分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 405條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
WMP | Buginese WMP Indonesia (Sulawesi) [bug] | a-biasa-ŋ | habit, custom | 習慣,習俗 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 1 | |||
agama | religion | 宗教 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 2 | |||||
agaraʔ | seaweed jelly | 海藻凍 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 3 | |||||
aju | wood | 木材 | kahiw [PMP] | kaSiw | Said 1977 | 4 | ||||
aju-kaju-ŋ | all sorts of wood | 各種各樣的木頭 | kahi-kahiw [PMP] | kaSiw | Said 1977 | 5 | ||||
ala | fetch, get, take | 拿,拿,拿 | alaq₁ [PAN] | Said 1977 | 6 | |||||
a-lauʔ | east (in Bone) | 東(骨) | lahud [PAN] | Said 1977 | 7 | |||||
aleʔ | forest | 森林 | halas [PMP] | Salas | Said 1977 | 8 | ||||
aleʔ aleʔ | bushes, weeds (as in an overgrown garden) | 灌木叢,雜草(如在一個雜草叢生的花園裏) | halas [PMP] | Salas | Said 1977 | 9 | ||||
alipaŋ | centipede | 蜈蚣 | qalu-hipan [PMP] | qalu-Sipan | Said 1977 | 10 | ||||
ama | father | 父親 | amax [PAN] | Said 1977 | 11 | |||||
anaw | sugar palm | 糖棕櫚 | qanahaw [PMP] | Said 1977 | 12 | |||||
anaʔ | child, offspring' | 孩子,孩子 | anak [PMP] | aNak | Said 1977 | 13 | ||||
anaʔ anaʔ | many children; a small child | 許多孩子;小孩 | anak anak [PWMP] | aNak | Said 1977 | 14 | ||||
ane | termite, white ant | 白蟻,白蟻 | aNay [PAN] | Said 1977 | 15 | |||||
aneŋ | braid, plait, twine, weave (baskets, mats, but not cloth) | 編織,編結,麻線,編織(籃子,墊子,但不是布) | añem [PMP] | Said 1977 | 16 | |||||
anitu | kind of plant | 植物種類 | qanitu [PMP] | qaNiCu | Said 1977 | 17 | ||||
anreʔ | kind of phosphorescent millipede | 一種磷光千足蟲 | andap [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 18 | |||||
antaraʔ | escort (as a bride to her wedding) | 護送(作為新娘參加婚禮) | hateD [PMP] | SateD | Said 1977 | 19 | ||||
anteʔ | itchy | 發癢的 | atel [PMP] | Said 1977 | 20 | |||||
antiŋ, antiŋ-antiŋ | earring(s) | 耳環 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 21 | |||||
anuaŋ | rare large ruminant found in mountain areas: Anoa depressicornis | 山區罕見的大型反芻動物 | qanuaŋ [PMP] | qaNuaŋ | Said 1977 | 22 | ||||
aŋ-asa-ŋ | place where sharpening is done | 磨刀的地方 | hasaq [PMP] | Sasaq | Said 1977 | 23 | ||||
aŋiŋ | wind | 風 | haŋin [PMP] | Said 1977 | 24 | |||||
apaŋ | kind of pastry | 一種糕點 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 25 | |||||
appaʔ | layer, mat | 層,墊子 | hampaR [PMP] | SapaR | Said 1977 | 26 | ||||
ap-poŋ-eŋ | origin | 起源 | puqun [PMP] | Said 1977 | 27 | |||||
aruʔ | weep hard | 痛哭 | qaRus [PMP] | Said 1977 | 28 | |||||
asa | whet, sharpen | 磨刀,削尖 | hasaq [PMP] | Sasaq | Said 1977 | 29 | ||||
asana | yellow sandalwood tree | 黃檀 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 30 | |||||
assaleŋ | origin | 起源 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 31 | |||||
asu | dog | 狗 | asu₁ [PAN] | Said 1977 | 32 | |||||
ata | slave | 奴隸 | qaRta [PMP] | Said 1977 | 33 | |||||
ate | liver | 肝臟 | qatay [PMP] | qaCay | Said 1977 | 34 | ||||
atekk-i | fasten thatch to the rafters | 把茅草固定在椽子上 | qatep-i [PWMP] | qatep | Said 1977 | 35 | ||||
atu | order, arrangement | 命令、安排 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 36 | |||||
atu-atu | customary behavior or practice | 習慣行為或慣例 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 37 | |||||
babak | name for Chinese born in Indonesia | 在印尼出生的中國人的名字 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 38 | |||||
babaŋ | door | 門 | 噪聲 | Said 1977 | 39 | |||||
babbaʔ | whip | 鞭子 | balbal₁ [PAN] | Said 1977 | 40 | |||||
babbaʔ | a whip | 鞭子 | 噪聲 | Said 1977 | 41 | |||||
bai | female, of animals | 雌性動物 | bahi [PMP] | Said 1977 | 42 | |||||
baka | basket | 籃子 | bakaq-bakaq [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 43 | |||||
bakke | corpse, as of a dog | 屍體,如狗的屍體 | baŋkay [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 44 | |||||
bakuŋ | kind of flowering plant | 開花植物種類 | bakuŋ₁ [PAN] | Said 1977 | 45 | |||||
bakuʔ | basket | 籃子 | bakul-bakul [PWMP] | bakul | Said 1977 | 46 | ||||
balacuŋ | cheap white cotton cloth | 便宜的白棉布 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 47 | |||||
balanaʔ | mullet | 鯔魚 | balanak [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 48 | |||||
baliuŋ | adze | 阿澤 | baliuŋ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 49 | |||||
