt | narrowness, etc. | 狹窄等。 | heRet [PMP] | SeReC | Zoetmulder 1982 | 731 | ||||
(h)rebuk | pollen | 花粉 | rebuk [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 732 | |||||
hreŋ | deep persistent sound; rumbling, grumbling, growling, humming | 持續的聲音;隆隆聲、抱怨聲、咆哮聲、嗡嗡聲 | heReŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 733 | |||||
hreŋ hreŋ | to rumble | 隆隆聲 | heReŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 734 | |||||
(h)udan | rain | 雨 | quzan [PMP] | quzaN | Zoetmulder 1982 | 735 | ||||
(h)ujuŋ | the furthest point, projecting part, projecting corner, foot of a mountain | 最遠的點、突出的部分、突出的角落、山腳 | quzuŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 736 | |||||
hulap | dazzlement, being unable to look at a bright light | 眼花繚亂,看不見亮光 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 737 | |||||
(h)ules | cloth cover, covering, wrapping, piece of cloth to put on (wrap in, sleep under), sheet | 布面,覆蓋物,包裹物,要穿的布(包裹物,睡在下面),床單 | qules₂ [PMP] | qules | Zoetmulder 1982 | 738 | ||||
hulu | head; headwaters of a river; (often in inscriptions in the titles of officials or functionaries) head of, chief of | qulu [PMP] | quluh | Zoetmulder 1982 | 739 | |||||
(h)ulun | slave, bondsman, servant; be a servant | 奴僕,奴僕,僕人 | qulun₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 740 | |||||
hulw-an | the head (of a bed, etc.) as opposed to the foot | (床等的)頭與腳相對 | qulu-an [PMP] | quluh | Zoetmulder 1982 | 741 | ||||
h〈um〉alaŋ-alaŋ | “to keep being in the way”, keep troubling | “繼續礙事”,繼續煩惱 | qalaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 742 | |||||
h〈um〉arep | go forward; stand or move in the direction of; turn towards, face | 向前;朝…的方向站著或移動;朝…的方向轉 | qadep [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 743 | |||||
h-um-eneŋ | be or become silent, keep silence, fall silent; keep quiet, take no action | 保持沉默,保持沉默,保持沉默;保持沉默,不採取行動 | q〈um〉eneŋ [PWMP] | qeneŋ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 744 | ||||
h-um-urip | give life, bring to life, grant life (not kill) | 給予生命,帶來生命,給予生命(不是殺死) | qudip₁ [PAN] | qudip | Zoetmulder 1982 | 745 | ||||
(h)unte | to twist together, wind | 纏繞在一起,風 | quntay₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 746 | |||||
(h)untu | tooth | 牙齒 | quntu [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 747 | |||||
(h)uŋ | loud noise, din | 嘈雜,嘈雜 | quRuŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 748 | |||||
huŋkuk | hunchbacked; crooked | 駝背的;彎曲的 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 749 | |||||
huraŋ | shrimp, prawn, lobster | 蝦,蝦,龍蝦 | qudaŋ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 750 | |||||
hurip | life | 生活 | qudip₁ [PAN] | qudip | Zoetmulder 1982 | 751 | ||||
(h)utaŋ | debt | 債務 | qutaŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 752 | |||||
huwan | greyness, grey hair; grey | 灰色,灰白的頭髮;灰色 | quban [PMP] | qubaN | Zoetmulder 1982 | 753 | ||||
(h)uwi | several kinds of tuberous plants; yam | 幾種塊莖植物;山藥 | qubi [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 754 | |||||
huwus | finished, done, ended, already, over | 完成,完成,結束,已經,結束 | qubus [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 755 | |||||
(h)uyaŋ | heat, being heated, feeling hot (also of the heart) | 熱,被熱,感覺熱(也指心臟) | huyaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 756 | |||||
hwab, ob | yawn | 打哈欠 | huab₂ [PMP] | Suab | Zoetmulder 1982 | 757 | ||||
hwi | rattan | 藤條 | quay [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 758 | |||||
hyaŋ, yaŋ | god, goddess, deified being; connected with the divine, sacred; person dedicated to the sacred, anchorite, monk, nun | qiaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 759 | ||||||
i | particle with a prepositional function before nouns: in, on, by, through, with | 名詞前有介詞功能的助詞:in,on,by,through,with | i₂ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 760 | |||||
i- | particle with a prepositional function before nouns, often combined with the definite particle #ŋ to #iŋ. Occurs before nouns which in the sentence function as grammatical object (esp. before place-names) | hi- [PMP] | Si-₂ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 761 | |||||
ibu | mother; in address, for any female person | 母親;地址,任何女性 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 762 | |||||
icir | crawl about? (of catfish and crayfish in the mud) | 到處爬?(指泥濘中的鯰魚和小龍蝦) | icir [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 763 | |||||
icuk | seduction, enticement; deceit | 誘惑,誘惑;欺騙 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 764 | |||||
iḍam | experience the cravings of pregnancy; be pregnant | 體驗懷孕的渴望;懷孕 | qidam [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 765 | |||||
i harep-ña | in front of, in the presence of | 在前面,在面前 | qadep [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 766 | |||||
ikel | curled, wavy (as hair) | 捲曲,波浪狀(如頭髮) | ikel [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 767 | |||||
iket | band, tie | 樂團,領帶 | hiket [PMP] | Siket | Zoetmulder 1982 | 768 | ||||
ikət | band, tie | 樂團,領帶 | hiket [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 769 | |||||
ikū, ikuh | tail | 尾 | ikuR [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 770 | |||||
ikut | to follow; be attached to | 依附 | ikut₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 771 | |||||
ilag | go away, retire, escape; go away from, evade, pass by, escape from | 離開,退休,逃跑;離開,逃避,經過,逃離 | qilag [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 772 | |||||
ilep | to lose | 失去 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 773 | |||||
iliŋ | look at (regard, observe) with attention (affection, love) | 用注意力(感情、愛)看(尊重、觀察) | hiliŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 774 | |||||
iliŋ | look at (regard, observe) with attention (affection, love) | 用注意力(感情、愛)看(尊重、觀察) | iliŋ₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 775 | |||||
ilo | look at oneself (in the mirror, etc.); see, watch | 看自己(在鏡子裏等);看,看 | ilaw [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 776 | |||||
ilū | saliva | 唾液 | iluR₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 777 | |||||
imbuh | increase, addition | 新增,新增 | imbuq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 778 | |||||
impun | gathered, brought together; bound up, combined; concise | 集合的,集合的;捆綁的,組合的;簡潔的 | qi(m)pun [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 779 | |||||
inak | well-being, peace, ease, enjoyment, satisfaction; easy (smooth, untroubled) course (e.g. of a battle) | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 780 | ||||||
in-alap | was taken, fetched, carried off, stolen, seized, won | 被帶走,帶走,帶走,偷走,扣押,贏得 | in-alap [PAN] | alap | Zoetmulder 1982 | 781 | ||||
in-anu | do something or other, do you-know-what | 做點什麼,你知道嗎 | in-anu [PWMP] | -nu₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 782 | ||||
ina-ŋ | mother, elderly woman | 母親,老年婦女 | iná-ŋ [PMP] | ina | Zoetmulder 1982 | 783 | ||||
in-aŋin-aŋin | fluttering in the wind | 在風中飄動 | haŋin [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 784 | |||||
in-api, in-apuy | be on fire | 著火了 | h〈in〉apuy [PWMP] | Sapuy | Zoetmulder 1982 | 785 | ||||
in-apus | to bind, ensnare; to bind together | 捆綁 | R〈in〉apus [PWMP] | Rapus | Zoetmulder 1982 | 786 | ||||
in-arak | to conduct in procession | 列隊行進 | in-aRak [PWMP] | aRak | Zoetmulder 1982 | 787 | ||||
in-ater | was escorted, was brought | 被護送,帶來 | h〈in〉ateD [PWMP] | SateD | Zoetmulder 1982 | 788 | ||||
indah | being different, extraordinary beauty; | 與眾不同,非凡的美; | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 789 | |||||
inda-ŋ | mother | 母親 | inda₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 790 | |||||
iṇḍaŋ | go round in or among (in order to search, inspect, etc.) | 在(為了搜索、檢查等)中或中間巡視 | indaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 791 | |||||
indu-ŋ | mother; familiar or affectionate address to a woman (beloved, daughter): my good woman, my dear girl | indu-ŋ [PWMP] | indu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 792 | |||||
in-eṇḍem-eṇḍem | to foster, feel deeply | 培養,深切感受 | qendem [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 793 | |||||
in-ipi | dream | 夢想 | h〈in〉ipi [PMP] | Sipi | Zoetmulder 1982 | 794 | ||||
in-isuh-an | to wash | 洗 | hisuq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 795 | |||||
in-isuk-an | do something in the morning (early), start early | 早上(早)做點事,早點開始 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 796 | |||||
inte, intay | keep constantly in view, keep a watch on, watch narrowly, peer at | 時刻盯著,守望,仔細觀察 | hintay [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 797 | |||||
intip | to peep | 窺視 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 798 | |||||
inum | drinking (subst.) | 飲酒(替代) | inum [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 799 | |||||
in-umah-an | inhabited | 有人居住 | Rumaq [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 800 | |||||
inum-an | drink(s) | 飲料 | inum-an [PWMP] | inum | Zoetmulder 1982 | 801 | ||||
inum-inum-an | drinks | 飲料 | inum-inum-an [PMP] | inum | Zoetmulder 1982 | 802 | ||||
i-ŋaran(-an) | give a name to, call, give or mention the name of someone; to regard, consider, believe to be | 說出某人的名字、呼喚、說出或提及某人的名字;認為、考慮、相信 | i-ŋajan(-an [PWMP] | ŋajan | Zoetmulder 1982 | 803 | ||||
iŋet | awareness, memory | 意識,記憶 | iŋet [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 804 | |||||
iŋet-iŋet | thinking over, revolving in one's mind; souvenir, keepsake | 沉思,在腦海中盤旋;紀念品,紀念品 | iŋat-iŋat [PWMP] | iŋat | Zoetmulder 1982 | 805 | ||||
iŋin | long for (to possess), desirous, avid, filled with desire or love | 渴望(擁有),渴望,渴望,充滿渴望或愛 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 806 | |||||
iŋis | bared, visible (teeth, etc.), bare the teeth, grin, smile | 裸露,可見(牙齒等),裸露牙齒,咧嘴笑,微笑 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 807 | |||||
iŋkab | be blown up, blown open | 被炸開,炸開 | iŋkab [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 808 | |||||
iŋser | shift, change place, move aside, move away | 轉移,換個地方,移到一邊,移走 | ised [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 809 | |||||
iŋser | shift, change place, move aside, move away | 轉移,換個地方,移到一邊,移走 | iseR [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 810 | |||||
ipak | to lap, splash, wash (waves) | 疊、濺、洗(浪) | ipak₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 811 | |||||
ipak | to lap, splash, wash (waves) | 疊、濺、洗(浪) | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 812 | |||||
ipi | dream | 夢想 | hipi [PMP] | Sipi | Zoetmulder 1982 | 813 | ||||
ira | form in which the pronoun #sira appears, when qualifying a noun (his, her; your) or the #in-form of the passive verb (by him, by her; by you) | ida [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 814 | ||||||
iraŋ | shame, embarrassment | 羞恥、尷尬 | iraŋ₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 815 | |||||
irid | pull, draw, drag along; carry away, lead off, to lead | 拉,拉,拉 | irid₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 816 | |||||
irir | fan | 風扇 | irid₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 817 | |||||
iris | to cut, cut through | 切斷,切斷 | qiris [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 818 | |||||
irus | ladle of coconut shell | 椰子殼勺 | qidus [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 819 | |||||
iser | move aside | 移到一邊 | ised [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 820 | |||||
iser | move aside | 移到一邊 | iseR [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 821 | |||||
isi | contents, what is found (lives, etc.) in a place; the special content, the core or essence | 內容,在一個地方發現的東西(生命等);特殊的內容,覈心或本質 | isi₅ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 822 | |||||
isuh-isuh | washing | 洗滌 | hisuq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 823 | |||||
isy-an | filling | 填滿 | isi-an [PWMP] | isi₅ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 824 | ||||
itek | to live (play, wallow) in the mud | 在泥中生活(玩耍、打滾) | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 825 | |||||
itik | duck, young bird | 鴨子,小鳥 | itik₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 826 | |||||
ituŋ | great-great grandchild | 曾孫 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 827 | |||||
japa tawa | a formula to make poison, etc. harmless | 使毒藥等無害的配方 | tabaR [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 828 | |||||
jariji | finger, toe | 手指,腳趾 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 829 | |||||
jariŋ | net (to catch fish, birds, kidangs 〈barking deer〉) | 網(捕魚、鳥、基丹〈吠鹿〉) | zariŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 830 | |||||
jariŋ-jariŋ | spider web | 蜘蛛網 | zariŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 831 | |||||
jati | teak tree | 柚木 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 832 | |||||
jawa | a grain (in particular barley or millet?). Perhaps a Prakrit form of Sanskrit yawa (barley). Was barley known in Java? Or should we assume #jawa = #jawawut (millet)? | zawa₂ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 833 | ||||||
jəjəl | crowding, packing | 擁擠、包裝 | zelzel [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 834 | |||||
jilak | partial eye defect (cross-eyed?) | 部分眼部缺陷(斜眼?) | zilak [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 835 | |||||
jukuŋ | a small vessel (dugout canoe) | 小船(獨木舟) | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 836 | |||||
j〈um〉umput | to take or hold between forefinger and thumb, pinch | 夾在食指和拇指之間,捏 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 837 | |||||
juru kuruŋ | servant who looks after the cocks | 照看公雞的僕人 | kuruŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 838 | |||||
ka- | passive prefix: the #ka- passive refers more to the state achieved, in contrast to the #-in- passive, which refers more to the action: #ka-bebed ‘bound, entwined’ (cp. #bebed ‘band, tie, bandage’); #ka-dawut ‘uprooted’ (cp. #dawut ‘pull out, uproot’) | ka-₇ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 839 | ||||||
ka- -an | marker of the adversative passive; #ka-turw-an ‘overcome by sleep, falling asleep, dropping off’ (cf. #turū ‘to sleep’); #k-āŋin-an ‘moved (driven) by the wind; in the wind’; #ka-panas-an ‘suffering from the heat; angry’ | ka- -an₁ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 840 | ||||||
ka-bebed | to tie, bandage, entwine | 打結、包紮、纏繞 | ka-bejbej [PWMP] | bejbej | Zoetmulder 1982 | 841 | ||||
ka-bener | make straight, put right, set in the right direction | 直走,右轉,朝著正確的方向走 | bener [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 842 | |||||
ka-bener-an | head straight for, hit right on something | 直奔,正好撞到什麼東西 | ka-bener-an [PWMP] | bener | Zoetmulder 1982 | 843 | ||||
ka-bener-an | properly done; fortunately, a lucky thing; just right | 做得好;幸運的是,這是件幸運的事;恰到好處 | ka-bener-an [PWMP] | bener | Zoetmulder 1982 | 844 | ||||
ka-besur-an | becoming tired of | 厭倦 | ka-besuR-an [PWMP] | besuR | Zoetmulder 1982 | 845 | ||||
ka-bisa-n | skill, ability | 技能、能力 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 846 | |||||
ka-buru | to hunt, chase | 打獵,追逐 | ka-buRaw [PWMP] | buRaw | Zoetmulder 1982 | 847 | ||||
ka-buyut-an | object of worship, place of worship, holy place (because of its coming down from immemorial times? or because of its connection with ancestor worship?) | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 848 | ||||||
ka-bwaŋ | throw away, fling away | 扔掉,扔掉 | ka-buaŋ [PWMP] | buqaŋ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 849 | ||||
ka-bwat-an | to weigh upon, burden, oppress, overwhelm; weight, gravity, ripeness | 重擔,重擔,壓迫,壓倒 | ka-beReqat-en [PWMP] | beReqat | Zoetmulder 1982 | 850 | ||||
ka-ḍatəŋ-an | being reached | 正在到達 | ka-dateŋ-an [PWMP] | dateŋ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 851 | ||||
kadi pira | how could it be? how is it possible that? | 怎麼可能?怎麼可能呢? | pijax [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 852 | |||||
ka-doh-an | distance | 距離 | zauq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 853 | |||||
ka-garis | striped?, grazed? | 有條紋的?,擦傷了? | garis [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 854 | |||||
ka-halaŋ-an | obstructed | 阻塞的 | qalaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 855 | |||||
ka-hantu | to swoon | 昏倒 | qanitu [PMP] | qaNiCu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 856 | ||||
ka-hulun-an | probably: the position (state, attitude) of a #hulun (servant, follower) in relation to his lord or master; servitude, submission | ka-qulun-an [PWMP] | qulun₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 857 | |||||
ka-hurip-an | escape with one's life, stay alive, be given one's life | 逃命,活著,被給予生命 | ka-qudip-an [PAN] | qudip | Zoetmulder 1982 | 858 | ||||
ka-hyaŋ-an | abode of the gods or of a particular god, heaven | 神的居所或某一神的居所,天堂 | qiaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 859 | |||||
kajaŋ | mat-awning, canopy, screen of palm leaves | 涼棚、天篷、棕櫚葉屏風 | kazaŋ₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 860 | |||||
ka-juŋjuŋ | to life; to raise in rank | 生活;提高地位 | zuŋzuŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 861 | |||||
kaka | elder brother or sister; also used in addressing somewhat older persons, and for the husband (between man and wife) | kaka₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 862 | ||||||
ka-kampil-an | to put in a bag | 裝進袋子 | kampil [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 863 | |||||
kakap | a large (predatory) fish, Lates calcarifer (“cockup”) | 一種大型(食肉性)魚類,後跟骨魚 | kakap₁ [PWMP] | kakap | Zoetmulder 1982 | 864 | ||||
ka-kayw-an | trees | 樹 | ka-kahiw-an [PWMP] | kaSiw | Zoetmulder 1982 | 865 | ||||
ka-kəna-n | to catch, seize, get hold of; to hit, touch | 抓住,抓住,抓住 | keNa [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 866 | |||||
