分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 136條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
OC | Molima OC Papua New Guinea [mox] | avala | carry, esp. on the shoulder | 扛,尤指肩上 | qapaRa₁ [POC] | qabaRa₁ | Chowning n.d. b | 1 | ||
baba | lower plank on canoe side | 獨木舟側下木板 | babaR [POC] | papaR | Chowning n.d. b | 2 | ||||
baba | lower plank on canoe side; to put planks on canoe | 在獨木舟一側的較低的木板;把木板放在獨木舟上 | baban [POC] | papan | Chowning n.d. b | 3 | ||||
bala-bala | put crosswise | 橫放 | barabara₂ [POC] | bara₂ | Chowning n.d. b | 4 | ||||
bala-bala | put crosswise | 橫放 | baRa baRa [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 5 | |||||
bani, bani-bani | to fish with hook and line | 用魚鉤和魚線釣魚 | baniŋ [POC] | paniŋ | Chowning n.d. b | 6 | ||||
bia mata-na | beer bottle top | 啤酒瓶蓋 | mata [PMP] | maCa | Chowning n.d. b | 7 | ||||
bila-ia | be soft, make soft (crushed taro) | 變軟,變軟(碎芋頭) | biRaq₃ [POC] | biRaq₂ | Chowning n.d. b | 8 | ||||
bila-ia | be soft, make soft (crushed taro) | 變軟,變軟(碎芋頭) | biRas₂ [POC] | biRas | Chowning n.d. b | 9 | ||||
bila-na | fat (substance) | 脂肪(物質) | biRaq₃ [POC] | biRaq₂ | Chowning n.d. b | 10 | ||||
bila-na | fat (substance) | 脂肪(物質) | biRas₂ [POC] | biRas | Chowning n.d. b | 11 | ||||
binama | hornbill | 犀鳥 | binam [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 12 | |||||
boi-a | to come, of night | 來日誥日 | boŋi-a [POC] | beRŋi | Chowning n.d. b | 13 | ||||
boi-boi | night | 夜 | boŋi [POC] | beRŋi | Chowning n.d. b | 14 | ||||
bubu | grandparent (baby talk) | 祖父母(嬰兒談話) | bubu₆ [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 15 | |||||
bui | rock back and forth, turn over | 來回搖晃,翻身 | puis [POC] | buis | Chowning n.d. b | 16 | ||||
bui | rock back and forth, turn over | 來回搖晃,翻身 | pui₂ [POC] | bui₃ | Chowning n.d. b | 17 | ||||
bula-na | genitals, esp. Mons veneris | 生殖器,尤其是性病 | 噪聲 | Chowning n.d. b | 18 | |||||
buli-buli | emperor angel fish | 帝王天使魚 | buli buli [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 19 | |||||
bune-bune | white pigeon | 白鴿 | bune bune [POC] | punay | Chowning n.d. b | 20 | ||||
bwala | body; bark of tree (if still on it); fish scales; skin | 身體;樹皮(如果還在上面);魚鱗;皮膚 | bwala [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 21 | |||||
eda manu | bird taboo to our descent group | 我們世系的鳥類禁忌 | manuk [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 22 | |||||
i | prefix to locatives | 位置詞首碼 | i₂ [PAN] | Chowning n.d. b | 23 | |||||
ilama | stone axe | 石斧 | kiRam [PMP] | Chowning n.d. b | 24 | |||||
ili | plain uncarved thwart; rod connecting to boom | 平的未彎曲的橫木;連接到吊杆的杆 | ili [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 25 | |||||
isi, isi-a | to grate, as on a grater, to rub (it) | 磨碎磨碎,如在磨碎機上磨碎 | isi₄ [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 26 | |||||
ivi-na | bed | 床 | 噪聲 | Chowning n.d. b | 27 | |||||
ivi-na taʔolina | put food on mats on the ground | 把食物放在地上的墊子上 | 噪聲 | Chowning n.d. b | 28 | |||||
kalagoma | a seaweed | 海藻 | karagwam [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 29 | |||||
kawala | to crawl (as a turtle), to creep | 爬行(如烏龜),爬行 | kawar [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 30 | |||||
kile-kile | a small pandanus | 小熊貓 | kiRe-kiRe [POC] | kiRay | Chowning n.d. b | 31 | ||||