baliʔ | fade, of colors | 褪色 | balik₂ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 50 | |||||
balo | spotted, striped; color | 斑點、條紋;顏色 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 51 | |||||
banñak | goose | 鵝 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 52 | |||||
bantiŋ | to dash down, fling against | 猛衝 | bantiŋ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 53 | |||||
bantuŋ | climb upward, ascend | 向上爬,向上爬 | bantun [PMP] | Said 1977 | 54 | |||||
bariʔ | multicolored, as with black and white stripes | 五彩的,如黑白條紋的 | barik [PMP] | Said 1977 | 55 | |||||
baruaŋ | bear | 熊 | baRuaŋ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 56 | |||||
barumpuŋ | color of chicken feathers | 雞毛顏色 | baRunbun [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 57 | |||||
basoŋ | storage container made of sago leaves and used to carry the starch of this palm | 用西米葉子做成的儲存容器,用來裝這種棕櫚的澱粉 | basuŋ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 58 | |||||
batu ~ watu | fruit, grain, seed; stone | 水果、穀物、種子;石頭 | batu [PMP] | batux | Said 1977 | 59 | ||||
bebeʔ | wrap, bandage by wrapping | 包紮,包紮 | bejbej₂ [PMP] | bejbej | Said 1977 | 60 | ||||
bebeʔ | shiver, tremble, shake, shudder | 顫抖,顫抖,顫抖,顫抖 | berber₂ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 61 | |||||
bedak | face powder | 麵粉 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 62 | |||||
belaŋ | spotted (as the hide of a water buffalo) | 有斑點的(如水牛的皮) | belaŋ₂ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 63 | |||||
bele | to lie, tell a lie | 說謊,說謊 | beliq₁ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 64 | |||||
beléraŋ | sulphur | 硫磺 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 65 | |||||
beleʔ | screen-trap for fish | 魚網 | bakelad [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 66 | |||||
beleʔ | screen-trap for fish | 魚網 | belat₂ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 67 | |||||
beleʔ | screen trap for fish | 魚網 | belet [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 68 | |||||
beŋa | amazed, astonished | 驚訝,驚訝 | beŋaq [PMP] | Said 1977 | 69 | |||||
besik | spattered, as with mud that splashes up | 濺起的,如濺起的泥漿 | becik [PMP] | Said 1977 | 70 | |||||
bessi | iron; spear | 鐵;矛 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 71 | |||||
bettu | pierce, perforate | 穿孔 | betus [PMP] | Said 1977 | 72 | |||||
biasa | usual, ordinary | 平常,平常 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 73 | |||||
bibi | sprinkle with water, dampen | 灑上水,弄濕 | biqbiq₂ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 74 | |||||
bibi | shake, tremble | 顫抖 | birbir₂ [PAN] | Said 1977 | 75 | |||||
bicara | talk, speak | 說,說 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 76 | |||||
biciʔ | whisper | 耳語 | bisik₃ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 77 | |||||
bidadari | nymph, fairy | 仙女 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 78 | |||||
bidaŋ | midwife | 助產士 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 79 | |||||
bidara | kind of tree | 一棵樹 | bidara [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 80 | |||||
bila | plant which bears a ball-like fruit which is used as a container for liquids | 結球形果實的植物,用作液體的容器 | bila₁ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 81 | |||||
bilalaʔ | muezzin; caller to prayer | 祈禱者 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 82 | |||||
bilaŋ | to count | 數數 | bilaŋ₁ [PAN] | Said 1977 | 83 | |||||
biliʔ | room | 房間 | bilik [PMP] | Said 1977 | 84 | |||||
billaʔ | lightning | 閃電 | bilak₁ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 85 | |||||
billaʔ | lightning | 閃電 | bilak₁ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 86 | |||||
biludu | velvet | 天鵝絨 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 87 | |||||
biluʔ | to turn (as a boat encountering headwinds) | 轉彎(如遇逆風的船) | biluk [PMP] | Said 1977 | 88 | |||||
bimbaŋ | doubt, anxiety | 懷疑、焦慮 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 89 | |||||
binasa | destroyed | 摧毀 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 90 | |||||
bintaŋ | star | 藝員 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 91 | |||||
bintiŋ | carry with the hand | 用手拿 | bintiŋ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 92 | |||||
