分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 138條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
CMP | Kei CMP Indonesia (Maluku) [kei] | agām | religion | 宗教 | 借詞 | Geurtjens 1921 | 1 | |||
ai nil | a tree: Cassia fistula L. | 一棵樹:決明子瘺L. | qanilaw [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 2 | |||||
alur | large water pitcher | 大水罐 | qaluR₂ [PMP] | qaluR | Geurtjens 1921 | 3 | ||||
anan | plaiting of baskets and mats | 編織籃子和墊子 | añam [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 4 | |||||
arak | gin distilled from sago pith | 西米蒸餾杜松子酒 | 借詞 | Geurtjens 1921 | 5 | |||||
arut baran-an | kind of hammer shell: Malleus vulgaris | 錘殼種類:錘 | baran [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 6 | |||||
ba | go, go away, walk | 走,走,走 | ba₆ [PCEMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 7 | |||||
ba | go, go away, walk | 走,走,走 | ba₆ [PCEMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 8 | |||||
bab | address to uncle or father | 致叔叔或父親的地址 | baba₂ [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 9 | |||||
bab | vulva | 外陰 | 噪聲 | Geurtjens 1921 | 10 | |||||
bār | swell, swell up | 膨脹,膨脹 | baReq [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 11 | |||||
bār | be spoiled, of foods | 食物變質 | baRi [PCEMP] | baRiw | Geurtjens 1921 | 12 | ||||
barat, warat | west, west monsoon, rainy season | 西部,西部季風,雨季 | habaRat [PMP] | SabaRat | Geurtjens 1921 | 13 | ||||
baris | row, column, series | 行、列、系列 | 借詞 | Geurtjens 1921 | 14 | |||||
dir | stand up straight | 站直 | adiRi [PCEMP] | SadiRi | Geurtjens 1921 | 15 | ||||
dud | thunder | 打雷 | duhduh [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 16 | |||||
enawun yafur | burn lime | 燒石灰 | qapuR [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 17 | |||||
en-dir | to stand, stand up | 站起來,站起來 | diRi [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 18 | |||||
en-fān | to feed; bait a hook | 使上鉤 | paniŋ [PCEMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 19 | |||||
en-fān | to feed; to bait a hook | 使上鉤 | paen [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 20 | |||||
en-fan ken | to hit the mark | 擊中目標 | keNa [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 21 | |||||
en-ken | to strike, hit, affect | 打擊、打擊、影響 | keNa [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 22 | |||||
en-leta-r | walk over something narrow | 走過狹窄的地方 | letay₂ [PCMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 23 | |||||
en-lun | to pack up, wrap up | 收拾,收拾 | lunu₁ [PCMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 24 | |||||
en-mali-t | laugh, laugh at | 笑,笑 | malip [PCEMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 25 | |||||
en-refa-k | to measure in fathoms | 以英尋為組織 | depah [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 26 | |||||
entaha m-ur | hold the till or rudder | 握舵 | m-udi [PCEMP] | udehi | Geurtjens 1921 | 27 | ||||
en-tatak | to knock, tap; playing of musical instruments with keys, valves, or holes | 敲擊,敲擊;用鑰匙、閥門或孔演奏樂器 | taktak₂ [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 28 | |||||
en-tun | roast or stew in the fire, to bake; shoot off firearms | 在火中烤或燉,烤;射擊 | tunu [PMP] | CuNuh | Geurtjens 1921 | 29 | ||||
en-turuk | to show, demonstrate; point out, point to; teach | 展示、演示;指出、指出;教導 | tuzuk [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 30 | |||||
fān | bait | 誘餌 | paniŋ [PCEMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 31 | |||||
fan | shoot with bow and arrow | 弓箭射擊 | panaq [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 32 | |||||
fān | bait | 誘餌 | paen [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 33 | |||||
fani-n | wing, fin | 翼,鰭 | paNij [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 34 | |||||
