分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 61條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
OC | Lonwolwol OC Vanuatu [crc] | a | and, (but) | 而且,(但是) | a₂ [PMP] | Paton 1973 | 1 | |||
baba | used of a baby, to ride (on its mother's back), or of the mother to carry by slinging on the back (NG) | papa₁ [POC] | baba₁ | Paton 1973 | 2 | |||||
bal | hibiscus | 木槿 | (bp)alu [POC] | balu₁ | Paton 1973 | 3 | ||||
bal | fight, be damaged, meet damage or trouble or even death | 戰鬥,被破壞,遇到破壞或麻煩,甚至死亡 | (bp)ala₂ [POC] | Paton 1973 | 4 | |||||
bEl | lightning | 閃電 | pilak₂ [POC] | bilak₁ | Paton 1973 | 5 | ||||
bεta | breadfruit | 麵包果 | beta₃ [POC] | Paton 1973 | 6 | |||||
bu | the sound of the (holed) conch shell being blown, as a signal, especially in #faŋ-kOn and other ceremonies, for the killing of pigs, etc., and in canoes, boats, launches as they approach the shore, or to summon villagers | buu₅ [POC] | buu₂ | Paton 1973 | 7 | |||||
bu | full-grown male (castrated) pig | 成年雄性(去勢)豬 | 噪聲 | Paton 1973 | 8 | |||||
bu | song | 歌曲 | 噪聲 | Paton 1973 | 9 | |||||
bUl | bamboo | 竹子 | buluq₂ [PAN] | Paton 1973 | 10 | |||||
bül | flame; burn a light, search by torchlight | 火焰;點燃一盞燈,用火把尋找 | bula₁ [POC] | Paton 1973 | 11 | |||||
fa | under, below, down, deep, far out at sea; North | 在海的下麵,下麵,下麵,深處,遠處;北方 | papaq₃ [POC] | babaq₁ | Paton 1973 | 12 | ||||
fa | make a sudden and alarming noise, to startle, jerk, to shock, cause shock, etc. | 發出突然的、令人震驚的聲音,驚嚇、抽搐、休克、引起休克等。 | pa₁ [POC] | ba₂ | Paton 1973 | 13 | ||||
fefa | carry a baby (or child) slung on the back (OG) | 背著嬰兒(或小孩) | papa₁ [POC] | baba₁ | Paton 1973 | 14 | ||||
fεn | shoot with bow and arrow | 弓箭射擊 | panaq [PAN] | Paton 1973 | 15 | |||||
fu | roll, roll over, turn over | 翻滾,翻滾,翻滾 | pui₂ [POC] | bui₃ | Paton 1973 | 16 | ||||
fur | to appear, come clear, come 'out' (as when a cloud covers the moon) | 要出現,就要清楚,就要“出來”(就像一朵雲遮住了月亮) | pura [POC] | Paton 1973 | 17 | |||||
fur-fur | to appear, come clear, come ‘out’ (as when a cloud passes over the moon) | 要出現,要清楚,要“出來”(就像一朵雲掠過月亮) | pura [POC] | Paton 1973 | 18 | |||||
hal | track, road; road for thinking about, the faculty of being able to forecast events | 軌道,道路;思考的道路,能夠預測事件的能力 | jalan [POC] | zalan | Paton 1973 | 19 | ||||
hal | to gush out, of liquids | 噴出液體 | saliR [PMP] | Paton 1973 | 20 | |||||
ham | outrigger | 支腿 | saman [POC] | saRman | Paton 1973 | 21 | ||||
hema- | outrigger of (the suffix-taking form) | (尾碼形式) | saman [POC] | saRman | Paton 1973 | 22 | ||||
horo | to go down, disappear; to set (of sun, stars, etc.) | 落下,消失;落下(太陽、星星等) | sorop [POC] | sedep₁ | Paton 1973 | 23 | ||||
huh | breast; suck at the breast | 乳房 | susu₁ [PAN] | Paton 1973 | 24 | |||||
ia | thus, in this or that way | 這樣,這樣或那樣 | ia₂ [PMP] | Paton 1973 | 25 | |||||
ih- | name | 名稱 | isa₂ [POC] | Paton 1973 | 26 | |||||
im | house | 房子 | Rumaq [PAN] | Paton 1973 | 27 | |||||
ir | yonder, over there | 那邊,那邊 | iri [POC] | -di | Paton 1973 | 28 | ||||
-k | 1sg possessive suffix: my (directly attached to many relationship terms, and some names of bodily parts) | -gu [POC] | -ku | Paton 1973 | 29 | |||||