kiwiwi | sandpiper | 幾鷂 | kiwiwi [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 32 | |||||
kuli-kuli | a skin disease (in people), mange (in dogs) | 皮膚病(人),疥瘡(狗) | kuli-kulit [POC] | kuliC | Chowning n.d. b | 33 | ||||
lala | to wilt leaves over a fire | 火燒枯葉 | daŋdaŋ₁ [PMP] | daŋdaŋ | Chowning n.d. b | 34 | ||||
lo-kawal | to sneak around at night to commit adultery | 晚上鬼鬼祟祟地通姦 | kawar [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 35 | |||||
lua | two | 二 | rua [POC] | duSa | Chowning n.d. b | 36 | ||||
luluwe vili | put headdress around head | 把頭飾戴在頭上 | pirit [PMP] | Chowning n.d. b | 37 | |||||
lusa | gun; slingshot | 彈弓 | lusa [POC] | lusa₁ | Chowning n.d. b | 38 | ||||
lusa-lusa | to shoot | 射擊 | lusa [POC] | lusa₁ | Chowning n.d. b | 39 | ||||
ma- | (fossilized in e.g. #matauta ‘afraid’) | (如“matauta‘害怕’中的化石) | ma-₁ [PAN] | Chowning n.d. b | 40 | |||||
mai | to come; hither (vs. #wai) | 來;到這裏 | mai [POC] | ai₃ | Chowning n.d. b | 41 | ||||
mamina | a large fish | 大魚 | mamin₁ [PMP] | Chowning n.d. b | 42 | |||||
manu | bird; childhood disease thought to be caused by a bird in the body | 鳥;被認為是由體內的鳥引起的兒童疾病 | manuk [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 43 | |||||
manu-manuwa | insects | 昆蟲 | manu-manuk [POC] | manuk | Chowning n.d. b | 44 | ||||
mata- | eye | 眼睛 | mata [PMP] | maCa | Chowning n.d. b | 45 | ||||
mata-daya | in front of us, in our presence | 在我們面前,在我們面前 | mata [PMP] | maCa | Chowning n.d. b | 46 | ||||
mata gabu-na | nipple (#gabu-na = ‘a point of land’) | 乳頭(#gabu na='一個陸地點') | mata [PMP] | maCa | Chowning n.d. b | 47 | ||||
mata lavi-lavi | about 7 PM (‘eye of the evening’) | 晚上7點左右(“晚上的眼睛”) | mata [PMP] | maCa | Chowning n.d. b | 48 | ||||
mata-na | net gauge | 淨軌距 | mata [PMP] | maCa | Chowning n.d. b | 49 | ||||
matauta | afraid | 害怕的 | matakut [POC] | takut | Chowning n.d. b | 50 | ||||
mwata | snake (generic) | 蛇(通用) | mwata [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 51 | |||||
niu ~ niula | coconut | 椰子 | niuR [PMP] | Chowning n.d. b | 52 | |||||
nivi | dream | 夢想 | nipi [PCEMP] | Sipi | Chowning n.d. b | 53 | ||||
nowu | poisonous fish | 有毒的魚 | nopuq [POC] | nepuq | Chowning n.d. b | 54 | ||||
oda | to eat raw food, of animals | 吃生食 | qodaq [POC] | qetaq | Chowning n.d. b | 55 | ||||
oka-oka | heavy fog on mountain after rain | 雨後山上大霧 | oka₁ [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 56 | |||||
pisala | broken; to break (as a coconut) | 折斷;折斷(如椰子) | 噪聲 | Chowning n.d. b | 57 | |||||
pisi-a | to jump, of a flea | 跳蚤 | pintik [POC] | bitik₁ | Chowning n.d. b | 58 | ||||
puli-a | push or roll along, as a log | 推或滾,如圓木 | buliŋ [POC] | puliŋ₁ | Chowning n.d. b | 59 | ||||
puli-a | to push or roll along, as a log | 推或滾,如圓木 | puri [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 60 | |||||
pulo | bubbles | 泡沫 | puro₂ [POC] | puro | Chowning n.d. b | 61 | ||||
pulo-pulo | foam; to bubble the lips | 泡沫;使嘴唇起泡 | puro puro [POC] | puro | Chowning n.d. b | 62 | ||||
puu | to howl, of the wind | 嚎叫,狂風 | puuŋ [POC] | buuŋ | Chowning n.d. b | 63 | ||||
saga-saga | green mantis (eaten) | 綠螳螂(食用) | sakwa [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 64 | |||||
samana | outrigger | 支腿 | saman [POC] | saRman | Chowning n.d. b | 65 | ||||