faŋa-t | handspan | 手搖 | paŋa₁ [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 35 | |||||
fār | stingray; the constellation Scorpio | 黃貂魚;天蠍座 | paRi [PCEMP] | paRiS | Geurtjens 1921 | 36 | ||||
fit | seven | 七 | pitu₁ [PAN] | pitu | Geurtjens 1921 | 37 | ||||
guntiŋ | scissors | 剪刀 | 借詞 | Geurtjens 1921 | 38 | |||||
hir | they, them | 他們,他們 | si ida [PMP] | ida | Geurtjens 1921 | 39 | ||||
huk | kind of tree: Gnetum gnemon L. | 樹種:片麻岩 | suka₁ [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 40 | |||||
i | 3sg. | 3毫克。 | ia₁ [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 41 | |||||
i | this, these | 這個,這些 | ia₂ [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 42 | |||||
ihi-n | flesh of people, animals and fruits, and in general the edible, useful or most prominent part of something | isi₅ [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 43 | ||||||
im | you (pl.) | 你(pl.) | imi [PCEMP] | Simu | Geurtjens 1921 | 44 | ||||
in | drinking, consumption of liquids | 飲用、飲用液體 | inum [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 45 | |||||
iŋat | remember, think about; be absorbed in doing something (so as to give it one's full attention) | 記住,思考;全神貫注地做某事(以便全神貫注) | iŋat [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 46 | |||||
ir | wood file, made from a piece of wood over which a piece of ray or shark skin is stretched | 木銼,由一塊木頭製成,上面有一片射線或鯊魚皮 | kiRkiR [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 47 | |||||
irus | wooden ladle | 木勺 | qidus [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 48 | |||||
isu | betel nut | 檳榔 | 噪聲 | Geurtjens 1921 | 49 | |||||
it | we (plural incl.) | 我們(包括複數) | k-ita [PAN] | ita₁ | Geurtjens 1921 | 50 | ||||
iwar | news, tidings, rumor | 新聞、消息、謠言 | 噪聲 | Geurtjens 1921 | 51 | |||||
kaka | separate, divide, split | 分開,分開,分開 | kakaq [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 52 | |||||
ken | mark, target; correct | 標記,目標;正確 | keNa [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 53 | |||||
keran | turtle with prized shell | 珍貝龜 | keRan₂ [PCEMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 54 | |||||
kot ~ kota | fortification, fortified village | 防禦工事,防禦村莊 | 借詞 | Geurtjens 1921 | 55 | |||||
laman | depth | 深度 | laman [PCEMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 56 | |||||
leii | ginger, Zingiber officinale; people give pieces of ginger to the dogs to make them more spirited in hunting | laqia [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 57 | ||||||
lera-n | day, mealtime; once, on a certain day | 一天,吃飯時間;一次,在某一天 | qalejaw [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 58 | |||||
les | pull out, fall out, of the teeth | 拔掉牙齒 | lesu₂ [PCMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 59 | |||||
let | plank bridge | 板橋 | letay₂ [PCMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 60 | |||||
lim | five | 五 | lima [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 61 | |||||
lisa-n | nit | 尼特 | lisehaq, liseqah [PMP] | liseqeS | Geurtjens 1921 | 62 | ||||
luhun yana-n | rice pestle | 米杵 | anak i lesuŋ [PMP] | aNak | Geurtjens 1921 | 63 | ||||
lukut | crumpled | 皺巴巴的 | lukut [PMP] | lukut₁ | Geurtjens 1921 | 64 | ||||
lumut | marine algae, moss that adheres to the sides of boats and slows their progress in the water | 海生藻類,附著在船舷上的苔蘚,減緩它們在水中的生長 | lumut [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 65 | |||||
lun | packet, bundle | 包,捆 | lunu₁ [PCMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 66 | |||||
luri-n | bone; fish bone | 魚骨 | duRi [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 67 | |||||
mam | child’s term of address to his father, from elders to their sons, and in general in intimate contexts between older men and their sons | mama [PMP] | mamah | Geurtjens 1921 | 68 | |||||