ka-kəna-n | to apply to, use on, subject to, put something on someone; make wear | 穿在某人身上,穿在某人身上,穿在某人身上 | kena [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 867 | |||||
ka-kilala-n | given to rule over temporarily | 暫時接管 | ka-kilala-an [PWMP] | kilala | Zoetmulder 1982 | 868 | ||||
ka-kilat-an | to illuminate with flashes of lightning, shine on | 用閃電照亮 | kilat₁ [PMP] | likaC | Zoetmulder 1982 | 869 | ||||
ka-kiŋ-an | dried up | 乾涸的 | keRiŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 870 | |||||
ka-kiwa | to the left of | 在左邊 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 871 | |||||
k-āku | make something one's own, to appropriate; relate to oneself, take possession of, master; regard as one's own, acknowledge, confess to, admit; to claim (as one's own), be sure of, depend on, answer for, guarantee, declare that one is able to (often boastfully) | k-aku [PAN] | aku | Zoetmulder 1982 | 872 | |||||
kala | scorpion | 蠍子 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 873 | |||||
ka-laki-laki(n) | manliness, manly courage, virility | 男子氣概,男子氣概,男子氣概 | ka-(la)laki-an [PWMP] | laki₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 874 | ||||
ka-lalw-an | gone by, past; passed, left behind | 過去的,過去的;過去的,留下的 | lalu₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 875 | |||||
ka-laŋkah-an | to have something pass over one; be trodden underfoot | 使某物越過某人;被踩在腳下 | laŋkaq₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 876 | |||||
k-ālap | taken, fetched, carried off | 帶走,帶走,帶走 | ka-alap [PWMP] | alap | Zoetmulder 1982 | 877 | ||||
k-ālap-an | taken, fetched, carried off | 帶走,帶走,帶走 | ka-alap-an [PWMP] | alap | Zoetmulder 1982 | 878 | ||||
k-ālas-an | overgrown by the forest | 森林旁長滿了樹 | ka-halas-an [PWMP] | Salas | Zoetmulder 1982 | 879 | ||||
ka-ləŋər | to lose consciousness, faint away, swoon | 失去知覺,昏厥,昏厥 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 880 | |||||
ka-ləŋgak | to fall with the head back; to sink down (limply, with the head back, fainting) | 倒下,倒下 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 881 | |||||
ka-ləsw-an | becoming weak, exhausted | 變得虛弱、筋疲力盡 | lesu₃ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 882 | |||||
kali | deep watercourse, river-bed, channel | 深水道、河床、河道 | kali₁ [PAN] | kali | Zoetmulder 1982 | 883 | ||||
ka-liku | twisted, crooked, perverted | 扭曲,扭曲,變態 | liku₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 884 | |||||
ka-lima | the fifth month | 第五個月 | ika-lima [PMP] | lima | Zoetmulder 1982 | 885 | ||||
ka-lor | to the north of | 以北 | ka-lahud [PWMP] | lahud | Zoetmulder 1982 | 886 | ||||
ka-luŋsur | to lay down, put down, take off, let slip down | 躺下,放下,起飛,放下 | lu(ŋ)suR [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 887 | |||||
ka-luŋsur-an | to put down, take off; to dismiss, remove (from office) | 放下、脫下;解雇、撤職 | lu(ŋ)suR [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 888 | |||||
kamalir | a particular kind of (religious?) building | 一種特殊的(宗教的?)建築物 | kamaliR [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 889 | |||||
ka-mata-n | seen, visible | 可見,可見 | mata [PMP] | maCa | Zoetmulder 1982 | 890 | ||||
kambiŋ | goat | 山羊 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 891 | |||||
kami | lst person pronoun (sg. and pl.) | 第一人稱代詞(sg。和損益) | k-ami [PAN] | ami | Zoetmulder 1982 | 892 | ||||
kamiri ~ kameri | the candle-nut tree: Aleurites triloba | 蠟燭堅果樹:Aleurites triloba | kamiri [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 893 | |||||
kampil | bag, pouch (for money or valuables) | 袋、袋(用於錢或貴重物品) | kampil [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 894 | |||||
kamu | 2nd person (sg. and pl.) | 第二人(sg。和損益) | kamu₂ [PMP] | amu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 895 | ||||
kamuniŋ | kind of tree with yellow wood: Murraya sp. | 黃木樹種:■sp。 | kamuniŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 896 | |||||
kanaŋa | tree with fragrant flowers: Cananga odorata | 花香樹:■ | kanaŋa [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 897 | |||||
kanciŋ | lock, bar, bolt | 鎖、杆、螺栓 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 898 | |||||
kanḍaŋ | pen, cowshed | 筆,牛棚 | kandaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 899 | |||||
ka-ŋaran-an | give a name to, call, give or mention the name of someone; to regard, consider, believe to be | 說出某人的名字、呼喚、說出或提及某人的名字;認為、考慮、相信 | ka-ŋajan(-an [PWMP] | ŋajan | Zoetmulder 1982 | 900 | ||||
k-āŋin-an | moved (driven) by the wind; in the wind | 被風吹動;在風中 | ka-haŋin-an [PWMP] | haŋin | Zoetmulder 1982 | 901 | ||||
ka-pa-cirit | to defecate inadvertently | 不經意地排便 | cirit [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 902 | |||||
kapa-kapal-ən | callused, to develop calluses? | 老繭化,形成老繭? | kapal [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 903 | |||||
kapalaŋ-alaŋ | impeded, defective, disturbed, troubled | 阻礙、缺陷、不安、麻煩 | qalaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 904 | |||||
ka-pa-ŋan-an | devoured by; addicted to? | 沉溺於;沉溺於? | pa-ŋaen [PWMP] | kaen | Zoetmulder 1982 | 905 | ||||
kapas | cotton-tree, cotton | 棉花樹 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 906 | |||||
ka-pat | four altogether; as fourth; the fourth month | 共四個;作為第四個;第四個月 | ka-epat [PMP] | Sepat | Zoetmulder 1982 | 907 | ||||
ka-pati | death (concrete case of dying) | 死亡(死亡的具體案例) | ka-p-atay [PWMP] | aCay | Zoetmulder 1982 | 908 | ||||
kapa-tuli | be deafened (temporarily) by a loud noise | (暫時)被一聲巨響震聾 | tuli₁ [PMP] | Culi | Zoetmulder 1982 | 909 | ||||
ka-penuh-an | to fill, make complete | 填滿,完成 | ka-penuq-an [PWMP] | peNuq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 910 | ||||
ka-pəpər | hard-pressed | 壓力大 | perper₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 911 | |||||
ka-pətəŋ-an | plunged in darkness, in the dark, blinded, with everything becoming dark | 在黑暗中,在黑暗中,失明,一切都變得黑暗 | peteŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 912 | |||||
ka-pilih | to choose (?) | 選擇?) | ka-piliq [PWMP] | piliq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 913 | ||||
ka-pipit | squeezed, pinched, jammed | 擠壓、擠壓、卡住 | pitpit₂ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 914 | |||||
ka-pisa-n | at the same time, together, at once; straightaway, completely | 同時,一起,立刻;立即,完全 | pisan [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 915 | |||||
ka-pitu | the seventh month | 第七個月 | ka-pitu [PMP] | pitu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 916 | ||||
kapuk | kapok | 木棉 | kapuk [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 917 | |||||
ka-pukět | to fish with a dragnet or seine; to catch (in a net) | 用拖網或圍網捕魚;用網捕魚 | ka-puket [PWMP] | puket₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 918 | ||||
ka-puŋkur | to turn one’s back on something, have something at one’s back; leave something behind | 背棄,背棄 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 919 | |||||
ka-pupus | to beat, thrash, crush? | 打,打,壓? | puspus₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 920 | |||||
ka-putih-an | to cause to become pale (with fright, shame, etc.) | 使變蒼白(因恐懼、羞恥等) | ka-putiq-an [PWMP] | putiq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 921 | ||||
karaŋ | coral, coral rock, coral reef; probably also more general: any rock (in the sea or on the sea shore) | karaŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 922 | ||||||
karaŋ-karaŋ | garland of flowers | 花環 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 923 | |||||
ka-rara-n | maidenhood | 少女時代 | ka-daRa-an [PWMP] | daRa₂ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 924 | ||||
ka-ratu-n | kingship, royal dignity | 王權,皇室尊嚴 | datu [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 925 | |||||
ka-ro | two, both; with | 兩個,兩個;和 | ka-duha [PWMP] | duSa | Zoetmulder 1982 | 926 | ||||
kas | hardness, inflexibility | 堅硬、不靈活 | keRas [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 927 | |||||
ka-sakit-an | suffering pain, aching, ill | 痛苦,疼痛,病痛 | ka-sakit-an [PWMP] | sakit | Zoetmulder 1982 | 928 | ||||
ka-sākṣy-an | to witness, be a witness at | 見證,見證 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 929 | |||||
ka-salah | fault, mistake | 錯誤,錯誤 | ka-salaq [PWMP] | salaq₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 930 | ||||
ka-salah-an | to do wrong to; to deviate, go away from, avoid, refuse | 做錯事;偏離 | ka-salaq-an [PWMP] | salaq₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 931 | ||||
ka-sawur-an | to bestrew, strew on | 鋪天蓋地 | sabuD [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 932 | |||||
ka-sawur-an | to bestrew, strew on | 鋪天蓋地 | ka-sabuR-an [PWMP] | saq(e)buR | Zoetmulder 1982 | 933 | ||||
ka-səpy-an ~ ka-səpe-n | to feel abandoned, forlorn | 感到被遺棄,孤獨 | sepi [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 934 | |||||
k-asih arep | pitiful, in a pitiable condition | 可憐,可憐 | ka-qasiq [PMP] | qasiq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 935 | ||||
ka-siku | to prod or jab with the elbow | 用肘戳 | ka-siku [PWMP] | sikux | Zoetmulder 1982 | 936 | ||||
ka-soŋ-an | to shade, overshadow, hang (project) over | 遮陰 | saeŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 937 | |||||
ka-sulit-an | stand in each other’s way, too tightly packed | 互相妨礙,擠得太緊 | sulit₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 938 | |||||
ka-sulit-en | to be in difficulties with, having something hampering (being in the way) | 遇到困難,有阻礙(礙事) | sulit₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 939 | |||||
ka-suluh-an | shine upon, illuminate | 照耀,照亮 | suluq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 940 | |||||
kasumba | safflower: Carthamus tinctorius, from which a bright red dye is made | 紅花:紅花 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 941 | |||||
ka-susuk | that which (a person who is) a thorn in the side; a cause of pain | 刺痛(某人)的東西;引起疼痛的原因 | ka-suksuk [PWMP] | suksuk | Zoetmulder 1982 | 942 | ||||
ka-susuk-an | entered, possessed | 進入,附身 | suksuk [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 943 | |||||
ka-susun-an | to attack in row after row, to shower (arrows) on | 連續攻擊 | susun [PMP] | susuN | Zoetmulder 1982 | 944 | ||||
ka-susu-susu | hurried on, in a hurry | 快點,快點 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 945 | |||||
ka-tahw-an | skilled, used (to), familiar (with) | 熟練的,習慣的,熟悉的 | ka-taqu-an [PWMP] | Caqu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 946 | ||||
ka-takut | fear; object of fear | 恐懼 | ka-takut [PMP] | takut | Zoetmulder 1982 | 947 | ||||
ka-tama-n | struck, hit by | 被擊中,被擊中 | tama₁ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 948 | |||||
ka-tama-n | penetrated by, affected by, moved by, full of | 滲透的,受影響的,移動的,充滿 | ka-tama-an [PWMP] | tama₂ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 949 | ||||
ka-tambak-an | to provide with a dam, be provided with a dam | 設壩,設壩 | ka-tambak-an [PWMP] | tambak₂ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 950 | ||||
ka-tanem-an | to plant with, to make something enter into and stick | 種植,使某物進入並粘住 | ka-tanem-an [PAN] | CaNem | Zoetmulder 1982 | 951 | ||||
ka-taŋkəp-an | to close in on, assail | 接近,襲擊 | taŋkep [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 952 | |||||
katapaŋ | the Indian almond tree, Terminalia catappa | 印度杏仁樹 | katapaŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 953 | |||||
ka-təka | arrived; (come) as far as, including | 到達的;到達的 | teka₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 954 | |||||
ka-təka-n | (“reached by something”) to suffer, undergo; to succeed in, manage to, win; to reach, up to | (“通過某物達到”)遭受、經歷;成功、設法、贏得;達到 | teka₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 955 | |||||
ka-təlu | three (all together) | 三個(一起) | ka-telu [PMP] | telu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 956 | ||||
ka-tinḍəs | overrun, trampled under foot | 超限,踩在腳下 | tindes [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 957 | |||||
katir | outrigger of a #jukuŋ | katiR [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 958 | ||||||
ka-tuduh | to point at, point out, indicate, show, guide; to order, instruct, appoint, designate | 指點、指出、訓示、展示、引導;命令、訓示、指定、指定 | ka-tuzuq [PWMP] | tuzuq₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 959 | ||||
ka-tuduh-an | pointed out, shown, demonstrated; demonstrable, visible, known to everybody | 指出,展示,展示;可展示,可見,眾所周知 | ka-tuzuq-an [PWMP] | tuzuq₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 960 | ||||
ka-tuduh-an | pointed out, shown, demonstrated; demonstrable, visible, known to everybody | 指出,展示,展示;可展示,可見,眾所周知 | ka-tuzuq-an [PWMP] | tuzuq₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 961 | ||||
ka-tuha-n | old age, relatively older age, being the elder | 老年,相對老年,是老年人 | ka-tuqah-an [PWMP] | tuqaS | Zoetmulder 1982 | 962 | ||||
ka-turuh-an | dripped upon, affected (destroyed ) by rain and humidity | 被雨水和潮濕影響(破壞) | tuduq [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 963 | |||||
ka-tūt | carried along, carried away; along with, included | 隨身攜帶的;隨身攜帶的 | tuRut [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 964 | |||||
ka-tutu | knocked, struck (?) | 敲,敲?) | tutuh [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 965 | |||||
kawah | cauldron, cauldron of hell (in which the souls are punished); hell | 大鍋,地獄的大鍋(靈魂受到懲罰);地獄 | kawaq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 966 | |||||
kawan | companion; group | 同伴 | kaban₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 967 | |||||
ka-waŋkay-an | as if dead (?) | 好像死了?) | baŋkay [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 968 | |||||
kawat | wire | 電線 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 969 | |||||
ka-wekas | left behind, left, remaining, from now; last, highest | 留下,留下,留下,從現在起;最後,最高 | bekas₃ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 970 | |||||
ka-wekas-an | being left behind | 被落在後面 | bekas₃ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 971 | |||||
ka-weŋa-n | amazed, speechless | 驚訝,無言 | beŋa₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 972 | |||||
ka-weŋy-an | night-time | 夜間 | ka-beRŋi-an [PWMP] | beRŋi | Zoetmulder 1982 | 973 | ||||
ka-wintaŋ-an | sown with stars | 星羅棋佈 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 974 | |||||
kawit | hook | 鉤 | kawit [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 975 | |||||
ka-wuri | left behind, stay behind, in the rear; leave behind, leave unfinished | 留下來,留在後面,在後面;留下來,留下未完成的 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 976 | |||||
ka-wutah | throw up, vomit out | 吐出來,吐出來 | ka-utaq [PWMP] | utaq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 977 | ||||
kayu | wood, tree | 木頭,樹 | kahiw [PMP] | kaSiw | Zoetmulder 1982 | 978 | ||||
kayu hayam-hayam-an | kind of tree? | 有點像樹? | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 979 | |||||
kayu-kayu | trees | 樹 | kahi-kahiw [PMP] | kaSiw | Zoetmulder 1982 | 980 | ||||
kayu tahulan | tree stump?; leafless tree? | 樹樁?無葉樹? | tuqelan [PMP] | CuqelaN | Zoetmulder 1982 | 981 | ||||
kaywan, kayon | trees | 樹 | kahiw-an [PWMP] | kaSiw | Zoetmulder 1982 | 982 | ||||
kəbo | water buffalo | 水牛 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 983 | |||||
keḍepek | thudding or bumping noise | 撞擊聲 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 984 | |||||
keḍik | small number, measure or degree; short time | 小的數量、尺度或程度;短時間 | kedik [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 985 | |||||
kəjəŋ | stiff (of arms or legs, e.g. from sitting in a cramped position, as the result of damage, etc.) | 僵硬的(指胳膊或腿,如由於損傷等原因而坐在狹窄的位置上) | kezeŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 986 | |||||
kəjəp | closing the eyes, sleeping; to close the eyes, sleep | 閉上眼睛,睡覺;閉上眼睛,睡覺 | kezep [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 987 | |||||
kə-kənḍo-n | loosely done up (of a chignon) | (指侏儒)松垮的 | kenduR [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 988 | |||||
keleb | be submerged, sink | 被淹沒,下沉 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 989 | |||||
keléŋ | to ring a prayer-bell | 敲響祈禱鐘 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 990 | |||||
kəmbaŋ | flower | 花 | kembaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 991 | |||||
kəmbar | twin, alike in appearance | 雙胞胎,外形相似 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 992 | |||||
kəna | hit by, touched by, subjected to, being the object of | 被…擊中,觸碰,受…傷害 | keNa [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 993 | |||||
k-énak | the best thing, the most convenient | 最好的,最方便的 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 994 | |||||
kenas | small game; in particular deer, roe? | 小遊戲;特別是鹿、鹿? | kenas [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 995 | |||||
kənḍo | loose, slack | 松,松 | kenduR [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 996 | |||||
kəpəl | what is compressed (held) in the clenched hand, a ball (of rice) | 用握緊的手捏(握)著的東西,一個球(米飯) | kepel [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 997 | |||||
kəpəl-kəpəl | a light meal (“a few balls of rice”), esp. for breakfast (?) | 一頓清淡的飯(“幾團米飯”),尤指早餐?) | kepel [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 998 | |||||
kepuk | onomatopoetic particle (blow) | 擬聲詞(吹) | kepuk [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 999 | |||||
kepuŋ | encircle, besiege | 包圍,圍攻 | kepuŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1000 | |||||
kəra | monkey | 猴子 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1001 | |||||
kəraŋ ~ kraŋ | mussel, mussel shell: Cardulum edule | 貽貝,貽貝殼:■ | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1002 | |||||
kerepek | sound of cracking | 爆裂聲 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1003 | |||||