samana-deba | outrigger boom | 支腿吊杆 | saman [POC] | saRman | Chowning n.d. b | 66 | ||||
sapi-sapi | large red shell disks sewn to belt | 縫在皮帶上的大紅貝殼盤 | sabi-sabi [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 67 | |||||
sa-sala | fishhook | 魚鉤 | sala [PEMP] | Chowning n.d. b | 68 | |||||
sulu | coconut milk | 椰汁 | suRuq₁ [POC] | zuRuq | Chowning n.d. b | 69 | ||||
susu | milk | 牛奶 | susu₁ [PAN] | Chowning n.d. b | 70 | |||||
susu- | breast | 乳房 | susu₁ [PAN] | Chowning n.d. b | 71 | |||||
tabu-gu | a food forbidden to me | 我不吃的食物 | tabu [POC] | tambu | Chowning n.d. b | 72 | ||||
tama- | father | 父親 | t-amax [PMP] | amax | Chowning n.d. b | 73 | ||||
t-asi- | younger sibling of the same sex | 同性的弟弟妹妹 | taci [POC] | Suaji | Chowning n.d. b | 74 | ||||
tete | to walk along a ridge or branch of tree; to go towards the reef | 沿著山脊或樹枝走;走向礁石 | tete [POC] | taytay | Chowning n.d. b | 75 | ||||
tobʷa | cloth bag | 布袋 | tobwa₂ [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 76 | |||||
toi | three | 三 | tolu [PEMP] | telu | Chowning n.d. b | 77 | ||||
towo | to try | 嘗試 | topoŋ [POC] | tepeŋ₁ | Chowning n.d. b | 78 | ||||
towu | sugarcane (generic) | 甘蔗(通用) | na topu [POC] | tebuS | Chowning n.d. b | 79 | ||||
tua- | older same sex sibling | 年長的同性兄弟姐妹 | tuqah [PMP] | tuqaS | Chowning n.d. b | 80 | ||||
tubu-tubu | elephantiasis of the legs | 腿象皮病 | tubu₁ [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 81 | |||||
tu-tu | knee | 膝 | tur [POC] | tuduS | Chowning n.d. b | 82 | ||||
tutu | to tap; to break open a nut; to pound; to strike | 敲打;敲開螺母;敲打;敲打 | tutuh [PAN] | Chowning n.d. b | 83 | |||||
tuva | Derris | 德裏斯 | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | Chowning n.d. b | 84 | ||||
tuva-i | to use Derris to poison fish | 用德瑞毒魚 | tupa₂ [POC] | tubah | Chowning n.d. b | 85 | ||||
vala | sun(light), day(light) | 太陽(光),白天(光) | 噪聲 | Chowning n.d. b | 86 | |||||
vala-vala | get dry; to heat, of sun or fire | 曬乾;加熱 | (bp)ala₁ [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 87 | |||||
vali | stingray | 黃貂魚 | paRi [POC] | paRiS | Chowning n.d. b | 88 | ||||
va-lua | do in pairs | 成對進行 | pa-₁ [PMP] | Chowning n.d. b | 89 | |||||
vane | climb | 攀登 | panek [POC] | panahik | Chowning n.d. b | 90 | ||||
vanua | house | 房子 | panua [POC] | banua | Chowning n.d. b | 91 | ||||
vanua pou | residents of a village | 村莊居民 | panua [POC] | banua | Chowning n.d. b | 92 | ||||
vata-vatala | canoe platform | 獨木舟平臺 | pa(n)tar₂ [PMP] | Chowning n.d. b | 93 | |||||
vili | to roll a cigarette | 卷香煙 | piliŋ [POC] | biliŋ | Chowning n.d. b | 94 | ||||
vili | roll a cigarette | 卷一支煙 | pirit [PMP] | Chowning n.d. b | 95 | |||||
vilo-a | to twist | 扭曲 | piro-a [POC] | piro | Chowning n.d. b | 96 | ||||
wali | sing; song | 唱歌 | wari [PCEMP] | Chowning n.d. b | 97 | |||||
walo | veins and tendons | 靜脈和肌腱 | waRoc [POC] | waRej | Chowning n.d. b | 98 | ||||
walo-walo | veins and tendons | 靜脈和肌腱 | waRoc waRoc [POC] | waRej | Chowning n.d. b | 99 | ||||
wavine | women | 女人 | papine [POC] | bahi | Chowning n.d. b | 100 | ||||
wivine | women | 女人 | papine [POC] | bahi | Chowning n.d. b | 101 | ||||
wo-maya-maya | shame | 羞恥 | ma-mayaq [PCEMP] | Seyaq | Chowning n.d. b | 102 | ||||