mam | to chew betelnut | 嚼檳榔 | mamaq [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 69 | |||||
mamin | kind of fish | 一種魚 | mamin₁ [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 70 | |||||
man ~ manu-t | bird, chicken | 鳥,雞 | manuk [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 71 | |||||
ma-raan | light in weight | 重量輕 | ma-Raqan [PMP] | Raqan | Geurtjens 1921 | 72 | ||||
ma-raan | light in weight | 重量輕 | Raqan [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 73 | |||||
mās | gold, silver; gold piece | 金銀 | 借詞 | Geurtjens 1921 | 74 | |||||
māt | die, go out (fire), stop (machinery); be defeated (in a game); be overgrown, of a path; abate (wind); becalmed (sea); dried up (spring) | matay₁ [PCEMP] | aCay | Geurtjens 1921 | 75 | |||||
medar | opossum, cuscus | 負鼠 | mansər [PCEMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 76 | |||||
mina-n | fat, lard; marrow | 脂肪、豬油、骨髓 | miñak [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 77 | |||||
m-ur | rear part; later; following | 後部;後面;後面 | m-udi [PCEMP] | udehi | Geurtjens 1921 | 78 | ||||
naŋ | to swim | 游泳 | naŋuy [PMP] | Naŋuy | Geurtjens 1921 | 79 | ||||
natat | yard; bald part | 院子;禿頂 | natad [PMP] | NataD | Geurtjens 1921 | 80 | ||||
nit | corpse, shade, shadow, spectre; dead person | 屍體,陰影,陰影,幽靈;死人 | qanitu [PMP] | qaNiCu | Geurtjens 1921 | 81 | ||||
rāk | raft, wooden raft | 木筏 | Rakit [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 82 | |||||
rāt | king, ruler | 國王,統治者 | datu [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 83 | |||||
rat fit | 700 | 700個 | pitu ŋa Ratus [PMP] | pitu | Geurtjens 1921 | 84 | ||||
rawut | pull | 拉 | Rabut [PMP] | RabuC | Geurtjens 1921 | 85 | ||||
ref | a fathom | 一英尋 | depah [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 86 | |||||
rinin | cold | 寒冷的 | diŋin [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 87 | |||||
ru | two | 二 | duha [PMP] | duSa | Geurtjens 1921 | 88 | ||||
suar | lift up with a lever | 用杠杆抬起 | suaR₁ [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 89 | |||||
sus | female breast, udder, teat | 女性乳房、乳房、乳頭 | susu₁ [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 90 | |||||
sus mata-n | aureole of the nipple of the breast | 乳房乳頭光環 | mata nu susu [PMP] | maCa | Geurtjens 1921 | 91 | ||||
sus waha-n | milk (breast water) | 牛奶(母乳) | susu₁ [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 92 | |||||
tana-t | district, land, ground, earth, black earth | 地區、土地、土地、土地、黑土 | taneq [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 93 | |||||
tan bul | red sticky earth | 紅粘性土 | taneq [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 94 | |||||
tār | scallop shell, used as a coconut rasp | 扇貝殼,用作椰子銼 | taRaq₁ [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 95 | |||||
tatak | to knock, tap, tap something out | 敲,敲,敲 | taktak₁ [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 96 | |||||
timun | cucumber: Luffa acutangula | 黃瓜:絲瓜 | qatimun [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 97 | |||||
timur | east, east side, east monsoon | 東,東側,東季風 | timuR [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 98 | |||||
tob | float on a fishhook | 浮在魚鉤上 | tobV [PCEMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 99 | |||||
tuan tan | overseer of the common village land ‘lord of the land’) | 共同村莊土地“土地之主”的監督員) | taneq [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 100 | |||||
tutu | top, peak, extremity, upper part; south | 頂部、頂部、末端、上部;南部 | tuktuk₂ [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 101 | |||||
u | howling of dogs | 狗叫 | qu₁ [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 102 | |||||
ubu-n | grandparent/grandchild | 祖父母/孫子 | umpu [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 103 | |||||