kerepuk | sound of clashing, clanging, clattering | 碰撞聲,叮噹聲,碰撞聲 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1004 | |||||
kerik | scrape off | 刮掉 | keriqik [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1005 | |||||
kəris ~ kris | a particular kind of dagger | 一種特殊的匕首 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1006 | |||||
kesi | made the contents (core, essence) of something, kept in, treasured in | 使某物的內容(覈心、本質)保持在、珍藏在 | ka-isi [PMP] | isi₅ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1007 | ||||
kətəg-kətəg | the signs of life and esp. emotion, including (quickened) breathing and heartbeat as well as more general movements | keteg [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1008 | ||||||
kətər | trembling, shaking, quivering, vibrating, (soft) rumbling | 顫抖,顫抖,顫抖,振動,(柔和的)隆隆聲 | keter [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1009 | |||||
kətik | kind of bird or other animal of which the sound is compared to that of the gecko | 一種鳥或其他動物,其聲音與壁虎的聲音相比較 | ketik [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1010 | |||||
kətu | a cap (worn by religious persons) | 帽子(宗教人士戴的) | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1011 | |||||
kətug | booming, thundering, rumbling, crashing, roaring, rattling, thumping; thunder | 隆隆聲、雷鳴聲、隆隆聲、撞擊聲、咆哮聲、卡嗒聲、砰砰聲;雷鳴 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1012 | |||||
kiduŋ | song | 歌曲 | kiduŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1013 | |||||
kikir | file | 檔案 | kiDkiD [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1014 | |||||
kilala-n | something of which one has the use | 有用的東西 | kilala-an [PWMP] | kilala | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1015 | ||||
kilan | a span (of the hand) | (手的)跨距 | kilan [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1016 | |||||
kilaŋ | fermented drink made from sugar-cane | 甘蔗發酵飲料 | kilaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1017 | |||||
kilat | lightning, flash of lighting | 閃電,閃電 | kilat₁ [PMP] | likaC | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1018 | ||||
k〈in〉a-səḍəp-an | was found pleasing | 令人愉快 | sedep₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1019 | |||||
k〈in〉awit | to hook | 鉤住 | kawit [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1020 | |||||
k〈in〉əkəp | to clasp, encircle, embrace | 擁抱 | kepkep [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1021 | |||||
k〈in〉ukub-an | to cover up | 掩蓋 | kubkub₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1022 | |||||
k〈in〉ulub | to boil lightly, stew | 煮,燉 | kulub₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1023 | |||||
k〈in〉uŋkuŋ | to lock up, confine, hold captive | 拘禁 | kuŋkuŋ₄ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1024 | |||||
kira-kira | thoughts which one fosters, ideas; plan, scheme, devices and designs | 一個人所培養的思想、想法、計畫、計畫、裝置和設計 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1025 | |||||
kirig | shake oneself (like a dog after a | 搖動自己 | kirig [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1026 | |||||
kita | personal pronoun of the second person (singular or plural) | 第二人稱代詞(單數或複數) | k-ita [PAN] | ita₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1027 | ||||
kiṭuk | make a knocking sound | 發出敲擊聲 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1028 | |||||
kiṭuk | make a knocking sound | 發出敲擊聲 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1029 | |||||
kiwa | left | 左邊 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1030 | |||||
ko | pronoun of the second person: you (generally disparaging or when addressing oneself) | 第二人稱代詞:你(通常是貶損或稱呼自己) | kahu [PMP] | kaSu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1031 | ||||
konṭol | scrotum | 陰囊 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1032 | |||||
-ku | suffix for the first person (after stems that end with a consonant other than #n) | 第一人稱的尾碼(在詞幹後面,以除n以外的輔音結尾) | -ku [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1033 | |||||
kuḍis-en | scurvy, scabby | 壞血病,疥瘡 | kudis [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1034 | |||||
kuḍuŋ-kuḍuŋ | cover, wrapping, veil, shroud | 覆蓋物、包裝物、面紗、裹屍布 | kuduŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1035 | |||||
kujur | a measure (pile) or bar of cake-shaped objects | 蛋糕狀物體的量塊(堆)或條 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1036 | |||||
kukub | sheet, covering | 床單,覆蓋物 | kubkub₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1037 | |||||
kukuh | strong, firm, inflexible, tough, sturdy, relentless | 堅強,堅定,不屈不撓,堅強,堅強,無情 | kukuq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1038 | |||||
kukuh | strong, firm, inflexible, tough, sturdy, relentless | 堅強,堅定,不屈不撓,堅強,堅強,無情 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1039 | |||||
kukuŋ | stiff, rigid | 僵硬,僵硬 | kukuŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1040 | |||||
ku-kuruŋ-an | women reserved for the king | 為國王保留的女人 | kuruŋ-an [PWMP] | kuruŋ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1041 | ||||
kukus | smoke, spray, cloud (of dust, pollen, etc.) | 煙、霧、雲(灰塵、花粉等) | kuskus₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1042 | |||||
kukus | smoke, spray, cloud (of dust, pollen, etc.) | 煙、霧、雲(灰塵、花粉等) | kukus [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1043 | |||||
kukus-an | cone-shaped basket of woven bamboo in which rice is steamed | 蒸飯用竹編的錐形籃子 | kuskus-an₂ [PWMP] | kuskus₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1044 | ||||
kukus-an | cone-shaped basket of woven bamboo in which rice is steamed | 蒸飯用竹編的錐形籃子 | kuskus₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1045 | |||||
kukus-an | cone-shaped basket of woven bamboo in which rice is steamed | 蒸飯用竹編的錐形籃子 | kukus [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1046 | |||||
kul | a certain mollusc (mussel, oyster, clam?) | 某種軟體動物(貽貝,牡蠣,蛤蜊?) | kuhul [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1047 | |||||
kuləm | night | 夜 | kulem [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1048 | |||||
kulub | boiled lightly | 輕煮 | kulub₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1049 | |||||
kulub-an | lightly boiled dish of vegetables | 清蒸菜 | kulub-an [PWMP] | kulub₂ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1050 | ||||
k〈um〉ərət | to sever (the head), chop, cut (the throat) | 割(頭)、砍、割(喉) | keret [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1051 | |||||
k〈um〉ilala | to enjoy the usufruct of, have a right to the services, etc. of | 享有……的用益權、使用權等 | k〈um〉ilala [PWMP] | kilala | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1052 | ||||
k〈um〉ilat | to flash, of lightning | 閃電 | k〈um〉ilat [PWMP] | likaC | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1053 | ||||
kumis | moustache | 小鬍子 | kumis [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1054 | |||||
k〈um〉ukup | to take together, gather up | 聚在一起,聚在一起 | k〈um〉upkup [PWMP] | kupkup₃ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1055 | ||||
k〈um〉ukus | smoking, like smoke | 抽煙,就像抽煙一樣 | kuskus₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1056 | |||||
k〈um〉ukus | smoking, like smoke | 抽煙,就像抽煙一樣 | kukus [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1057 | |||||
k〈um〉ul | like a #kul, to clam up | 像個庫爾,閉嘴 | kuhul [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1058 | |||||
kunir | turmeric | 薑黃 | kunij [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1059 | |||||
kunir-en | yellowish? | 發黃? | kunij [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1060 | |||||
kuŋkuŋ | a particular kind of ornament (ring?, bracelet?) | 一種特殊的裝飾品(戒指?,手鐲?) | kuŋkuŋ₄ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1061 | |||||
kupiŋ ~ kopiŋ | ear | 耳朵 | kupiŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1062 | |||||
kupu-kupu ~ ku-kupu | butterfly | 蝴蝶 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1063 | |||||
kura | tortoise | 烏龜 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1064 | |||||
kuraŋ | too little, not enough; having too little, lacking (deficient) in | 太少,不夠;太少,缺乏 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1065 | |||||
kureb | lie in an overturned position, lie face downward | 側臥,面朝下 | kureb [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1066 | |||||
kuren | husband, wife, partner, consort | 丈夫、妻子、伴侶、配偶 | kuden [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1067 | |||||
kuris | kind of scabious cutaneous eruption | 一種粗糙的皮膚疹 | kuris₁ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1068 | |||||
kuru | thinness | 薄 | kuru₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1069 | |||||
kuruŋ | cage | 籠子 | kuruŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1070 | |||||
kuruŋ-an | cage | 籠子 | kuruŋ-an [PWMP] | kuruŋ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1071 | ||||
kusik | rushing, rustling, making a confused sound, murmuring | 急促,沙沙,發出混亂的聲音,低語 | kusik [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1072 | |||||
kusu | make fire by friction | 摩擦生火 | kusu₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1073 | |||||
kusut | in disorder, disturbed, dishevelled, not done up (hanging down, hair), unkempt | 亂七八糟、心煩意亂、衣衫襤褸、沒有整理好(垂下、頭髮)、蓬亂 | kusut [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1074 | |||||
kuṭa | fort, stronghold, fortfied encampment, walled palace, wall | 堡壘,要塞,堅固的營地,有圍牆的宮殿,圍牆 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1075 | |||||
kutil-ən | suffering from pimples (?) | 患有丘疹?) | kutil [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1076 | |||||
kuwu | dwelling, housing, quarters, lodgings (often of temporarily erected housing or buildings at feasts or pleasure trips); tents, encampment; but also residence of #patih (high official in the court), #mantri (king’s counselor, minister) | kubu [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1077 | ||||||
lābha | acquisition, gain, profit | 收購、收益、利潤 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1078 | |||||
labw-an | rainfall (after the dry season) | 降雨量(旱季後) | labuq₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1079 | |||||
ladiŋ | type of cleaver or jungle knife | 劈刀或叢林刀類型 | ladiŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1080 | |||||
lagi | continuously, constantly, again and again, always, usually; continuing for some time already, going on, keeping on, still | lagi [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1081 | ||||||
lagu | use, custom; behavior, bearing | 使用,自定義;行為,軸承 | lagu₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1082 | |||||
laki | man, male, husband | 男人,男人,丈夫 | laki₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1083 | |||||
laki-laki | man, male, husband | 男人,男人,丈夫 | laki₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1084 | |||||
la-lamak | something laid down to put something else on, a mat | 放在墊子上的東西 | lamak [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1085 | |||||
lalateŋ | stinging nettle | 刺蕁麻 | la-lateŋ [PMP] | laCeŋ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1086 | ||||
laler | a fly | 蒼蠅 | lalej [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1087 | |||||
lali | to forget, fail to notice | 忘記,不注意 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1088 | |||||
lalu | to pass, go by, elapse, continue, proceed; thereupon, subsequently; passing the limit, going too far, too much, exceedingly, very, very much | lalu₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1089 | ||||||
lalu | to pass, go by, elapse, continue, proceed; thereupon, subsequently; passing the limit, going too far, too much | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1090 | ||||||
lama | length of time, duration | 時間長度、持續時間 | lama₂ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1091 | |||||
lambaŋ | that which is stretched out horizontally | 水準伸展的 | lak(e)baŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1092 | |||||
lambat | tenacious, difficult to move | 頑強,難以移動 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1093 | |||||
lambuŋ | side, flank of the body, of a mountain, of a battle-array | 側面,身體的側面,山的側面,陣陣的側面 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1094 | |||||
lamlam | carried away by desire (longing); being a prey to one's emotions; feeling uncertain; acting according to one's own desire (whim) | lamlam₁ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1095 | ||||||
lampit | a mat of rattan | 藤席 | lampit [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1096 | |||||
lamuk-lamuk | vaguely visible | 依稀可見 | lamuk₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1097 | |||||
landak | porcupine | 豪豬 | landak [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1098 | |||||
lante | mat of rattan (distinctive of high rank) | 藤席(高級特有) | lantay [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1099 | |||||
laŋit | sky, firmament | 天空,蒼穹 | laŋit [PMP] | laŋiC | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1100 | ||||
laŋit-laŋit | canopy | 天蓬 | laŋit laŋit [PWMP] | laŋiC | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1101 | ||||
laŋkah | step, stride | 邁步,邁步 | laŋkaq₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1102 | |||||
lapā | hunger (also thirst?) | 饑餓(還有口渴?) | lapaR₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1103 | |||||
latah | bewildered, perplexed, dumbfounded | 困惑、困惑、目瞪口呆 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1104 | |||||
latək | mud, bog | 泥濘,沼澤 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1105 | |||||
latek | mud, bog | 泥濘,沼澤 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1106 | |||||
latəŋ | stinging nettle | 刺蕁麻 | lateŋ [PMP] | laCeŋ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1107 | ||||
latu-latu, lalatu | sparks, flying parts of a burning object | 火花,燃燒物體的飛濺部分 | lalatu₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1108 | |||||
lawan | match, opponent, adversary | 對手,對手,對手 | laban₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1109 | |||||
lawaŋ | door, gate, entrance | 門,門,入口 | lawaŋ₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1110 | |||||
lawaŋ-an | gate | 大門 | lawaŋ₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1111 | |||||
lawas | length of time, duration | 時間長度、持續時間 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1112 | |||||
laway-an | yarn reel | 紗線卷取機 | labay₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1113 | |||||
laway-an | yarn-reel | 紗線卷取機 | laway [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1114 | |||||
laway-an | yarn-reel | 紗線卷取機 | laway-an [PWMP] | laway | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1115 | ||||
lawe | thread, yarn | 線,紗線 | labay₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1116 | |||||
lawe | thread, yarn | 線,紗線 | laway [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1117 | |||||
layw-an | fallen (picked) and fading flower | 落(摘)花凋謝 | layu [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1118 | |||||
ləbak | valley | 山谷 | lebak₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1119 | |||||
ləbū | dust | 灰塵 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1120 | |||||
lebug | mud | 泥 | lebug [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1121 | |||||
ləbuh | open space (road or square) in town or village | 城鎮或村莊的空地(道路或廣場) | lebuq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1122 | |||||
leleb | expired, lapsed, forfeited | 過期、失效、沒收 | le(b)leb [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1123 | |||||
lələb | expired, lapsed, forfeited | 過期、失效、沒收 | leleb [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1124 | |||||
lələs | to disappear | 消失 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1125 | |||||
lembah | low-lying ground, valley | 低窪地、山谷 | le(m)baq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1126 | |||||
ləmbu | cow, bull (when distinct from #sapi, probably a white cow or bull’ | 牛,公牛(與薩皮牛不同時,可能是白牛或公牛) | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1127 | |||||
ləmbut | fine, soft, thin; delicate, gentle, refined | 細軟細 | lembut [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1128 | |||||
lemeŋ-lemeŋ-an | food cooked in a vessel of green bamboo | 用青竹做的食物 | lemeŋ₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1129 | |||||
lempag | to deal a blow | 打擊 | le(m)pag [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1130 | |||||
ləmu | kindly disposed, sympathetic? | 好心的,有同情心的? | lemu [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1131 | |||||
len | other, different, otherwise, and also | 其他的,不同的,其他的,還有 | lian [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1132 | |||||
len | other, different, otherwise, and also | 其他的,不同的,其他的,還有 | laqin [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1133 | |||||
ləŋa | seseame; sesame oil; oil | 芝麻油 | leŋa [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1134 | |||||
leŋen | arm | 臂 | leŋen [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1135 | |||||
leŋeŋ | a state of daze, of being unaware of about one, rapture, ecstasy; being enraptured by beauty or love | 發呆的狀態,對一個人一無所知,狂喜,狂喜;被美或愛所陶醉 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1136 | |||||
ləŋkəp | complete (?) | 完成(?)?) | lekep₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1137 | |||||
lepa | ointment, unguent, plaster | 軟膏、軟膏、膏藥 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1138 | |||||
ləpas | free (from bonds), released; let go, thrown (flying missile); set going, moving off, leaving, going away, leaving others behind; moving unhindered and swiftly | lepas [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1139 | ||||||
lepet | tight, tightly bound, compressed, compact | 緊密的,緊密的,壓縮的,緊密的 | lepet₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1140 | |||||