wudi | bananas in general | 一般香蕉 | pudi [POC] | punti₁ | Chowning n.d. b | 103 | ||||
wula | blow out water, as a whale | 像鯨魚一樣把水吹幹 | puRa [POC] | buReS | Chowning n.d. b | 104 | ||||
wula | to blow out water, as whale | 吹淨水,如鯨魚 | puRas [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 105 | |||||
wula-wula | whale's spout; whale | 鯨嘴 | puRa [POC] | buReS | Chowning n.d. b | 106 | ||||
wula-wula | whale | 鯨魚 | puRa-puRas [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 107 | |||||
wunu | hit, strike, spear, kill; to exhaust, tire out | 打,打,矛,殺;耗盡,耗盡 | punuq₃ [POC] | buNuq₂ | Chowning n.d. b | 108 | ||||
wunu-a | hit, strike, spear, kill; to exhaust, tire out | 打,打,矛,殺;耗盡,耗盡 | punuq-a [POC] | buNuq₂ | Chowning n.d. b | 109 | ||||
yaso | to smell (something) | 聞到(某物) | acok [POC] | Sajek | Chowning n.d. b | 110 | ||||
yavalata | northwest wind | 西北風 | habaRat [PMP] | SabaRat | Chowning n.d. b | 111 | ||||
ʔai | to eat | 吃 | kani [POC] | kaen | Chowning n.d. b | 112 | ||||
ʔai-ʔai | to eat | 吃 | kani kani [POC] | kaen | Chowning n.d. b | 113 | ||||
ʔanunu | shadow; reflection | 陰影;反射 | qanunu [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 114 | |||||
ʔasa | village, hamlet | 村莊,哈姆雷特 | 噪聲 | Chowning n.d. b | 115 | |||||
ʔate-da-ya | inside ourselves | 在我們內心 | qatay [PMP] | qaCay | Chowning n.d. b | 116 | ||||
ʔate-ʔate | liver | 肝臟 | qatay [PMP] | qaCay | Chowning n.d. b | 117 | ||||
ʔatune | fish that looks like pilchard | 長得像沙丁魚的魚 | qatulay [PMP] | Chowning n.d. b | 118 | |||||
ʔavala-na, avala-na | shoulder | 肩 | qapaRa₁ [POC] | qabaRa₁ | Chowning n.d. b | 119 | ||||
ʔavala-na, avala-na | topmost hands of banana | 最上面的香蕉手 | qapaRa₂ [POC] | qabaRa₂ | Chowning n.d. b | 120 | ||||
ʔawa | door; mouth; eye of a needle | 門;嘴;針眼 | qawa₂ [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 121 | |||||
ʔedu-ʔedu-na | back of the head | 後腦勺 | keju [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 122 | |||||
ʔedu-ʔedu-nega | from the rear | 從後面 | keju [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 123 | |||||
ʔedu-ʔedu uya | to turn the head around | 把頭轉過來 | keju [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 124 | |||||
ʔeno bui-bui | roll over, of a person | 翻身 | pui pui [POC] | bui₃ | Chowning n.d. b | 125 | ||||
ʔi bui-nia | fall over, of a tree, turn underfoot, of a stone | 倒下,從樹上,從腳下,從石頭上 | pui₂ [POC] | bui₃ | Chowning n.d. b | 126 | ||||
ʔitete | bridge | 橋 | 根 | Chowning n.d. b | 127 | |||||
ʔodu | bend over, bend the head down | 彎腰,低頭 | 噪聲 | Chowning n.d. b | 128 | |||||
ʔuma | planted garden | 種植園 | quma [PMP] | qumah | Chowning n.d. b | 129 | ||||
ʔunu-ʔunu | head | 頭 | qulu qulu [PAN] | quluh | Chowning n.d. b | 130 | ||||
ʔunu-ʔunu-na | upper part of head; forehead; source of a river | 頭部上部;前額;河源 | qulu qulu [PAN] | quluh | Chowning n.d. b | 131 | ||||
ʔusana | rain; to rain | 下雨 | qusan [POC] | quzaN | Chowning n.d. b | 132 | ||||
ʔusi- | penis | 陰莖 | na qutin [POC] | qutiN | Chowning n.d. b | 133 | ||||
ʔuta | to bite, to chew, as sugarcane | 咬,嚼,如甘蔗 | kuta [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 134 | |||||
ʔutaʔuta | fiveleaf yam: Dioscorea pentaphylla | 薯蕷:薯蕷 | kuta [POC] | Chowning n.d. b | 135 | |||||
ʔutu | louse, flea | 蝨子,跳蚤 | kutu₁ [PMP] | kuCux | Chowning n.d. b | 136 |