分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 93條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
WMP | Central Tagbanwa WMP Philippines [tgt] | baag | loincloth | 腰帶 | bahaR [PMP] | Scebold 2003 | 1 | |||
bai | grandmother | 祖母 | baqi [PAN] | Scebold 2003 | 2 | |||||
bakɨt | monkey | 猴子 | bakés [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 3 | |||||
buŋon | to wrap something with a wrapper | 用包裝紙包裝某物 | buŋun [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 4 | |||||
dalit | venom | 毒液 | dalit₃ [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 5 | |||||
datag | floor of a house | 房子的地板 | daq(e)taR [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 6 | |||||
dulaw | yellow | 黃色的 | dulaw [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 7 | |||||
ganap-ɨn | to complete, accomplish, fulfill | 完成 | 借詞 | Scebold 2003 | 8 | |||||
gasgas | scrape on the skin | 擦傷皮膚 | RasRas [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 9 | |||||
guyur-on | to lead something by the hand | 手牽著手 | gúyud-en [PPH] | guyud₃ | Scebold 2003 | 10 | ||||
itak | thigh | 大腿 | hitaq [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 11 | |||||
i-tuldo | to point out something or show something | 指出某事或顯示某事 | tulduq [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 12 | |||||
ka | 2sg nominative pronoun, used as focused participant in verbal clauses, you | 主格代詞,用作動詞從句的焦點參與者 | ka₄ [PMP] | Scebold 2003 | 13 | |||||
kamanakɨn | nephew | 侄子 | kam-anak-en [PWMP] | aNak | Scebold 2003 | 14 | ||||
kandila | candle | 蠟燭 | 借詞 | Scebold 2003 | 15 | |||||
katin | salt | 鹽 | qasiN [PAN] | Scebold 2003 | 16 | |||||
ki | oblique case marker for personal nouns | 人稱名詞的斜格標記 | ki₂ₐ [PMP] | ki₂ | Scebold 2003 | 17 | ||||
kiki-an | armpit | 腋窩 | kiki₃ [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 18 | |||||
kɨpkɨp-an | to hug, embrace | 擁抱 | kepkep-an [PPH] | kepkep | Scebold 2003 | 19 | ||||
kɨrɨŋ | dog | 狗 | qereŋ [PWMP] | Scebold 2003 | 20 | |||||
-ko | 1sg genitive pronoun (marks possessors and non-focused participants in verbal clauses) | 1sg生格代詞(在動詞從句中標記擁有者和非焦點參與者) | -ku [PAN] | Scebold 2003 | 21 | |||||
k〈um〉ɨbkɨb | to lie on one’s stomach | 仰臥 | kebkeb₂ [PAN] | Scebold 2003 | 22 | |||||
kuran | rain | 雨 | quzan [PMP] | quzaN | Scebold 2003 | 23 | ||||
kuvi | a purple yam: Dioscorea alata | 紫色山藥:薯蕷 | qubi [PMP] | Scebold 2003 | 24 | |||||
lahar | a mixture of volcanic ash and water that flows when saturated | 火山灰和水的混合物,飽和時流動 | lahar [PWMP] | Scebold 2003 | 25 | |||||
lakon | a wave | 波浪 | qalun [PMP] | Scebold 2003 | 26 | |||||
lampas | greater than, bigger than | 大於,大於 | lampás [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 27 | |||||
lana | vegetable or coconut oil | 植物油或椰子油 | laña [PMP] | Scebold 2003 | 28 | |||||
lapaw | to overflow a boundary | 越界 | la(m)paw [PWMP] | Scebold 2003 | 29 | |||||
lɨmɨt | to drown | 淹死 | lemes [PMP] | Scebold 2003 | 30 | |||||
lɨpak | to explode, erupt (of a volcano) | 爆發(火山的)爆發 | lepak₂ [PWMP] | Scebold 2003 | 31 | |||||
liyɨd | step | 步 | liqed [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 32 | |||||
liyɨr-an | to step over something | 跨過某物 | liqed [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 33 | |||||
lugar | place | 地方 | 借詞 | Scebold 2003 | 34 | |||||
mag-lɨtat | to wean | 斷奶 | Retas [PWMP] | Scebold 2003 | 35 | |||||
mag-tukso | to tempt, entice | 引誘 | 借詞 | Scebold 2003 | 36 | |||||
mag-tuldo | to teach | 教書 | tulduq [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 37 | |||||
ma-lapad | wide | 寬的 | lapad [PMP] | Scebold 2003 | 38 | |||||
ma-lɨmɨk | soft | 軟的 | ma-lemek [PWMP] | lemeq | Scebold 2003 | 39 | ||||
ma-mi-mintat | a witch | 女巫 | pintás [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 40 | |||||
man | adds emphasis | 新增強調 | man [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 41 | |||||
ma-navo | to draw water from a spring or well | 從泉水或井裏取水 | tabuq [PMP] | Scebold 2003 | 42 | |||||
man-lara | to weave fabric or other materials | 織物或其他資料 | man-laja [PWMP] | laja | Scebold 2003 | 43 | ||||
ma-pintat-an | to bewitch | 魅惑 | pintás [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 44 | |||||
ma-tanda | true | 真的 | tandaq [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 45 | |||||
ma-tanda-an | to remember or recall a factual event | 回憶 | tandaq [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 46 | |||||
ma-tanda-an | to remember or recall a factual event | 回憶 | ma-tanda-an [PPH] | tandaq | Scebold 2003 | 47 | ||||