ləpət | tight, tightly bound, compressed, compact | 緊密的,緊密的,壓縮的,緊密的 | lepet₃ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1141 | |||||
ləpih | fold; double the sum, twice the amount | 加倍 | lepiq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1142 | |||||
ləpit | cleft, narrow valley | 裂縫,狹窄的山谷 | lepit₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1143 | |||||
ləsu | weak, tired, limp; drained of energy | 虛弱、疲倦、無力;精疲力竭 | lesu₃ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1144 | |||||
ləsuŋ | rice-pounder | 碾米機 | lesuŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1145 | |||||
ləwih | superior, higher, better, more; surpassing, exceeding(ly), prominent, eminent; more so, especially; superiority, etc. | lebiq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1146 | ||||||
licin | free(dom) from any encumbrances, free(dom) from passions ... complete perfection | 從任何阻礙中解脫,從激情中解脫。。。完美無缺 | licin [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1147 | |||||
liket | glutinous, syrupy, sticky, thick | 糯的,糖漿的,粘稠的 | liket [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1148 | |||||
liku-liku | twists, bends; twisted, bending, winding | 扭曲,彎曲;扭曲,彎曲,彎曲 | liku₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1149 | |||||
likur-an | side? | 側邊? | likud-an [PAN] | likud | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1150 | ||||
lilit | a pattern of wavy lines, rippling | 波浪線的圖案 | litlit [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1151 | |||||
lima | five | 五 | lima [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1152 | |||||
limas | a container for food | 盛食物的容器 | limas [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1153 | |||||
limo | a citrus fruit, the lime | 柑橘類水果、酸橙 | limaw [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1154 | |||||
limpa | spleen | 脾臟 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1155 | |||||
l〈in〉aler-an | full of flies | 滿是蒼蠅 | lalej [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1156 | |||||
l〈in〉araŋ | forbidden to others, reserved for, declared | 禁止他人,保留,聲明 | laRaŋ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1157 | |||||
lin-cak | leap, hop | 跳躍,跳躍 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1158 | |||||
linḍū | to shake, quake; earthquake, tremor | 震動 | linduR [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1159 | |||||
linḍuŋ-an | hiding place, cover | 藏身處,掩體 | linduŋ-an [PWMP] | liduŋ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1160 | ||||
l〈in〉əŋa-n | to rub with oil | 用油擦 | leŋa [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1161 | |||||
l〈in〉əpit | to pleat, fold | 折疊 | lepit₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1162 | |||||
l〈in〉or-an | to pass on the north side | 從北邊經過 | lahud [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1163 | |||||
liŋ | what one says: words, command, suggestion, etc.; what one says to oneself (in one's heart): thought, opinion; what something says (conveys): meaning, tenor | liŋ₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1164 | ||||||
liŋgis | sharp-bladed crowbar | 尖刀撬棍 | li(ŋ)gis [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1165 | |||||
liŋsa | nit, egg of a louse | 尼特,蝨子蛋 | lisehaq, liseqah [PMP] | liseqeS | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1166 | ||||
lon | slowness | 緩慢 | laun [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1167 | |||||
lor | north | 北 | lahud [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1168 | |||||
lukat | wiped out, undone (of sin, a curse); released, purified (of the person); to get free (from a restriction)? | lukat₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1169 | ||||||
l〈um〉abuh | to cast oneself (into the fire, into the water, onto the rocks), to seek one’s death; to cast anchor | labuq₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1170 | ||||||
l〈um〉aki-laki | to incite to manly action, fire the fighting spirit of | 煽動男子氣概,激發鬥志 | laki₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1171 | |||||
l〈um〉alu | to go on regardless of the consequences | 不顧後果繼續下去 | lalu₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1172 | |||||
l〈um〉alu | to go on regardless of the consequences, determinded to face (difficulties, death, etc.); to pass by, ignore | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1173 | ||||||
l〈um〉aŋkah | to advance, proceed | 前進,前進 | laŋkaq₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1174 | |||||
lumba-lumba | porpoise | 江豚 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1175 | |||||
lumbar | free, unfettered, left open (field where crop has been reaped) | 自由,不受限制,左開(作物已收割的田地) | lumbar [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1176 | |||||
lumbu | a water plant with limp leaves (an image of weakness) | 葉子柔軟的水生植物(虛弱的形象) | lumbu [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1177 | |||||
lumbuŋ | rice barn | 米倉 | lumbuŋ₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1178 | |||||
l〈um〉əsu | to cause to grow weak, tire, abate | 使變得虛弱、疲倦、衰弱 | l〈um〉esu [PWMP] | lesu₃ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1179 | ||||
l〈um〉iput | to envelop, enwrap, engulf, enfold, cover, surround | 包、裹、吞沒、包、蓋、圍 | l〈um〉iput [PWMP] | liput₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1180 | ||||
lumpat | jump, leap | 跳,跳 | lumpat [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1181 | |||||
lumpuh | lame (of the leg) | 瘸腿的 | lumpuq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1182 | |||||
l〈um〉umpat | to leap, jump | 跳,跳 | lumpat [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1183 | |||||
l〈um〉uŋsur | to come down, slip down, slide down | 下來,滑下去,滑下去 | lu(ŋ)suR [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1184 | |||||
lumut | moss, lichen, small vegetation growing on rocks, trees, etc; small ferns; a kind of powder (#beḍak), esp. on the breasts | lumut [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1185 | ||||||
lumut-en | covered with lichen, etc. | 覆蓋著苔蘚等。 | lumut-en [PWMP] | lumut | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1186 | ||||
lumut-lumut | moss, lichen, small vegetation growing on rocks, trees, etc; small ferns; a kind of powder (#beḍak), esp. on the breasts | lumut-lumut [PMP] | lumut | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1187 | |||||
lunas | the keel of a ship | 船的龍骨 | lunas [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1188 | |||||
luŋka | chasm, gap | 裂縫 | lu(ŋ)ka [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1189 | |||||
luŋsur | coming down, slipping down, sliding down | 下來,滑下去,滑下去 | lu(ŋ)suR [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1190 | |||||
lupa | loss of memory, loss of consciousness | 失去記憶,失去意識 | lupa [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1191 | |||||
lutuŋ | black or grey long-tailed monkey: Semnopithecus maurus | 黑色或灰色長尾猴 | luCuŋ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1192 | |||||
luwaŋ | pit, hole, cavity | 坑、洞、洞 | lubaŋ₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1193 | |||||
luwar | to separate, disperse, break up, part, go away; loose from, freed from, to escape from | 分開,分散,分開,分開,離開 | luqar [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1194 | |||||
lūya | exhausted, powerless | 精疲力盡,無能為力 | luya₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1195 | |||||
lyaŋ | hole, burrow, opening | 洞、洞、洞 | liaŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1196 | |||||
ma-asih | to love, have sympathy or compassion | 愛、同情或同情 | ma-qasiq [PMP] | qasiq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1197 | ||||
ma-asy-asih | show one's love, do a favor, be so kind | 表示愛意,幫個忙,友善點 | ma-qasiq [PMP] | qasiq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1198 | ||||
m(a)-ati | die; dead | 死亡 | m-atay [PMP] | aCay | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1199 | ||||
ma-baŋun | with the shape of, like | 形狀像 | ma-baŋun [PWMP] | baŋuN | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1200 | ||||
ma-bukut | sit respectfully bowed | 恭敬地鞠躬 | bukut [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1201 | |||||
ma-cəkuk-cəkuk | to choke (or to hiccup?) | 窒息(或打嗝)?) | cekuk [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1202 | |||||
ma-dagiŋ | to have the flesh (body) of, descend from )?) | 有肉(體)的,從何而來?) | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1203 | |||||
madhu | honey; mead; syrup | 蜂蜜;蜂蜜酒;糖漿 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1204 | |||||
ma-dwal | to sell | 出售 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1205 | |||||
ma-garut | to scratch | 刮擦 | ma-garut [PWMP] | garuC | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1206 | ||||
ma-gurit | (to scratch, engrave >) to paint, to write, to write a poem | (劃,刻>)畫畫,寫字,寫詩 | gurit [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1207 | |||||
ma-hapū | with (having) lime | 加石灰 | qapuR [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1208 | |||||
ma-hasta | with hands | 用手 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1209 | |||||
ma-hawu | smear oneself with ash? | 用灰燼抹黑自己? | ma-qabu [PWMP] | qabu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1210 | ||||
(m)a-hulu | with a head, having the head of | 有頭,有頭 | ma-qulu [PWMP] | quluh | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1211 | ||||
(m)a-hurip | to live, living | 活著,活著 | ma-qudip [PMP] | qudip | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1212 | ||||
ma-ineb | with closed doors | 關著門 | qiNeb [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1213 | |||||
ma-isi, mesi | filled with, containing, possessing; full, meaningful, pregnant, full of love | 充滿,包含,擁有;充滿,有意義,懷孕,充滿愛 | ma-isi [PMP] | isi₅ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1214 | ||||
maka-besur-an | to have something one has had enough of | 得到一個受夠了的東西 | maka-besuR [PWMP] | besuR | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1215 | ||||
maka-laki | to have a husband, be married to, have sexual intercourse with (of a woman) | 有丈夫,結婚,與(女人)性交 | laki₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1216 | |||||
ma-kampil | carrying the treasures (regalia, heirlooms, etc.) | 攜帶寶藏(王冠、傳家寶等) | kampil [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1217 | |||||
mak-ānak | have as a child, consider as one's child | 像個孩子一樣 | maka-anak [PWMP] | aNak | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1218 | ||||
maka-ŋaran | with the name, called | 有名字,叫 | ŋajan [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1219 | |||||
maka-puput | having as end, finally, end in, result in, turn into | 最後,結束,結果,變成 | putput₃ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1220 | |||||
ma-karaŋ | with coral; with rocks | 有珊瑚;有岩石 | karaŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1221 | |||||
(m)a-kas | hard, inflexible, unyielding, obstinate | 硬的,不靈活的,不屈服的,固執的 | keRas [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1222 | |||||
maka-sākṣi | to have as witness | 作為證人 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1223 | |||||
maka-soŋ | having (using) as cover (protection), covered by, in the shadow of; being (serving as) cover, etc. | saeŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1224 | ||||||
maka-sumpiŋ | to use as a #sumpiŋ, to serve as a #sumpiŋ | 用作相撲,用作相撲 | sumpiŋ₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1225 | |||||
maka-tasik | having as sea, surrounded by sea | 有如海,被海包圍 | tasik [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1226 | |||||
maka-tiru | to serve for a model | 為糢特服務 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1227 | |||||
maka-toh | to have as a stake, put up for stake; to stake, risk | 立為賭注,立為賭注;立為賭注,冒險 | taRuq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1228 | |||||
ma-kəkəb | closed, covered, quiet | 封閉、隱蔽、安靜 | kebkeb₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1229 | |||||
ma-kəmu-kəmu | to keep in the mouth (a liquid), rinse with | 放入口中(液體),用 | kemuR [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1230 | |||||
ma--kəraŋ | with mussels | 帶貽貝 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1231 | |||||
ma-kilala | to have the usufruct (right to the service) of | 使用權 | ma-kilala [PWMP] | kilala | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1232 | ||||
mak-olih | obtain, get, overpower, defeat, catch | 獲得,獲得,壓倒,擊敗,抓住 | maka-uliq₁ [PWMP] | uliq₂ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1233 | ||||
ma-kon | to tell someone to do something, order | 告訴某人做某事,命令 | kuan₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1234 | |||||
ma-kukuk | to cluck, of a hen | 咯咯叫,母雞的咯咯叫 | kukkuk [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1235 | |||||
(m)a-kukus | with smoke, smoking | 抽煙,抽煙 | kuskus₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1236 | |||||
(m)a-labuh | to cast oneself down (on or into something) and seek one’s death; to cast something into the water | labuq₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1237 | ||||||
m-ālap | take, fetch, carry off | 帶走,帶走,帶走 | ma-alap [PAN] | alap | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1238 | ||||
ma-layū | run, run away, take flight, flee | 逃跑,逃跑,逃跑,逃跑 | ma-laRiw [PAN] | laRiw | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1239 | ||||
(m)a-linḍuŋ-an | to hide behind, seek cover behind | 躲在後面,躲在後面 | ma-linduŋ-an [PWMP] | liduŋ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1240 | ||||
maliŋ | thief; thievish; stealthy | 小偷;小偷;偷盜 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1241 | |||||
m-ālun | in waves | 在波浪中 | ma-qalun [PWMP] | qalun | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1242 | ||||
(m)a-lupa | forgetting, not thinking of | 忘記,不去想 | lupa [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1243 | |||||
ma-mata | to look at, observe, inspect | 觀察、觀察、檢查 | mata [PMP] | maCa | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1244 | ||||
m-ānak | to have (bring forth) a child | 生孩子 | maR-anak [PMP] | aNak | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1245 | ||||
m-ānak anak | bring forth a child | 生孩子 | anak anak [PWMP] | aNak | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1246 | ||||
ma-nakit | to cause pain? to be a disease? | 引起疼痛?成為一種疾病? | ma-ñakit [PWMP] | sakit | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1247 | ||||
ma-nəgəs | to make clear, explain | 解釋清楚 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1248 | |||||
maṇi ~ maṇik | jewel, gem, pearl; crystal | 寶石,寶石,珍珠;水晶 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1249 | |||||
maṇik-maṇik | coral; coral beads | 珊瑚;珊瑚珠 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1250 | |||||
ma-nimbaŋ-i | to be on a par with, be a match for, equal; to put in the balance, weigh, compare; to be (go, sit, etc.) at the side of, flank, accompany, support | ma-nimbaŋ [PWMP] | timbaŋ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1251 | |||||
manis | sweetness, gentleness, kindness, loveliness | 甜蜜、溫柔、善良、可愛 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1252 | |||||
manis-an | to sweeten; to address with sweet words | 用甜言蜜語 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1253 | |||||
manuk | bird | 鳥 | manuk [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1254 | |||||
ma-nutu | to pound rice | 搗米 | ma-nutu [PWMP] | tutuh | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1255 | ||||
maŋ-alah | give in, admit oneself beaten | 認輸 | maŋ-alaq₂ [PWMP] | alaq₂ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1256 | ||||
maŋa-lima | divide into five | 分成五份 | maŋ-lima [PWMP] | lima | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1257 | ||||
maŋa-lor | go to the north, northward | 北上,北上 | lahud [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1258 | |||||
maŋ-anak-i | have children | 有孩子 | maŋ-anak-i [PWMP] | aNak | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1259 | ||||
maŋ-asih-asih | to flatter | 奉承 | qasiq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1260 | |||||
(m)aŋ-awaŋ-awaŋ | (being) in the air, moving through the air | (處於)空中,在空中移動 | awaŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1261 | |||||
maŋ-hapū | make lime | 生石灰 | maŋ-qapuR [PWMP] | qapuR | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1262 | ||||
maŋ-hwab, maŋ-ob | to yawn | 打哈欠 | maŋ-huab [PWMP] | Suab | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1263 | ||||
ma-ŋilala | to enjoy the usufruct of, have a right to the services, etc. of | 享有……的用益權、使用權等 | ma-ŋilala [PWMP] | kilala | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1264 | ||||
m-aŋkat | get up, rise, set out, depart | 起來,起來,出發,離開 | aŋkat [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1265 | |||||
maŋ-udud | suck at | 吮吸 | qudud [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1266 | |||||
ma-paŋkat | in formation, in well-ordered arrangement, lined up | 隊形整齊,排列整齊 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1267 | |||||
ma-pasar-pasar | to come to market (as a buyer or seller) | 上市(作為買方或賣方) | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1268 | |||||
ma-pintu | door-keeper | 看門人 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1269 | |||||
ma-pirak | to possess wealth, be rich | 擁有財富,富有 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1270 | |||||
ma-pitu | divide into seven | 分成七份 | ma-pitu [PWMP] | pitu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1271 | ||||
ma-rah | bleeding | 出血 | ma-daRaq [PAN] | daRaq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1272 | ||||
mar-baŋun | come to life, revive | 復活,復活 | maR-baŋun [PWMP] | baŋuN | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1273 | ||||
ma-ron ~ ma-rwan | with leaves, sprouting leaves | 帶著葉子,發芽的葉子 | ma-dahun [PWMP] | dahun | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1274 | ||||