lɔŋ-nε | to hear, to feel (not only hearing, but general personal feeling, and sense of smell, are expressed by #lɔŋ-nε) | roŋoR [POC] | deŋeR | Paton 1973 | 30 | |||||
ma-u | rise up, grow up; (of a person) to recover from illness; be alive, be growing (of plants, etc.); be better (from a sickness) | ma-qudip [PMP] | qudip | Paton 1973 | 31 | |||||
ma-u-an | life (spirit) | 生命(精神) | ma-qudip [PMP] | qudip | Paton 1973 | 32 | ||||
mɛr | die; (be) dead; numb, unconscious, apparently dead | 死亡;麻木、無意識、明顯死亡 | mate [POC] | aCay | Paton 1973 | 33 | ||||
mɛra-n | death | 死亡 | mate [POC] | aCay | Paton 1973 | 34 | ||||
mɛr-mɛr | be faint; to faint, be half-hearted | 膽怯;膽怯 | m-atay m-atay [PMP] | aCay | Paton 1973 | 35 | ||||
-n | 3sg. possessor | 3毫克。佔有人 | -ña [POC] | -a₂ | Paton 1973 | 36 | ||||
tEl | rope | 繩 | tali₁ [POC] | CaliS | Paton 1973 | 37 | ||||
tiŋ | to sound out, of a drum (modern usage: sound of engine, chimes of clock, etc.; (< *titiŋ-i)) | titiŋ [POC] | tiŋtiŋ | Paton 1973 | 38 | |||||
tUnu | to light, set fire to | 點燃,放火 | tunu [PMP] | CuNuh | Paton 1973 | 39 | ||||
vaː | hand, arm | 手,手臂 | paRa₃ [POC] | baRa₁ | Paton 1973 | 40 | ||||
va | to go | 外帶 | pa₃ [POC] | ba₆ | Paton 1973 | 41 | ||||
vaː | spongy kernel of a mature coconut (which is rich in oil, and nourishing) | 成熟椰子的海綿狀果仁(富含油脂,營養豐富) | para [PMP] | Paton 1973 | 42 | |||||
va | to go | 外帶 | para [PMP] | Paton 1973 | 43 | |||||
van | go, pass (and so also of time); to continue (to do ...); often; adverbially: away | 去,過去(時間也是如此);繼續(做……);經常;副詞:離開 | pano [POC] | paNaw | Paton 1973 | 44 | ||||
vera- | hand of, arm of | 手,手臂 | paRa₃ [POC] | baRa₁ | Paton 1973 | 45 | ||||
verɛ- | handle of - | 把手- | paRara [POC] | paRada | Paton 1973 | 46 | ||||
viri | to plait (rope, etc.) | 編(繩等) | pirit [PMP] | Paton 1973 | 47 | |||||
visi | flesh | 肉 | pijiko [POC] | Paton 1973 | 48 | |||||
wa | bear fruit | 結果實 | puaq [POC] | buaq | Paton 1973 | 49 | ||||
wali | the one (or other) of (a pair); the mate of | (一對)中的一個(或另一個);配偶 | bali₇ [POC] | baliw₁ | Paton 1973 | 50 | ||||
wE | water | 水 | waiR [PCEMP] | wahiR | Paton 1973 | 51 | ||||
wEl (ʔ) | creek, ravine, water-hole | 小溪、峽谷、水坑 | waiR [PCEMP] | wahiR | Paton 1973 | 52 | ||||
wɔ | fruit of- | 果實- | puaq [POC] | buaq | Paton 1973 | 53 | ||||
wɔh | paddle (for canoe); modern use for oar | 槳(獨木舟用);槳的現代用途 | pose [POC] | beRsay | Paton 1973 | 54 | ||||
wɔn | sand | 沙 | qone [POC] | qenay | Paton 1973 | 55 | ||||
wɔn | be fast (shut), be closed, be tight | 快一點(關上),關上,緊一點 | qonop [POC] | qeNeb₁ | Paton 1973 | 56 | ||||
wUn | to come (to fight), prepare for fighting, approach aggressively, to plot (probable violence) | 來(打),準備打,積極接近,策劃(可能的暴力) | punuq₃ [POC] | buNuq₂ | Paton 1973 | 57 | ||||
wuŋ-i | flower of | 花 | puŋa₁ [POC] | buŋa | Paton 1973 | 58 | ||||
wuŋ-i-bal | hibiscus flower | 芙蓉花 | puŋa₁ [POC] | buŋa | Paton 1973 | 59 | ||||
wUŋɔ- | used by a small boy of his MBD, who also happens to be his FZD; wife's mother, wife's father | 被一個MBD的小男孩使用,他碰巧也是他的FZD;妻子的母親,妻子的父親 | puŋao [POC] | Paton 1973 | 60 | |||||
wUɔŋ- | wife's mother of- | 妻子的母親- | puŋao [POC] | Paton 1973 | 61 |