ma-urom | cloudy | 多雲的 | ma-qudem [PAN] | qudem | Scebold 2003 | 48 | ||||
nakɨm | thought, state of mind | 思想、心態 | nákem [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 49 | |||||
ni | personal noun phrase marker, genitive case; marks the proper noun as a nonfocused participant in the clause; also marks possession | ni [PAN] | Scebold 2003 | 50 | ||||||
nɨknɨk | gnat | 蚊蟲 | ñikñik [PMP] | Scebold 2003 | 51 | |||||
pa | still, yet | 仍然,仍然 | pa₁ [PAN] | Scebold 2003 | 52 | |||||
patag | plain | 平原 | pataR₂ [PWMP] | Scebold 2003 | 53 | |||||
pɨyɨŋ | to close one’s eyes | 閉上眼睛 | pezeŋ [PMP] | Scebold 2003 | 54 | |||||
pulaw-an | wake, vigil for the dead | 醒醒,守夜 | pulaw [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 55 | |||||
punti | banana plant | 香蕉植物 | punti₁ [PAN] | Scebold 2003 | 56 | |||||
siyam | nine | 九 | siám [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 57 | |||||
sumbiŋ | harelip | 唇裂 | sumbiŋ [PWMP] | Scebold 2003 | 58 | |||||
ta | first person plural inclusive pronoun, genitive, used as nonfocused participant in verbal clauses and as possessive pronoun in possessive noun phrases where the pronoun follows the possessed noun, all of our | -ta [PAN] | Scebold 2003 | 59 | ||||||
ta | particle of emphasis, marks a peak or an abrupt transition in a discourse | 強調詞,在話語中標志著一個高峰或一個突然的轉變 | ta₂ [PWMP] | Scebold 2003 | 60 | |||||
tabas | to prune, to mow, to cut down excess growth | 修剪,修剪,減少過度生長 | tabas [PWMP] | tabas₁ | Scebold 2003 | 61 | ||||
tablay | to hang something over a fence or rope in order to air dry | 把某物掛在籬笆或繩子上晾乾 | sab(e)láy [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 62 | |||||
taha | denotes one’s place of origin | 表示原籍地 | taga- [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 63 | |||||
tahɨk | sap; blood | 汁液;血液 | tagek [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 64 | |||||
talaha | verification, truly | 驗證,真的 | talagá [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 65 | |||||
talava | oyster | 牡蠣 | talabá [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 66 | |||||
talɨk | a dance | 舞蹈 | tadék [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 67 | |||||
talɨt | taro root | 芋頭 | tales [PMP] | Scebold 2003 | 68 | |||||
tama | to be correct; to hit the target | 正確;擊中目標 | tamaq₁ [PMP] | Scebold 2003 | 69 | |||||
tanda | fact | 事實 | tandaq [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 70 | |||||
tandaŋ | rooster | 公雞 | 借詞 | Scebold 2003 | 71 | |||||
taŋgoŋ | to carry on one’s shoulder | 扛肩 | taŋguŋ [PWMP] | Scebold 2003 | 72 | |||||
taŋit | grief, weeping, crying | 悲傷,哭泣,哭泣 | taŋis [PMP] | Caŋis | Scebold 2003 | 73 | ||||
t〈ar〉avo-an | a public water well | 公用水井 | tabuq [PMP] | Scebold 2003 | 74 | |||||
ti | personal noun phrase marker, nominative case; marks the proper noun as subject of the clause | 人稱名詞短語標記,主格;將專有名詞標記為從句的主語 | si₁ [PAN] | Scebold 2003 | 75 | |||||
timbaŋ | quantity of weight | 重量 | timbaŋ [PWMP] | Scebold 2003 | 76 | |||||
timon | rudder | 方向舵 | 借詞 | Scebold 2003 | 77 | |||||
tiŋiʔ | to sellin small quantities | 少量出售 | 借詞 | Scebold 2003 | 78 | |||||
tubli | to borrow | 借錢 | sub(e)liq [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 79 | |||||
tuka | vomit, vomitus | 嘔吐,嘔吐 | suka₂ [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 80 | |||||
tuka | vomit (n.) | 嘔吐物 | suka₂ [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 81 | |||||
tuldo | finger or toe | 手指或腳趾 | tulduq [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 82 | |||||
tuloy | to continue, proceed | 繼續,繼續 | tuluy₁ [PMP] | Scebold 2003 | 83 | |||||
t〈um〉andig | to lean against | 靠 | sandiR [PMP] | Scebold 2003 | 84 | |||||
t〈um〉aŋit | to weep or cry | 哭泣 | C〈um〉aŋis [PAN] | Caŋis | Scebold 2003 | 85 | ||||
tuwaŋ-in | to carry on each end of a pole | 扛著杆子的每一端 | tuaŋ₂ [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 86 | |||||
ugbot | leaf | 葉 | ugbús [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 87 | |||||
ukap | vegetable or fruit peel | 蔬菜或水果皮 | ukap [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 88 | |||||
ukap-an | to peel something | 剝東西 | ukap [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 89 | |||||
urag | honeymoon | 蜜月 | urag [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 90 | |||||
wakas | to terminate, finish | 結束,結束 | wakas₂ [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 91 | |||||
wasag | to scatter | 分散 | waság [PPH] | Scebold 2003 | 92 | |||||
yamot | root | 根 | Ramut₁ [PMP] | Scebold 2003 | 93 |