mar-pat | separate into four parts | 分成四部分 | maR-epat [PWMP] | Sepat | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1275 | ||||
ma-rwi ~ ma-ri | thorny | 多刺的 | ma-duRi [PWMP] | duRi | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1276 | ||||
(m)a-sanḍiŋ | (m)a-sanḍiŋat the side, having at the side, side by side | (m)a-sanḍiŋ在側面,在側面,並排 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1277 | |||||
ma-saŋət | vehement, harsh | 激烈,嚴厲 | saŋet [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1278 | |||||
ma-səlā | interspaced, with space in between | 中間有空隙 | sela [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1279 | |||||
ma-sənḍi | with pillar supports, with a sedan-chair | 有支柱支撐,有轎子 | sendiR [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1280 | |||||
ma-suŋut | with feelers | 用觸角 | suŋut₃ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1281 | |||||
ma-surat | with letters, written | 寫著信 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1282 | |||||
ma-susuk | penetrating or entering into something | 穿透或進入某物 | ma-suksuk [PWMP] | suksuk | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1283 | ||||
mata | eye; meshes (of a net); stone (set in a ring, etc.) | 眼;網;石頭 | mata [PMP] | maCa | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1284 | ||||
ma-tahi-tahi | rusty | 生銹的 | taqi [PMP] | Caqi | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1285 | ||||
(m)a-tambak | with a wall, etc.; to stand like a wall or dam, tightly packed (along the way), blocking (the way); a certain functionary (inspector or dikes?) | ma-tambak [PWMP] | tambak₂ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1286 | |||||
(m)a-tasak | ripe, cooked | 熟的 | ma-tasak [PMP] | tasak | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1287 | ||||
(m)a-təŋah | to be halfway; half (adj.) | 半途而廢;半途而廢 | ma-teŋaq [PWMP] | teŋaq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1288 | ||||
ma-təpi-təpi | edged, bordered | 邊緣,邊緣 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1289 | |||||
ma-timpuh | to sit somewhat sideways on one of the bent legs tucked under the body (sitting position of women) | timpuhuq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1290 | ||||||
(m)a-tiru | to follow, imitate, take for a model | 模仿,模仿 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1291 | |||||
(m)a-tuluŋ | to render help (aid, assistance) | 提供幫助 | ma-tuluŋ [PWMP] | tuluŋ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1292 | ||||
ma-tunw-a-tunw-an | to set everything on fire | 縱火 | ma-tunuh [PAN] | CuNuh | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1293 | ||||
(m)a-tuŋgu | to stay and wait on, keep watch over, guard, be a guardian | 留下來等待,守護,守護,守護 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1294 | |||||
(m)a-turū | to sleep | 睡覺 | ma-tuduR [PMP] | tuduR | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1295 | ||||
ma-turus | to erect a fence | 豎起籬笆 | turus [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1296 | |||||
m-ātus | to be a hundred (hundreds?) in number | 一百(幾百?)數量 | ma-Ratus [PWMP] | RaCus | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1297 | ||||
m-ātus-atus | to be hundreds | 成百上千 | ma-Ratus [PWMP] | RaCus | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1298 | ||||
ma-usuk | with rafters | 有椽子 | ma-Rusuk [PWMP] | Rusuk | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1299 | ||||
ma-utaŋ | to owe | 欠 | ma-qutaŋ [PMP] | qutaŋ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1300 | ||||
m-āwak | have or assume a body, be an embodiment of | 擁有或假定一個身體,是 | hawak [PMP] | Sawak | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1301 | ||||
(m)a-wukir-an | go to the mountains, make a mountain excursion, live in the mountains | 上山,遠足,住山裏 | bukij [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1302 | |||||
(m)a-wuwuh | increasing, growing (in number or strength); being added to | 新增的,增長的(在數量或力量上);被加到 | bubuq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1303 | |||||
mayaŋ | blossom of the areca palm | 檳榔花 | mayaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1304 | |||||
mayuŋ-an | hold an umbrella or parasol over someone or something; to shade something, as a tree shading a house | 用傘或陽傘遮住某人或某物;遮住某物,如遮住房子的樹 | payuŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1305 | |||||
m-eḍem | extinguished, lustreless | 熄滅,無光澤 | ma-edem [PWMP] | edem₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1306 | ||||
meḍem | extinguished, lustreless | 熄滅,無光澤 | medem [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1307 | |||||
m-énak | at ease, relieved, satisfied; easy, smooth, untroubled; pleasant, agreeable, comfortable | 安逸、寬慰、滿足;安逸、流暢、無憂無慮;愉快、愉快、舒適 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1308 | |||||
meŋā | to open, be or stand open | 打開、打開或站著打開 | beŋa₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1309 | |||||
metu | come out, come forth, appear, be born, rise (sun) | 出來,出來,出現,出生,上升(太陽) | betu [PMP] | betu₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1310 | ||||
miñak | butter, especially the butter which is cast as an oblation on the sacrificial fire | 黃油,尤指作為祭品扔在火上的黃油 | miñak [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1311 | |||||
m〈in〉ata | set with (stones, etc.) | 用(石頭等)固定 | m〈in〉ata [PMP] | maCa | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1312 | ||||
mirah | ruby; red, ruby-red, blood-red | 紅寶石紅,紅寶石紅,血紅 | ma-iRaq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1313 | |||||
misan | first cousin | 表親 | pisan [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1314 | |||||
(m)-olem | shining (only) palely, dim, wan, languishing, faded | 黯淡、暗淡、憔悴、憔悴、褪色 | ma-hulem [PMP] | Sulem | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1315 | ||||
m-omah | to have a house, run a household | 有房有戶 | Rumaq [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1316 | |||||
m-ombak | with waves, undulating, surging | 波濤洶湧 | ma-humbak [PWMP] | humbak | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1317 | ||||
m-ombak-ombak-an | undulating, surging, in waves | 波濤洶湧 | ma-humbak [PWMP] | humbak | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1318 | ||||
-mu | 2sg. possessor, your | 2毫克。擁有者,你的 | -mu [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1319 | |||||
m-uḍik | to rise; to proceed upstream | 上升;逆流而上 | um-udahik [PWMP] | udahik | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1320 | ||||
mukha | mouth; face, countenance | 嘴;臉,臉 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1321 | |||||
mūla | basis, foundation, cause, origin, beginning | 根據,基礎,原因,起源,開始 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1322 | |||||
m-ulih | reach (go to) one's destination; go (come) home, go (come) back | 到達目的地;回家 | um-uliq [PMP] | uliq₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1323 | ||||
muŋkur | to turn one’s back on | 重新開始 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1324 | |||||
musuh ~ muŋsuh | enemy, opponent | 敵人,對手 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1325 | |||||
muta | blindly | 盲目地 | maŋ-buta [PWMP] | buCa | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1326 | ||||
m-utah | to vomit | 嘔吐 | um-utaq [PAN] | utaq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1327 | ||||
mutya | pearl | 珍珠 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1328 | |||||
naŋka | a particular kind of tree and its fruits, Artocarpus integrifolia | 一種特殊的樹木及其果實 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1329 | |||||
nasi | cooked rice | 米飯 | in-asi [PWMP] | asi₃ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1330 | ||||
nasi | cooked rice | 米飯 | nasi [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1331 | |||||
natar | grounds, yard (in front or around a building, house, temple, etc.); ground, surface of a piece of cloth on which the pattern is painted | natad [PMP] | NataD | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1332 | |||||
nipah | a particular kind of palm tree (in swamps) | 一種特殊的棕櫚樹(在沼澤中) | nipaq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1333 | |||||
nira | form in which the pronoun #sira appears, when qualifying a noun (his, her; your) or the #in-form of the passive verb (by him, by her; by you) | ni ida [PWMP] | ida | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1334 | |||||
nūsa | island | 島 | nusa₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1335 | |||||
nūsāntara | the other islands | 其他島嶼 | nusa₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1336 | |||||
-nya | 3sg. possessor | 3毫克。佔有人 | ni-a [PAN] | -a₂ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1337 | ||||
ŋaran | name | 名稱 | ŋajan [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1338 | |||||
ŋikik | shouting with jeering laughter (demons.) | 用嘲笑的笑聲喊叫(惡魔) | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1339 | |||||
-ŋku | suffix for the first person (after bases that end with #n, or a vowel) | 第一人稱的尾碼(在以n或母音結尾的基之後) | ni-ku [PMP] | -ku | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1340 | ||||
od-wad, od-od | hanging plant, hanging parasite, climber, creeper, liana | 懸垂植物,懸垂寄生蟲,攀緣植物,匍匐植物,藤本植物 | waRej [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1341 | |||||
ora | not | 不 | wada [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1342 | |||||
ot-wat, ot-ot | muscle | 肌肉 | uRat uRat [PMP] | huRaC | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1343 | ||||
p(a)-ati | death | 死亡 | p-atay [PMP] | aCay | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1344 | ||||
pa-bunuh | overseer of slaughtering? | 屠宰監督人? | pa-bunuq [PMP] | buNuq₂ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1345 | ||||
pacek | spike, pin | 釘子,別針 | pacek [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1346 | |||||
paḍa | equal; the equal of; equally; an indication of the plural | 相等的;相等的;相等的;複數的表示 | pada [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1347 | |||||
paḍa-paḍa | equal; the equal of | 相等的;相等的 | pada pada [PWMP] | pada | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1348 | ||||
paḍet | compact, compressed, having become a solid mass | 緻密的,壓縮的,變成固體的 | pa(n)det [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1349 | |||||
pageh | firmness, stability, constancy, stabilization, repair | 穩固,穩定,穩定,穩定,修復 | pageq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1350 | |||||
pager | hedge, fence, enclosure | 籬笆籬笆圍牆 | pager [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1351 | |||||
pahit | bitter, (of sea water) salt | (指海水)苦鹽 | paqit₂ [PMP] | paqiC | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1352 | ||||
pa-hutaŋ-an | he to whom one owes a debt; that for which one owes a debt, leasehold | 欠債的人;欠債的人 | paR-qutaŋ-an [PWMP] | qutaŋ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1353 | ||||
pak | onomatopoetic particle, blow | 擬聲詞 | pak [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1354 | |||||
pa-kilala | to have the usufruct (right to the service) of | 使用權 | pa-kilala [PMP] | kilala | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1355 | ||||
pakö ~ paku | nail, pin; (fig.) what gives stability | 釘子,別針;(圖)什麼使穩定 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1356 | |||||
paku | fern | 蕨類植物 | paku [PWMP] | paheku | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1357 | ||||
pa-kuren | be married, live as husband and wife | 結婚,做夫妻 | kuden [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1358 | |||||
pa-labw-an | anchorage, harbor | 安克雷奇港 | labuq₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1359 | |||||
p-alaŋ | cross-beam | 橫樑 | qalaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1360 | |||||
palaŋkapalaŋka-n | couch, seat, bench, throne | 沙發,椅子,長凳,寶座 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1361 | |||||
palapah | condiments, flavorings | 調味品、調味品 | palapaq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1362 | |||||
palar | in the hope that, in view of, in order to, expecting, perhaps | 希望,鑒於,為了,期待,也許 | palaj₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1363 | |||||
palatuk | woodpecker | 啄木鳥 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1364 | |||||
palatuk | woodpecker | 啄木鳥 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1365 | |||||
pa-layū | running, running away, flight | 逃跑,逃跑,逃跑 | pa-laRiw [PMP] | laRiw | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1366 | ||||
pa-layw-an | running, running away, flight | 逃跑,逃跑,逃跑 | pa-laRiw-an [PWMP] | laRiw | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1367 | ||||
pali-pali, pa-pali | the various ritual requisites (with purifying and strengthening power), used in ceremonial blessings (wedding, return after a battle, festive reception, etc.) | paliSi [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1368 | ||||||
palipid | edging, frame | 鑲邊,框架 | p〈al〉idpid [PWMP] | pidpid | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1369 | ||||
palipir | border, edge, side; going along, (being on) the border or side | 邊界,邊,邊;沿著(在)邊界或邊 | p〈al〉idpid [PWMP] | pidpid | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1370 | ||||
palu | hammer, mallet | 錘子,木槌 | palu [PMP] | palu₃ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1371 | ||||
paluŋ-an | trough, vat, tub, container for drinks? | 水槽、大桶、浴缸、飲料容器? | paluŋ-an [PWMP] | paluŋ₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1372 | ||||
palu-palu | mace, war-club (or battle hammer?) | 梅斯,戰爭俱樂部(或戰鬥錘?) | palu-palu [PAN] | palu₃ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1373 | ||||
palyaŋkaparyaŋka | bed, couch, sofa, litter, palanquin, seat, bench, throne | 床,沙發,沙發,垃圾,轎子,座位,長凳,寶座 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1374 | |||||
pa-maŋsy-an | that to which a bamboo flute is played | 吹奏竹笛的樂器 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1375 | |||||
pa-mata-n | looks, way of looking, glance | 看,看的管道,看 | mata [PMP] | maCa | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1376 | ||||
pa-mati | means (instrument) for killing, instrumental in killing; killer, slayer | 殺人的手段,殺人的手段;殺人的,殺人的 | paŋ-m-atay [PWMP] | aCay | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1377 | ||||
pam-bebek-an | grindstone | 磨石 | bekbek₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1378 | |||||
pa-mekas | what is at the end or at the top; what is left behind at departure | 在最後或最上面的是什麼;離開時留下的是什麼 | paŋ-bekas [PWMP] | bekas₃ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1379 | ||||
pa-milaŋ | a means of counting | 計數的方法 | paŋ-bilaŋ [PWMP] | bilaŋ₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1380 | ||||
pa-mulu | complexion, color of the skin | 膚色,膚色 | bulu₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1381 | |||||
pamuni | a means of hiding something | 隱藏某物的手段 | paŋ-buni [PWMP] | buNi | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1382 | ||||
pa-muŋkur | anus | 肛門 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1383 | |||||
pa-musw-an | place where cotton is carded | 棉花梳理的地方 | paŋ-busuR [PWMP] | busuR₂ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1384 | ||||
panah | arrow; bow; bowman | 箭;弓;弓箭手 | panaq [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1385 | |||||
p-ānak-an | woman by whom one has a child, wife | 生兒育女 | paR-anak-an [PWMP] | aNak | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1386 | ||||
pa-nakit | disease | 病 | pa-ñakit [PWMP] | sakit | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1387 | ||||
pa-naŋis | to weep, cry | 哭泣,哭泣 | pa-naŋis [PWMP] | Caŋis | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1388 | ||||
panas | heat | 熱 | panas₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1389 | |||||
panasa | jackfruit | 菠蘿蜜 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1390 | |||||
panay, pane | earthen vessel, pot | 陶罐 | panay [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1391 | |||||
pancur | spouting | 噴射 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1392 | |||||
pancur-an | waterspout, fountain, waterworks, bathing place with waterspouts | 水壺、噴泉、自來水廠、有水壺的浴場 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1393 | |||||
paṇḍan | kind of tree: Pandanus | 樹的種類:潘達努斯 | paŋedan [PMP] | paŋudaN | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1394 | ||||
panḍay ~ panḍe | skilled worker; smith, goldsmith, etc. | 熟練工人;鐵匠、金匠等。 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1395 | |||||
panék, penék | climb, climb on, get on or in, mount, ascend | 爬,爬,上或上,登,登 | panahik [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1396 | |||||
pa-nəpi | border area, border, side | 邊界區域,邊界,邊 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1397 | |||||
pa-niku | one’s ‘right hand’ helper (‘he who occupies the place of the elbow’) | 一個人的“右手”助手(佔據肘部的人) | pa-ñiku [PWMP] | sikux | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1398 | ||||
pa-niram | something to bathe with or to sprinkle on | 用來洗澡或灑在上面的東西 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1399 | |||||
panji | name; title (used before a proper name) | 名稱;標題(在正名之前使用) | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1400 | |||||
pantəs | fitting, appropriate, only right, only to be expected; in style, becoming, in accordance with all the rules; immaculate; adroit; in keeping with custom | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1401 | ||||||
pa-nuha | eldest | 老大 | tuqah [PMP] | tuqaS | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1402 | ||||
pa-nunw-an | cremation place, pile, pyre | 火葬場、堆、堆 | tunu [PMP] | CuNuh | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1403 | ||||
paŋ-alap | a means of catching | 捕捉的手段 | paŋ-alap [PWMP] | alap | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1404 | ||||
paŋ-alap-an | place for fetching something | 取東西的地方 | paŋ-alap-an [PWMP] | alap | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1405 | ||||