ue | rattan, Calamus sp. | 藤,菖蒲。 | quay [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 104 | |||||
ukur | measure | 量測 | 借詞 | Geurtjens 1921 | 105 | |||||
umun | pit in which stones are heated to glowing and covered with leaves, then food, then more leaves, then glowing stones, and finally the whole covered over with sand to seal in the heat and allow the food to stew until tender | qumun [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 106 | ||||||
urat | vein; tendon; sinew; muscle | 靜脈;肌腱;肌腱;肌肉 | uRat [PMP] | huRaC | Geurtjens 1921 | 107 | ||||
ut | fish sp. | 魚苗。 | qutud [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 108 | |||||
uu-n | head; handle of an axe, etc. | 斧頭;斧柄等。 | qulu [PCEMP] | quluh | Geurtjens 1921 | 109 | ||||
wahan m-ur m-ur | later; in the future | 以後;將來 | m-udi [PCEMP] | udehi | Geurtjens 1921 | 110 | ||||
wakat | mangrove: Rhizophora conjugata | 紅樹林:接合根瘤菌 | wakat [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 111 | |||||
wāl | turn around, rotate | 轉身,旋轉 | balik₂ [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 112 | |||||
wāl | change into | 變成 | baliw₂ [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 113 | |||||
wali-n | side, opposite side | 側,對側 | bali₈ [PCEMP] | baliw₁ | Geurtjens 1921 | 114 | ||||
wār | song; sing | 唱歌 | wari [PCEMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 115 | |||||
war | cross-sticks for the outrigger | 支腿橫杆 | 借詞 | Geurtjens 1921 | 116 | |||||
wara-n | glowing coal, ember | 灼熱的煤,灰燼 | baRah [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 117 | |||||
warat | liana, creeper; rope | 藤蔓植物 | waRej [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 118 | |||||
wari-k | dry in the sun | 曬乾 | waRi₁ [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 119 | |||||
wāt yana-n | small stone | 小石子 | anak i batu [PMP] | aNak | Geurtjens 1921 | 120 | ||||
wāv | North; northward, beneath | 北;北,下 | babaq₁ [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 121 | |||||
wāv | carry on the back | 背上 | baba₁ [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 122 | |||||
wāv | pig | 豬 | babuy₃ [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 123 | |||||
wua-n yata-n | heart | 心 | buaq ni qatay [PMP] | qaCay | Geurtjens 1921 | 124 | ||||
yaf | fire | 火 | hapuy [PMP] | Sapuy | Geurtjens 1921 | 125 | ||||
yafur | lime, calcium | 石灰、鈣 | qapuR [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 126 | |||||
yafur avlād | chalk | 粉筆 | qapuR [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 127 | |||||
yafur wāt | small calabash, Lagenaria idolatrica, used as a lime container with the betel chew | 小葫蘆,■,用作檳榔嚼的石灰容器 | qapuR [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 128 | |||||
yaf wara-n | glowing coals | 灼熱的煤 | baRah hapuy [PMP] | baRah | Geurtjens 1921 | 129 | ||||
yai | father (address form used by small children, and in mourning songs) | 父親(小孩子用的稱呼形式,在哀歌中) | aya₂ [PMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 130 | |||||
yama-n | father | 父親 | amax [PAN] | Geurtjens 1921 | 131 | |||||
yana-n | child (in relation to adults); young; component part of something; small (for its kind) | 兒童(相對於成人);年輕的;事物的組成部分;小的(對於同類) | anak [PMP] | aNak | Geurtjens 1921 | 132 | ||||
yanan piār | house slave, house servant | 家奴,家僕 | anak i qaRta [PMP] | aNak | Geurtjens 1921 | 133 | ||||
yana-n sosalôk | illegitimate child | 私生子 | anak [PMP] | aNak | Geurtjens 1921 | 134 | ||||
yanan yān | eldest child | 長子 | anak a qulu [PMP] | aNak | Geurtjens 1921 | 135 | ||||
yatak | cover, lay something across | 掩護,橫放東西 | atek [PCMP] | Geurtjens 1921 | 136 | |||||
yata-n | liver | 肝臟 | qatay [PMP] | qaCay | Geurtjens 1921 | 137 | ||||
yata-n lāi | (lit. 'big liver') proud, haughty, arrogant | (亮著。’大肝臟)驕傲,傲慢,傲慢 | X₁ + qatay [PMP] | qaCay | Geurtjens 1921 | 138 |