pa-ŋan | food, eating | 食物,飲食 | pa-ŋaen [PWMP] | kaen | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1406 | ||||
paŋan | food; eating | 食物 | paŋan [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1407 | |||||
paŋ-anak | bringing forth | 提出 | paŋ-anak [PWMP] | aNak | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1408 | ||||
pa-ŋan pa-ŋan-an | food | 食物 | pa-ŋaen-an [PWMP] | kaen | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1409 | ||||
paŋ-apuy | set on fire | 縱火 | paŋ-hapuy [PWMP] | Sapuy | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1410 | ||||
pa-ŋaran | name, named, called | 名字,名字,名字 | i-pa-ŋajan [PMP] | ŋajan | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1411 | ||||
pa-ŋaran | name, named, called | 名字,名字,名字 | paŋ-ŋaran [PWMP] | ŋajan | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1412 | ||||
paŋ-asah | one who grinds or sharpens | 磨刀者磨刀或削尖的人 | paŋ-hasaq [PWMP] | Sasaq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1413 | ||||
paŋ-empw-an | "he who is considered as (addressed with) #mpu", his (your) lordship or reverence | “被認為是(與)mpu講話的人”,他的(您的)閣下或尊敬 | paŋ-empu-an [PWMP] | empu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1414 | ||||
paŋgaga | kind of creeping herb, Hydrocotyle asiatica | 一種匍匐草本植物,亞洲水龍舌蘭 | paŋgaga [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1415 | |||||
paŋgaŋ | to roast (on spit, fork, etc.), toast | 烤(用吐痰、叉子等)吐司 | paŋgaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1416 | |||||
paŋgaŋ | tree of the fig family | 無花果樹 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1417 | |||||
paŋ-gənəp | the means to make complete | 完成的方法 | genep [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1418 | |||||
paŋgil | plant sp. | 植物屬。 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1419 | |||||
paŋ-giliŋ-an | roll, rolled meat? | 滾,滾肉? | giliŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1420 | |||||
paŋguŋ | scaffolding, raised platform, stand for spectators, "tower" in the cremation ceremony, stage for play (#wayaŋ) | paŋguŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1421 | ||||||
paŋ-hatep | covering | 覆蓋 | paŋ-qatep [PWMP] | qatep | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1422 | ||||
paŋ-hulu | the one in the forefront, leader | 最前線的,領袖 | paŋ-qulu [PWMP] | quluh | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1423 | ||||
paŋi | tree with edible fruits: Pangium edule | 有可食用果實的樹:逖 | paŋi [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1424 | |||||
paŋ-inum-an | drinking-bout | 喝酒 | paŋ-inum-an [PWMP] | inum | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1425 | ||||
paŋ-ipy-an | state of dreaming; dream-vision | 夢境 | paŋ-hipi [PWMP] | Sipi | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1426 | ||||
paŋ-isi | contents; core, essence | 內容;覈心,本質 | pa-isi [PMP] | isi₅ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1427 | ||||
paŋ-layaŋ | to move (float) through the air, fly | 在空中飛行 | layaŋ₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1428 | |||||
papah | the long stalk of a palm- or banana-leaf | 棕櫚葉或香蕉葉的長柄 | papaq₁ [PMP] | papaq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1429 | ||||
papah | the long stalk of a palm or banana leaf | 棕櫚或香蕉葉的長柄 | paqpaq₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1430 | |||||
papan | board; (round wooden) shield | 木板(圓木)護板 | papan [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1431 | |||||
para | a personal demonstrative particle for a number of persons belonging to the same category | 屬於同一範疇的若干人的個人訓示詞 | paRa₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1432 | |||||
parada | quicksilver; gold-leaf | 金箔 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1433 | |||||
parahu | boat | 船 | paraqu [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1434 | |||||
paraŋ | rock, crag | 岩石、峭壁 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1435 | |||||
paras | that which is trimmed by shaving (hair, eyebrow); razor; to shave (trim) the eyebrows | 用剃須(頭髮、眉毛)修剪的東西;剃刀;剃須 | paras₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1436 | |||||
par(e)pat | formation, arrangement | 形成、排列 | paR-epat [PWMP] | Sepat | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1437 | ||||
pari | rice (in the field or still in the straw), paddy | 稻穀 | pajay [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1438 | |||||
parigi | low encircling wall of stones (of yard, trees), paved (terraced?) bank or slope (of pond) | paRigi [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1439 | ||||||
parlak | dry rice field | 旱田 | parelak [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1440 | |||||
pa-ro, pa-rwa | wavering, in two minds | 猶豫不決 | pa-₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1441 | |||||
par-pat-an | a fourth part, quarter | 第四部分,四分之一 | paR-epat-an [PWMP] | Sepat | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1442 | ||||
pasaŋ | yoke | 軛 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1443 | |||||
pasaŋ-an | yoke | 軛 | pasaŋ₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1444 | |||||
pasar | market, bazaar; the space of a #pasar-week (five days) | 集市,集市;一周(五天)的時間 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1445 | |||||
pa-sawuŋ | a certain tax (on cockfights?) | 對鬥雞徵收一定的稅?) | sabuŋ₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1446 | |||||
(p)a-sawur | strewing, spreading | 伸展 | sabuD [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1447 | |||||
(p)a-sawur | strewing, spreading | 伸展 | saq(e)buR [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1448 | |||||
p-asep-an | incense-burner | 香爐 | asep [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1449 | |||||
p-asep-an | incense-burner | 香爐 | qasep [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1450 | |||||
pasi-si | sea; beach, strand, shore | 海;海灘,海濱,海岸 | pasiR [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1451 | |||||
pasu | root of the nose | 鼻根 | pasu₁ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1452 | |||||
(p)a-susun | consisting of several parts one above the other, in layer upon layer, in row after row | 由幾個部分組成,一個接一個,一層一層,一排排 | pa-susun [PWMP] | susuN | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1453 | ||||
pat | four | 四 | epat [PMP] | Sepat | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1454 | ||||
pa-tales-an | taro field or garden | 芋頭地或花園 | tales [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1455 | |||||
pa-tanek-an | kitchen | 廚房 | tanek [PMP] | taNek | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1456 | ||||
pat-aŋ | four | 四 | pat-aŋ [PWMP] | Sepat | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1457 | ||||
pa-timbun-an | being heaped up; heap | 堆積;堆積 | timbun [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1458 | |||||
pat-pat | four?; or in groups of four? | 四個?或四人一組? | epat epat [PMP] | Sepat | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1459 | ||||
pa-tuduh | to give directions, give guidance, point out, give orders, dispose | 指點、指點、命令、處置 | pa-tuzuq [PAN] | tuzuq₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1460 | ||||
(pa)-tulaŋ-an | a container for the bones which are to be cremated (often in the shape of an animal) | 要火化的骨頭的容器(通常是動物的形狀) | pa-tuqelaŋ-an [PWMP] | tuqelaŋ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1461 | ||||
pa-turw-an | sleeping place, bed-chamber, bed | 睡覺的地方,臥室,床 | pa-tuduR-an [PWMP] | tuduR | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1462 | ||||
pa-tūt | following, along; concordant, in harmony, in accord; appropriate, apposite, right, fitting | 跟隨,跟隨;和諧,和諧,一致;適當,適當,正確,合適 | tuRut [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1463 | |||||
pa-tūt | following, along, concordant, in harmony, in accord; appropriate, apposite, right, fitting | 遵循、沿著、一致、和諧、一致;適當、適當、正確、合適 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1464 | |||||
pa-warah | tell, report, teach, instruct | 告訴、報告、教導、教導 | bajaq₂ [PMP] | bajaq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1465 | ||||
pa-wekas | to have an end (result), give instructions | 要有一個結果,請給出訓示 | pa-bekas [PWMP] | bekas₃ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1466 | ||||
pa-winih-an | seed-bed | 種子床 | paR-binehiq-an [PWMP] | bineSiq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1467 | ||||
payuŋ | parasol, umbrella | 陽傘 | payuŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1468 | |||||
pəcut | a whip | 鞭子 | pecut [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1469 | |||||
pəcut | a whip | 鞭子 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1470 | |||||
pəḍaŋ | sword | 劍 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1471 | |||||
peDes | hot (of taste), biting (of words) | 辣(指味道),辣(指文字) | hapejes [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1472 | |||||
pegeŋ | restrain, hold back (feelings, breath) | 克制,抑制(感情,呼吸) | pegeŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1473 | |||||
pekul | embrace, hug, throw the arms around | 擁抱,擁抱,擁抱 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1474 | |||||
pelekuŋ | an arch | 拱門 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1475 | |||||
pəluk | bend, curve | 彎曲,彎曲 | peluk [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1476 | |||||
pénan | aunt | 阿姨 | paR-ina-an [PWMP] | ina | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1477 | ||||
peñu | turtle | 烏龜 | peñu [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1478 | |||||
penuh | full; filling, filling all; complete in number; in masses, in droves | 滿的;滿的,全的;全的,全的;全的 | peNuq [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1479 | |||||
pəpəd | completed | 完整的 | pedped₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1480 | |||||
pəpət | blocked, cut off, jammed, covered; all-pervading, enveloping | 堵塞、切斷、堵塞、覆蓋;到處都是 | petpet₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1481 | |||||
periŋ buŋbaŋ | kind of bamboo | 一種竹子 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1482 | |||||
pes-an ~ pe(s)pes-an | food cooked and broiled in leaves (esp. fish) | 用葉子烹調和燒烤的食物(尤指魚) | paqis [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1483 | |||||
pətəŋ | darkness; dark | 黑暗;黑暗 | peteŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1484 | |||||
picek | blind | 失明的 | picek [PWMP] | picek₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1485 | ||||
pihak-an | one side, one half | 一邊,一半 | pihak-an [PWMP] | pihak | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1486 | ||||
pihak-an | one side, one half | 一邊,一半 | piqak [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1487 | |||||
pijər | mortar | 灰漿 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1488 | |||||
pijet | press with the fingers, squeeze, crush, knead, massage | 用手指按壓、擠壓、揉搓、按摩 | pizet [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1489 | |||||
pikat-an | decoy | 誘餌 | pikat [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1490 | |||||
pikul-an | carrying pole | 扁擔 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1491 | |||||
pilih-en | be chosen, selected | 被選中,被選中 | piliq-en [PWMP] | piliq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1492 | ||||
pilih-palah | not determined, uncertain, varying, with various possibilities | 不確定的、不確定的、變化的、有各種可能性的 | piliq [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1493 | |||||
pilis | temple (part of the head) | 太陽穴(頭部的一部分) | pilis [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1494 | |||||
p〈in〉aka-sabuk | used as a sash | 用作腰帶 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1495 | |||||
p〈in〉a-lalu | to ignore, pay no attention to, disregard (difficulties, etc.); accept, resign oneself to | 忽視,不注意,無視(困難等);接受 | lalu₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1496 | |||||
p〈in〉a-nuliŋ-akən | played the flute for someone | 為某人吹笛 | suliŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1497 | |||||
p〈in〉aŋan | to eat, swallow, devour | 吃,吞,吞 | p〈in〉aŋan [PMP] | paŋan | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1498 | ||||
p〈in〉aŋku | to hold or receive on the lap | 抱在膝上 | paŋku [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1499 | |||||
p〈in〉a-pitu | divide into seven | 分成七份 | pitu₁ [PAN] | pitu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1500 | ||||
p-in-ati | kill, mortify, cause to be like dead | 殺戮,屈辱,讓自己像死人一樣 | p〈in〉atay [PWMP] | aCay | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1501 | ||||
pinḍah | to change, turn into the opposite | 改變,變成相反 | pindaq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1502 | |||||
pinḍaŋ | a kind of soup or bouillon of fine meat or fish, usually made sour with tamarind | 酸辣湯一種由上等肉或魚製成的湯或湯,通常用羅望子製成 | pindaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1503 | |||||
p〈in〉es | to cook as #pespesan | 烹調 | p〈in〉aqis [PWMP] | paqis | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1504 | ||||
p〈in〉ijət | to press with the fingers, squeeze, crush, knead, massage | 用手指按壓、擠壓、揉搓、按摩 | pizet [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1505 | |||||
p〈in〉ijət-an | to massage | 按摩 | pizet [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1506 | |||||
p〈in〉ilih | was chosen | 被選中 | p〈in〉iliq [PWMP] | piliq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1507 | ||||
p〈in〉ipis | to pound, crush | 搗碎 | pipis₂ [PMP] | pipis₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1508 | ||||
p〈in〉ipit-an | to hem in, cut off, squeeze; put in a tight place | 卷邊、剪斷、擠壓;放緊 | pitpit₂ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1509 | |||||
p〈in〉itu | in seven categories? | 分為七類? | pitu₁ [PAN] | pitu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1510 | ||||
p〈in〉i-tuha | to make old, put at the head of, consider as the elder | 變老,放在頭上,視為長輩 | tuqah [PMP] | tuqaS | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1511 | ||||
pinta | request | 請求 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1512 | |||||
pintw-an | door, gate | 門,門 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1513 | |||||
p〈in〉ukět | was caught in a net, entrapped | 被網困住了 | p〈in〉uket [PWMP] | puket₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1514 | ||||
p〈in〉upus | to beat, thrash, crush? | 打,打,壓? | puspus₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1515 | |||||
p〈in〉upw-an | to collect, bring in | 收集,引進 | pupu₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1516 | |||||
piŋgan | a deep bowl | 深碗 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1517 | |||||
piŋ-rwa | twice; the second | 兩次;第二次 | duha [PMP] | duSa | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1518 | ||||
pipi | the cheeks | 臉頰 | pihpih [PMP] | piSpiS | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1519 | ||||
pi-pilis | ointment applied to the temples against a headache | 用在太陽穴上的藥膏治頭痛 | pilis [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1520 | |||||
pi-pirak-an | riches | 財富 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1521 | |||||
pipis-an | place or instrument in which rice is pounded | 碾米的地方或器具 | pipis₂ [PMP] | pipis₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1522 | ||||
pipit | close side by side, cheek by jowl | 並肩緊靠 | pitpit₂ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1523 | |||||
pira ~ piraŋ | how much?; a certain number (an indefinite measure) of, some, several | 多少錢?;某個數(不確定的量度),一些,一些 | pijax [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1524 | |||||
pirak | silver; money, wealth | 銀;錢,財富 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1525 | |||||
pira-pira ~ piraŋ-piraŋ | quite a few, many | 不少,很多 | pija pija [PAN] | pijax | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1526 | ||||
pira-piraŋ tahun-ən | to keep thinking: how many years... | 一直在想:多少年。。。 | taqun [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1527 | |||||
pi-salin | new clothes (weapons, etc.), usually as a gift | 新衣服(武器等),通常作為禮物 | salin [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1528 | |||||
pisan | once, the first one, one | 一次,第一次,一次 | pisan [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1529 | |||||
pisan | once, the first one, one; at the same time, in one act, all together | 一次,第一次,一次;同時,在一次行動中,所有人一起 | pisan [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1530 | |||||
pisan | once, the first one, one; at the same time, all together | 一次,第一次,一次;同時,一起 | paR-isa-an [PAN] | isa₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1531 | ||||
pisaŋ | banana | 香蕉 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1532 | |||||
pi-takut | scarecrow | 稻草人 | takut [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1533 | |||||
pitu | seven | 七 | pitu₁ [PAN] | pitu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1534 | ||||
poh | the mango (tree and fruit), Mangifera | 芒果(樹和水果),芒果 | pahuq₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1535 | |||||
pok | onomatopoetic particle: blow, thud | 擬聲詞 | puk₂ [PMP] | puk | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1536 | ||||
p-omah-omah | property brought into a marriage | 婚姻財產 | Rumaq [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1537 | |||||
pucuk | top, highest or foremost point, beginning or end | 頂部、最高點或最前面的點、起點或終點 | qapucuk [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1538 | |||||
pucuk | top, highest or foremost point; beginning or end | 頂端、最高點或最前面的點;起點或終點 | pucuk [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1539 | |||||
puji | standing out high above the others, lofty; arrogant, haughty | 高傲,高傲,高傲 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1540 | |||||
pukah | with a point broken off, broken in two, truncated | 斷開一個點,分成兩段,截斷 | pu(ŋ)kaq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1541 | |||||
pukah | with a point broken off, broken in two, truncated | 斷開一個點,分成兩段,截斷 | pukaq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1542 | |||||
pukaŋ | thigh | 大腿 | pukaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1543 | |||||
pukət | drag-net, seine | 拖網,塞納河 | puket₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1544 | |||||
pulih | come back to its former condition; recovered, healed | 恢復原狀;康復 | puliq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1545 | |||||
puliŋ | turning round, spinning; dizzy, giddy | 轉身,旋轉;頭暈,頭暈 | puliŋ₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1546 | |||||
pulo | island | 島 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1547 | |||||
puṇḍut | pick up and carry off; take along; carry with one | 攜帶 | pundut [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1548 | |||||
punti | banana | 香蕉 | punti₁ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1549 | |||||
puŋkur | behind, back | 後面,後面 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1550 | |||||
puŋkur-an | rear | 後方的 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1551 | |||||
pupu | to collect, gather in, pluck | 收集、收集、採摘 | pupu₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1552 | |||||
pupuh | stroke, blow; a fight (in general), battle; mallet for striking a musical instrument | 擊打;戰鬥(一般來說),戰鬥;擊打樂器的木槌 | puqpuq₃ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1553 | |||||
pu-pukul | hammer | 鐵錘 | pukul₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1554 | |||||
pupur | powder, scented white rice powder used as a cosmetic | 粉劑,有香味的白米粉,用作化妝品 | purpur [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1555 | |||||
pupus | the limit, utmost | 極限,極限 | puspus₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1556 | |||||
puput | end, result; culmination, summit | 結束,結果;高潮,頂峰 | putput₃ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1557 | |||||
pu-putih | white of the eye | 白眼 | putiq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1558 | |||||
pusər | navel; center, apex (of casting net) | 肚臍;中心,頂點(澆鑄網) | pusej [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1559 | |||||
pusuh | flower-bud, unopened or closed flower | 花蕾,未開放或閉合的花 | pusuq₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1560 | |||||
pusuh-pusuh ~ pu-pusuh | liver | 肝臟 | pusuq₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1561 | |||||
putat | kind of tree and its flower: Barringtonia | 一種樹和它的花:Barringtonia | putat [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1562 | |||||
putər | turning, rotating, gyrating | 轉動、旋轉、旋轉 | puteR [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1563 | |||||
putih | white | 白色 | putiq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1564 | |||||
putik-en | to suffer from a certain eye disease (cataract?) | 患某種眼病(白內障?) | putik₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1565 | |||||
puṭul ~ mu-muṭul-i | having the antlers broken off | 把鹿角折斷 | putul [PMP] | putun | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1566 | ||||
putus | end, completion, conclusion, result | 結束,完成,結論,結果 | putus [PWMP] | putus₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1567 | ||||
putus | end, completion; conclusion, result; acme, last word; having completed, having reached the highest degree; accomplished, perfect | putus₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1568 | ||||||
rabu | dust, dried mud | 灰塵、幹泥 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1569 | |||||
rāh, rah | blood | 血 | daRaq [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1570 | |||||
rah-en | blood-stained, covered with blood | 血跡斑斑,血跡斑斑 | daRaq [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1571 | |||||
rahi | forehead; face | 前額;臉 | daqih [PMP] | daqiS | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1572 | ||||
rahu | kind of breadfruit tree | 一種麵包果樹 | daqu₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1573 | |||||
raket | adhering, sticking, clinging, being attached (to) | 粘,粘,粘,粘 | raket [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1574 | |||||
r-āma | father, also used for uncle, guru, etc.; eldest, senior (in religious community, village, army) | 父親,也用於伯父、上師等;長輩、長輩(宗教界、村莊、軍隊) | da-amax [PAN] | amax | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1575 | ||||
rambut | head hair | 頭髮 | rambut [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1576 | |||||
rampas | rob something, rob someone of, plunder, sack | 搶劫,搶劫,搶劫 | raŋ(e)pas [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1577 | |||||
raŋkep | complete, equipped with, accompanied or assisted by; complement, match, companion | 完整的,配備的,伴隨的或輔助的;補充的,匹配的,陪伴的 | raŋkep₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1578 | |||||
raŋkuŋ | hunched? | 駝背? | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1579 | |||||
raŋsuk | enter | 進入 | ra(ŋ)suk [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1580 | |||||
rapət | (pressed) close together, tight, closed tight | (壓)緊密地、緊密地、緊密地 | dapet [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1581 | |||||
rapət | (pressed) close together; tight; closed tight | (壓)緊的;緊的;緊的 | rapet [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1582 | |||||
rara ~ rarā | girl, maiden | 女孩,少女 | daRa₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1583 | |||||
rasuk | dress, attire; mail | 服裝 | ra(ŋ)suk [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1584 | |||||
rāt | the world; the visible, inhabited world; mankind, created beings | 世界;可見的,有人居住的世界;人類,被創造的生物 | daRat [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1585 | |||||
ratā ~ ra-ratā | a level place, plain | 平坦的地方,平原 | dataR [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1586 | |||||
ratu | king (rarely, queen) | 國王(很少,女王) | datu [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1587 | |||||
recah | cut into pieces | 切成碎片 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1588 | |||||
reguŋ | make a loud noise, trumpet, bellow (usually of a furious elephant, but also of a bull or a demon, and of a hollow tree) | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1589 | ||||||
rəmpak | broken (smashed) to pieces, broken up, destroyed | 破碎(粉碎)成碎片,破碎,毀壞 | re(m)pak [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1590 | |||||
rəmuk | crushed, smashed, destroyed, in pieces (occasionally combined with #rəmək without noticeable semantic difference) | remuk [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1591 | ||||||
rena | mother | 母親 | ra-ina [PMP] | ina | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1592 | ||||
reŋat | cleft, crack, crevice, fissure; split, cleft, cracked | 裂縫,裂縫,裂縫,裂縫 | reŋat [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1593 | |||||
rəŋə-rəŋə | remaining in the ear, continuously audible | 留在耳朵裏,持續聽到 | deŋeR [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1594 | |||||
reŋu | crossness, annoyance, anger, frowning | 暴躁、惱怒、憤怒、皺眉 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1595 | |||||
ri | particle with prepositional function (also expressed as #i, #iŋ); occurs before nouns, and as a preposition with the meaning ‘in, on, by, through, with’ (Zoetmulder 1982) which function as grammatical subject (esp. before place-names), as grammatical object | di [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1596 | ||||||
rimpek | broken, broken up; out of joint, smashed | 破碎,破碎;脫節,破碎 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1597 | |||||
rimpuŋ | lame, crippled, injured (on the leg or foot), especially of horses | 跛足的,跛足的,受傷的(腿或腳上的),尤指馬 | rimpuŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1598 | |||||
riris | soft rain | 細雨 | risris [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1599 | |||||
riwut | gust of wind, squall, storm; stormy, dark | 陣風、狂風、暴風雨;暴風雨、黑暗 | ribut [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1600 | |||||
ron ~ rwan | leaf | 葉 | dahun [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1601 | |||||
ron-ḍon | leaves | 樹葉 | dahun-dahun [PMP] | dahun | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1602 | ||||
roŋ | hole, cave, cavern | 洞,洞,洞 | Rawaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1603 | |||||
(ro)-ro | two | 二 | duha [PMP] | duSa | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1604 | ||||
r〈um〉ara | in her maidenhood, young (of a woman) | 少女時代,年輕的(指女人) | d〈um〉aRa [PWMP] | daRa₂ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1605 | ||||
r〈um〉əŋö | to hear | 聽 | d〈um〉eŋeR [PWMP] | deŋeR | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1606 | ||||
r〈um〉əŋö-rəŋö | to listen in an effort to hear everything that is said | 努力傾聽所說的一切 | d〈um〉eŋeR [PWMP] | deŋeR | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1607 | ||||
ruŋkuk | hunched, huddled, crouching | 彎腰,蜷縮,蹲著 | duŋkuk [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1608 | |||||
rwa | two | 二 | duha [PMP] | duSa | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1609 | ||||
rwa-ŋ-puluh | twenty | 二十 | ŋa [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1610 | |||||
rwa-rwa | by twos (?) | 兩個人?) | duha duha₁ [PMP] | duSa | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1611 | ||||
rwi ~ ri | thorn, thorny plant | 荊棘,多刺植物 | duRi [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1612 | |||||
sabuk | sash | 窗扇 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1613 | |||||
sa-hasta | one (of flowers) | 一朵花 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1614 | |||||
saka | post, pillar | 柱子 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1615 | |||||
saka-pitu | seven at a time | 一次七個 | saka-pitu [PAN] | pitu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1616 | ||||
saka-ro-ro | two together, two by two | 兩個一起,兩個接兩個 | duha [PMP] | duSa | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1617 | ||||
saka-rwa | two by two | 二乘二 | duha [PMP] | duSa | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1618 | ||||
saka-səḍəp | to one’s heart’s content | 心滿意足 | sedep₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1619 | |||||
sa-kawan | a group (belonging together) | 一組(屬於一起的) | kaban₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1620 | |||||
sa-kawan-an | in groups | 分組 | kaban₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1621 | |||||
sakit | pain (esp. physical) | 疼痛(尤指身體上的) | sakit [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1622 | |||||
sākṣi | eye-witness, witness | 目擊證人 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1623 | |||||
sa-kuren | married man and wife (lit. ‘one cooking pot’) | 已婚夫婦。“一個烹飪鍋” | kuden [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1624 | |||||
salah | changing into something different, deviating from what is right (normal, intended, expected, etc.); wrong, at fault, mistaken, missing (the target); missed, not attained; escaped from | salaq₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1625 | ||||||
salah alap | taking the wrong one | 拿錯了 | salaq₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1626 | |||||
salah bhāsa | using the wrong words or speech | 使用錯誤的詞語或言語 | salaq₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1627 | |||||
salah gawe | changing one’s work, doing something different | 改變工作,做一些不同的事情 | salaq₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1628 | |||||
salah hulu | upside down, reversed | 倒過來,倒過來 | salaq₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1629 | |||||
salah surup | in disorder (entering the wrong place) | 亂(進錯地方) | surup₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1630 | |||||
salaka | silver | 銀 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1631 | |||||
sa-lap-an | eight (etymologically = 'one taken away from ten') | 八(詞源是“十取一”) | alap [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1632 | |||||
salin | change, replacement | 更換 | salin [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1633 | |||||
sama-kawan | together, in a group | 一起,一起 | kaban₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1634 | |||||
sambe | call, beckon, invoke, invite, bid come, call out | 打電話,招手,叫,請,叫,叫,叫 | sa(m)bay [PWMP] | sabay₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1635 | ||||
sambəl | a hot condiment | 熱調味品 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1636 | |||||
sambit | to hook, catch (also fig.) | 鉤住,抓住(同樣是圖) | saqebit [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1637 | |||||
samir | curtain, cloth, cover (of wagon, salver, etc.) | 窗簾、布、蓋(指貨車、託盤等) | samir [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1638 | |||||
sampan | kind of small boat (for harbor traffic?) | 一種小船(用於港口交通?) | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1639 | |||||
sampaŋ | name of a tree of which the resin is used for perfumery | 用樹脂作香料的樹的名字 | sapaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1640 | |||||
sampat | in a high degree, completely, perfectly, very; perfectly similar | 高度地,完全地,完全地,非常地;完全地相似 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1641 | |||||
sampir | scarf, shawl | 圍巾,披肩 | sampir [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1642 | |||||
sanḍa | support, prop | 支架,支柱 | sandaR [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1643 | |||||
sanḍa | pledge, security, pawn | 抵押、擔保、典當 | sanda [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1644 | |||||
sanda | pledge, security, pawn | 抵押、擔保、典當 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1645 | |||||
sanḍaŋ | that which one carries from birth, nature; cloths, clothing | 天生攜帶的東西;衣服 | sandaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1646 | |||||
saṇḍe | slanting, leaning over | 傾斜,俯身 | sanday [PMP] | saŋeday | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1647 | ||||
saṇḍet | slowed down, blocked, impeded | 減速、阻塞、受阻 | sa(n)det [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1648 | |||||
sanḍiŋ | side | 邊 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1649 | |||||
sanḍiŋ-an | side | 邊 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1650 | |||||
santan | essence, quintessence; pollen, flower; coconut milk (pressed from coconut meat) | 香精,國粹;花粉,花;椰奶(椰肉壓榨) | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1651 | |||||
s-ānu | being connected with something, or in some way possessing something | 與某物相連,或以某種管道擁有某物 | sa-anu [PWMP] | -nu₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1652 | ||||
saŋā | to roast, bake, scorch | 烤、烤、焦 | saŋelaR [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1653 | |||||
saŋa-saŋan | roasted food | 烤食品 | saŋelaR [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1654 | |||||
saŋət | high degree, vehemence, intensity; very, intensely | 高度、強烈、強烈;非常、強烈 | saŋet [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1655 | |||||
saŋkal | the handle of an adze | adze的手柄 | sa(ŋ)kal [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1656 | |||||
saŋkal | the handle of an adze | adze的手柄 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1657 | |||||
saŋkəp | complete; fully equipped, armed | 全副武裝 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1658 | |||||
sa-pasaŋ | one yoke or pair, one cart | 一個軛或一對,一輛車 | pasaŋ₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1659 | |||||
sa-pasaŋ | one yoke or pair; one cart | 一軛或一對;一車 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1660 | |||||
sa-pa-turw-an | sleeping together | 一起睡 | tuduR [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1661 | |||||
sa-pikul | one load | 一次裝載 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1662 | |||||
sapu | broom | 掃帚 | sapu [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1663 | |||||
sapu mata | something to wipe the eyes with | 擦眼睛的東西 | sapu [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1664 | |||||
saput | cover, covering; a piece of cloth to cover the breasts | 蓋住,蓋住;一塊蓋住胸部的布 | saput₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1665 | |||||
saruŋ | cloth | 布 | saruŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1666 | |||||
saruŋ-an | a sheathe | 鞘 | saruŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1667 | |||||
sa-sisih | on one side | 一邊 | sisiq₁ [PWMP] | sisiq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1668 | ||||
sa-tanḍa | each company (banner) separately | 各公司(旗)單獨 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1669 | |||||
sawah | irrigated ricefield | 灌溉稻田 | sabaq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1670 | |||||
sawaŋ | indistinct, unclear, vaguely visible (in the distance?) | 模糊的,不清楚的,模糊可見的(在遠處?) | sawaŋ₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1671 | |||||
sawaŋ-sawaŋ | indistinct, unclear, vaguely visible (in the distance?) | 模糊的,不清楚的,模糊可見的(在遠處?) | sawaŋ₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1672 | |||||
sa-wulih | one stem | 一根莖 | sa buliR [PMP] | buliR | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1673 | ||||
sawuŋ | fighting cock; cockfight | 鬥雞 | sabuŋ₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1674 | |||||
sawur | a scattering, a rain (of arrows) | (箭的)散落,雨點 | sabuD [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1675 | |||||
sawur | scattering, rain (of arrows) | 散射,雨(箭) | saq(e)buR [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1676 | |||||
sawur | scattering, rain (of arrows) | 散射,雨(箭) | sabuR [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1677 | |||||
sayat | with a piece (pieces, shreds) torn off, laid bare | 把一塊(碎片,碎片)撕下來,裸露出來 | sayat [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1678 | |||||
səḍəŋ | right time (not too early or too late); right moment, right measure (not too big or too small); just, just while, while | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1679 | ||||||
səḍəp | pleasantness, agreeableness (of smell or taste; of appearance or manners) | 愉快,宜人(指氣味或味道;指外表或舉止) | sedep₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1680 | |||||
seger | fresh, healthy, buoyant | 新鮮、健康、活潑 | se(ŋ)ger [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1681 | |||||
səguk | to sob | 哭泣 | seguk [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1682 | |||||
səksək ~ səsək | completely filled, brimful, crammed; filling completely; packed; in throngs | 滿的,滿的,塞滿的;滿的;塞滿的 | seksek₁ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1683 | |||||
səlā | space or time in between, gap; interrupting thoughts, preoccupation, worries | 中間的空間或時間,間隙;打斷思想、注意力、憂慮 | sela [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1684 | |||||
səlaŋ | turn, change, alternation; mutually, one another | 轉,變,交替;相互,互相 | selaŋ₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1685 | |||||
səlat | appearing in between, interruption | 出現在中間,中斷 | selat [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1686 | |||||
sələp | to lie (stick) in between | 夾在中間 | selep [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1687 | |||||
səlut | band or ring of metal | 金屬帶或金屬環 | selut [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1688 | |||||
semaya | coming together; mutual understanding, agreement, promise; meeting (as agreed on); appointed or fixed time | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1689 | ||||||
səmbah | worship, veneration, reverence | 敬拜、崇敬、崇敬 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1690 | |||||
səmi | shoot, sprout, bud (just emerging; of twig, leaf, also flower?) | 芽,芽,芽(剛長出來的;指小枝,葉,還有花?) | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1691 | |||||
sənḍi | support, seat, sedan-chair, supporting block of a pillar | 支架,座椅,轎子,支柱支撐塊 | sendiR [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1692 | |||||
sənəŋ | loved one, beloved | 親愛的,親愛的 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1693 | |||||
səntul | a particular kind of tree with edible fruit: Sandoricum indicum | 一種果實可食用的樹:秈沙芥 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1694 | |||||
sepa | insipid, tasteless, weak | 平淡無味 | qasepa [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1695 | |||||
səpət | tart (taste), acid | 酸味 | sapelet [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1696 | |||||
səpi-səpi ~ səpa-səpi | to free oneself from everything, abandon all | 把自己從一切中解放出來,拋棄一切 | sepi [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1697 | |||||
səpuh | a mixture (of alum, saltpeter, bluestone and other materials) to harden iron, steel or horn, and to give gold a darker color | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1698 | ||||||
səsəl | reproach | 責備 | selsel₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1699 | |||||
sesep-en | to suck, kiss, nip | 吸,吻,咬 | sepsep-en [PAN] | sepsep | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1700 | ||||
si | particle used before a noun designating a person; it is also used to personify or substantivate concepts denoting quality, condition or action | si₁ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1701 | ||||||
sikep | catching, gripping, seizing, taking on, tackling, coming to grips | 抓住,抓住,抓住,接住,抓住,抓住 | sikep₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1702 | |||||
sikəp | equipment, arms, weapons | 裝備、武器、武器 | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1703 | |||||
siku | (right) angle, line with an angular bend; elbow | (右)角,有角彎的線;肘部 | sikux [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1704 | |||||
siku lalawa | acute angle (‘bat’s elbow’) | 銳角(“蝙蝠肘”) | sikux [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1705 | |||||
siku-siku | carpenter’s square | 木匠廣場 | siku-siku [PWMP] | sikux | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1706 | ||||
śīla | moral character, action, conduct; good conduct, good character (Sanskrit: practice, conduct, disposition, charact er, good conduct, morality, piety, virtue) | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1707 | ||||||
silih | one another, each other, mutually; in turn, alternating | 彼此,彼此,互相;依次,交替 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1708 | |||||
siluk | bend, twist, concavity, dip, gap, inlet, cove, recess | 彎曲、扭曲、凹陷、傾斜、間隙、入口、凹處、凹處 | siluk [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1709 | |||||
simpaŋ | deviating, deflecting, swerving from, branching off; branch (of river, road), by-road | 偏離、偏轉、轉向、分叉;支路 | simpaŋ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1710 | |||||
simsim | ring | 戒指 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1711 | |||||
s〈in〉abuk | to cover, as with a sash | 用腰帶遮住 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1712 | |||||
s〈in〉akit-an | to inflict pain, hurt, wound | 造成痛苦、傷害、傷害 | sakit [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1713 | |||||
s〈in〉ākṣy-akən | to promulgate before witnesses | 在證人面前公佈 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1714 | |||||
s〈in〉alah | to blame, disapprove | 責備、不贊成 | s〈in〉alaq [PWMP] | salaq₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1715 | ||||
s〈in〉ambəl-an | to supply with a hot condiment | 提供熱調味品 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1716 | |||||
s〈in〉aŋā | to roast, bake, scorch | 烤、烤、焦 | s〈in〉aŋelaR [PMP] | saŋelaR | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1717 | ||||
s〈in〉apit | to clasp, clench, pinch, hold tight | 緊扣 | sapit [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1718 | |||||
s〈in〉apsap | to level, raze to the ground | 平地,夷為平地 | s〈in〉apsap [PWMP] | sapsap | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1719 | ||||
s〈in〉apu | sweep | 打掃 | s〈in〉apu [PWMP] | sapu | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1720 | ||||
s〈in〉aruŋ | to sheathe | 覆蓋 | saruŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1721 | |||||
sinḍi | allusion, innuendo | 暗示,影射 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1722 | |||||
s〈in〉əlut-an | to ring with | 打電話 | selut [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1723 | |||||
s〈in〉iku-siku | to prod or jab with the elbow; (of a path) with sharp bends, zigzag | 用胳膊肘戳或戳;(指一條路)用急轉彎,曲折地 | s〈in〉iku [PWMP] | sikux | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1724 | ||||
s〈in〉ipat | to make staight for, aim directly at ? | 直指,直指? | sipat [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1725 | |||||
s〈in〉isik | shaped like scales | 鱗片狀 | siksik₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1726 | |||||
s〈in〉uji | to embroider (with quill or thorn as instrument?) | 刺繡(用羽毛筆或刺作工具)?) | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1727 | |||||
s〈in〉ulam | to embroider | 刺繡 | sulam [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1728 | |||||
s〈in〉urat | to draw on, write on, write (a letter) | 畫,寫,寫(一封信) | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1729 | |||||
s〈in〉uruŋ-akən | to push forward, force to push on? | 向前推,用力推? | suruŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1730 | |||||
s〈in〉usun | to pile up in later upon layer, build (construct, etc.) in layers (tiers, storeys) | 層層堆積,分層(層、層)建造(建造等) | susun [PMP] | susuN | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1731 | ||||
siŋkab | move apart, open | 分開,打開 | siŋkab [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1732 | |||||
sipat | straight line, direction, fixed directionj, rule; point toward which something is directed or one orients oneself, objective, aim, end | sipat [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1733 | ||||||
sira | they, them | 他們,他們 | si ida [PMP] | ida | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1734 | ||||
sirem | losing its splendour, dimmed, with fading light; evening-time | 因光線漸暗而失去光彩;傍晚 | sidem [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1735 | |||||
siriŋ | (that which comes alongside or is at the side:) equal, match, peer, border | (並排的或在邊上的:)相等的、匹配的、對等的、邊界的 | sidiŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1736 | |||||
sisig | polish one's teeth | 磨牙 | sisig [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1737 | |||||
sisih | side: at the side, on each side | 邊:在邊上,每邊 | sisiq₁ [PWMP] | sisiq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1738 | ||||
sisih-an | other half, husband/wife, companion | 另一半,丈夫/妻子,伴侶 | sisiq₁ [PWMP] | sisiq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1739 | ||||
sisih-sisih-an | to be always together | 永遠在一起 | sisiq₁ [PWMP] | sisiq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1740 | ||||
sisik | peck oneself, scratch oneself (bird looking for lice) | 啄自己,撓自己(鳥找蝨子) | siksik₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1741 | |||||
sisik | scales | 規模 | siksik₂ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1742 | |||||
si-siku | elbow | 肘部 | sikux [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1743 | |||||
sisip | grazing, brushing (only slightly wounding), not fully hitting the mark; grazed, only slightly wounded, not really hit | 噪聲 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1744 | ||||||
sol ~ ma-sol | uprooted | 連根拔起 | sual [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1745 | |||||
soŋ | sun-shade, cover, protection | 遮陽、遮蓋、保護 | saeŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1746 | |||||
soŋ-soŋ | parasol, umbrella | 陽傘 | saeŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1747 | |||||
suji | spine, quill (of a porcupine); embroidery; embroidered piece of cloth | 刺,刺(豪豬的);刺繡;繡花布 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1748 | |||||
sukər | hindered, hampered, having trouble, in difficulties, feeling uneasy | 受阻、受阻、有困難、困難、不安 | suker [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1749 | |||||
sulap | blinding (by a bright light) | (被強光)弄瞎 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1750 | |||||
suligi | a kind of spear, javelin | 一種矛,標槍 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1751 | |||||
suligi | a kind of spear, javelin | 一種矛,標槍 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1752 | |||||
suliŋ | flute | 長笛 | suliŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1753 | |||||
sulit | trouble, difficulties | 麻煩,困難 | sulit₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1754 | |||||
suluh | torch, light | 火炬,燈光 | suluq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1755 | |||||
sulur | shoot of a creeper; aerial root | 匍匐莖;氣生根 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1756 | |||||
s〈um〉ākṣy-ani | to witness, be a witness at | 見證,見證 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1757 | |||||
s〈um〉alin-i | to give a change; change, replace | 改變;改變 | salin [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1758 | |||||
s〈um〉ambut | to seize, grasp, fetch, take up; take up (words), receive, continue, reply | 抓住,抓住,抓住,抓住 | sambut₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1759 | |||||
s〈um〉anḍa | to lean against | 靠 | sandaR [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1760 | |||||
s〈um〉anḍaŋ | to carry, wear, dress in; to experience, undergo, suffer; be in or accept a certain condition | 穿,穿 | sandaŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1761 | |||||
s〈um〉anḍiŋ | to be at the side of, be close to, come close, approach | 靠近,靠近,靠近,接近 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1762 | |||||
s〈um〉aŋət-i | to treat (address) harshly | 嚴厲地對待(稱呼) | saŋet [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1763 | |||||
s〈um〉aput | to cover completely, cover everything; overwhelm; in overwhelming numbers | 完全覆蓋,覆蓋一切;壓倒;壓倒 | saput₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1764 | |||||
s〈um〉awur | strewn, spread, scattered | 散落,散佈 | sabuD [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1765 | |||||
s〈um〉awur | strewn, spread, scattered | 散落,散佈 | saq(e)buR [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1766 | |||||
s〈um〉ayab | to move (drift, float, sail) through the air | 在空中移動 | 偶然性 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1767 | |||||
sumbu | wick | 燈芯 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1768 | |||||
s〈um〉əlaŋ | to do something for a change, interrupt an action temporarily to do something else; in between, in the meantime | selaŋ₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1769 | ||||||
s〈um〉əlat | to appear between something else, come in between; do something different from the others; to be scattered between, interspersed | selat [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1770 | ||||||
s〈um〉əsək | packed, in throngs | 擁擠的,成群結隊的 | s〈um〉eksek [PWMP] | seksek₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1771 | ||||
s〈um〉əsəl | to reproach, blame (another, oneself, former deeds). to lament (something) | 責備,責怪(別人,自己,以前的行為)。哀歎(某事) | selsel₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1772 | |||||
s〈um〉əsəp | to suck, kiss, nip | 吸,吻,咬 | s〈um〉epsep [PAN] | sepsep | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1773 | ||||
s〈um〉ikep | to seize, catch, grasp | 抓住,抓住,抓住 | sikep₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1774 | |||||
s〈um〉ilih | to succeed, take over; in turn | 成功,捕手;反過來 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1775 | |||||
s〈um〉inā | shining, radiating | 閃閃發光 | sinaR [PMP] | siNaR | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1776 | ||||
s〈um〉oŋ | overhanging | 懸挑 | saeŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1777 | |||||
sumpah | oath, imprecation | 誓詞 | sumpaq [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1778 | |||||
sumpiŋ | flower (leaf, etc.) worn on the ear; ear ornament in the shape of a flower | 戴在耳朵上的花(葉子等);花朵形狀的耳飾 | sumpiŋ₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1779 | |||||
s〈um〉uluh | to shine | 閃耀 | s〈um〉uluq [PWMP] | suluq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1780 | ||||
s〈um〉uluh-i | shine upon, illuminate | 照耀,照亮 | suluq-i [PWMP] | suluq | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1781 | ||||
s〈um〉uŋsaŋ | to be upside-down | 顛倒 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1782 | |||||
sumur mati | dried-up well | 乾涸的井 | m-atay [PMP] | aCay | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1783 | ||||
s〈um〉urup | to enter (a narrow opening), penetrate, enter and become invisible, set (sun, moon, stars) | 進入(一個狹窄的開口),穿透,進入並變得看不見,落下(太陽,月亮,星星) | surup₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1784 | |||||
s〈um〉usu | to suck at the breast | 吮吸乳房 | s〈um〉usu [PAN] | susu₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1785 | ||||
s〈um〉usuk | to enter, penetrate into, pierce | 進入、滲透、刺穿 | s〈um〉uksuk [PAN] | suksuk | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1786 | ||||
suṇḍul | to, reaching up to, touching (from below) | 到,夠到,觸摸(從下麵) | sundul [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1787 | |||||
suṇḍuŋ | to push | 推動 | su(n)duŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1788 | |||||
suntiŋ | a particular kind of flower: Cassia occidentalia | 一種特殊的花:西桂花 | asuntiŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1789 | |||||
suŋkem | bend forward, lie face-down | 向前彎腰,面朝下躺下 | 根 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1790 | |||||
suŋsaŋ | upside-down, reversed | 倒過來,倒過來 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1791 | |||||
suŋu | horn (of an animal); a wind instrument | (動物的)角;風琴 | suŋu₁ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1792 | |||||
suŋut | antenna, feeler (insect, shrimp), tendril | 觸角,觸角(昆蟲,蝦),捲鬚 | suŋut₃ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1793 | |||||
supit | pincers (of a lobster, etc.) | (龍蝦等的)螯 | supit [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1794 | |||||
surak | shout, cry, roar | 喊,哭,吼 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1795 | |||||
suramby-an | outer verandah, front porch | 外廊、前廊 | surambi [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1796 | |||||
surat | (drawn) line, writing, drawing, letter | (畫)線、字、畫、信 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1797 | |||||
surud | to diminish, decrease, draw to a close; to retreat, fall back, recede, withdraw, ebb, vanish; to be dismissed, removed | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1798 | ||||||
surup | going down, setting (of sun, moon, stars) | (太陽、月亮、星星)下山 | surup₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1799 | |||||
surup-an | place of entering (setting); time of setting, death | 進入(設定)地點;設定時間,死亡 | surup₁ [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1800 | |||||
susah | disturbed, in disorder, in confusion, stirred | 心煩意亂 | 借詞 | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1801 | |||||
susu | womans breasts, udder; milk | 乳房 | susu₁ [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1802 | |||||
susuh | snail | 蝸牛 | susuq [PMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1803 | |||||
susuk | anything piercing or penetrating into something (dart, thorn, sting, etc.), esp. into the heart | 刺穿或刺穿某物(飛鏢、刺、刺等)的東西 | suksuk [PAN] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1804 | |||||
susun | layer, tier, storey, row | 層,層,層,行 | susun [PMP] | susuN | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1805 | ||||
susw-an | wet nurse | 奶媽 | susu-an [PWMP] | susu₁ | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1806 | ||||
suwal | dig out | 挖出來 | qasual [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1807 | |||||
suwəŋ | rolled-up leaf or any other ornament worn in the ear, stuck through the pierced ear-lobe | 卷起的葉子或戴在耳朵上的任何其他裝飾物,穿過穿孔的耳垂 | subeŋ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1808 | |||||
swar ~sor | lower, inferior; to lose, be defeated, worsted; that which is below or underneath | 下等的,下等的;輸的,被打敗的,精紡的;在下面或下麵的 | saur₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1809 | |||||
ta | emphatic particle | 強調粒子 | ta₂ [PWMP] | Zoetmulder 1982 | 1810 | |||||
tabe | forgive me | 原諒我 |