biŋkuŋ | hoe, mattock | 鋤頭,馬托克 | biŋkuŋ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 93 | |||||
biola | violin | 小提琴 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 94 | |||||
birita | news | 新聞 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 95 | |||||
bisa | proved by experience, tried | 經驗證明,嘗試過 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 96 | |||||
bisa bisa | saintly, working miracles | 聖潔,創造奇跡 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 97 | |||||
bissa | to wash (as the feet) | 洗(如腳) | biseq [PMP] | Said 1977 | 98 | |||||
bobo | give food to, feed (as chickens) | 給食物,餵食(如雞) | 噪聲 | Said 1977 | 99 | |||||
boroŋ | buy wholesale, buy all together | 批發買,統購 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 100 | |||||
buaŋ | banish | 放逐 | buqaŋ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 101 | |||||
buaya | crocodile | 鱷魚 | buqaya [PMP] | Said 1977 | 102 | |||||
buaʔ | use, need, purpose | 用途、需要、目的 | buhat₂ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 103 | |||||
bubu | wickerwork basket trap for fish | 柳編魚籃 | bubu₂ [PAN] | Said 1977 | 104 | |||||
bubu | kind of plant | 植物種類 | 噪聲 | Said 1977 | 105 | |||||
bubuŋ | fontanelle | 囟門 | bubun₂ [PMP] | buNbuN | Said 1977 | 106 | ||||
bue | green beans | 綠豆 | buay₁ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 107 | |||||
bui, bui-bui | fish sp. | 魚苗。 | 噪聲 | Said 1977 | 108 | |||||
buka | break the Moslem fast | 快攻穆斯林 | buka [PMP] | Said 1977 | 109 | |||||
bukkuʔ | hunched over | 彎腰駝背 | buŋkuk [PMP] | Said 1977 | 110 | |||||
bukkuʔ, wukkuʔ | to wrap; bundle | 包 | buŋkus [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 111 | |||||
buku | bone; body | 骨頭;身體 | bukuh [PMP] | Said 1977 | 112 | |||||
bulalak | staring, wide-eyed | 瞪大眼睛 | bulalak [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 113 | |||||
bulaŋ | attach an artificial cockspur to the leg of a fighting cock | 在鬥雞的腿上戴上人造雞腿 | bulaŋ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 114 | |||||
buli | kind of plant | 植物種類 | 噪聲 | Said 1977 | 115 | |||||
bullaʔ | round, of the eyes | 圓圓的眼睛 | bulat₁ [PMP] | bulat | Said 1977 | 116 | ||||
bulo | bamboo | 竹子 | buluq₂ [PAN] | Said 1977 | 117 | |||||
bulu | body hair, feathers | 體毛、羽毛 | bulu₁ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 118 | |||||
bulu mata | eyelash | 睫毛 | bulu ni mata [PMP] | bulu₁ | Said 1977 | 119 | ||||
buluʔ | mountain | 山 | bulud₃ [PMP] | buled₁ | Said 1977 | 120 | ||||
buntalaʔ | fish that is able to inflate itself, puffer fish | 能自我膨脹的魚,河豚 | buntal [PMP] | Said 1977 | 121 | |||||
buŋa | flower, blossom | 花,花 | buŋa [PMP] | Said 1977 | 122 | |||||
buriʔ | speckled | 有斑點的 | burik [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 123 | |||||
buruŋ | bird | 鳥 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 124 | |||||
buruʔ | rot, decay (as a corpse in a grave) | 腐爛,腐爛(像墳墓裏的屍體) | buRuk [PAN] | Said 1977 | 125 | |||||
busa | foam (of breakers on the beach) | 泡沫(海灘上的碎浪) | busa₁ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 126 | |||||
busuŋ | have a swollen abdomen | 腹部腫大 | busuŋ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 127 | |||||
butuŋ | a tree: Barringtonia sp. | 一棵樹:■sp。 | butun [PMP] | Said 1977 | 128 | |||||
buwuŋ | well, spring | 嗯,春天 | bubun₁ [PMP] | bubun | Said 1977 | 129 | ||||
buwuŋ | well, spring | 嗯,春天 | bubuŋ₂ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 130 | |||||
cala-bai | transvestite | 易裝癖 | bahi [PMP] | Said 1977 | 131 | |||||
cicaʔ | house lizard | 家養蜥蜴 | cikcek [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 132 | |||||
dada | chest, breast | 胸部,胸部 | dahdah [PWMP] | daSdaS | Said 1977 | 133 | ||||
dapoʔ | brazier | 火盆 | dapuR₁ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 134 | |||||
dapur-ɨŋ | kitchen | 廚房 | dapuR-an [PWMP] | dapuR₁ | Said 1977 | 135 | ||||
dara | blood | 血 | daRaq [PAN] | Said 1977 | 136 | |||||
dauŋ | leaf | 葉 | dahun [PMP] | Said 1977 | 137 | |||||
dua | two | 二 | duha [PMP] | duSa | Said 1977 | 138 | ||||
dua-ŋ | accompany someone | 陪某人 | duha [PMP] | duSa | Said 1977 | 139 | ||||
duri | thorn | 刺 | duRi [PMP] | Said 1977 | 140 | |||||
elleʔ | intervening space (as between the fingers or toes), atmosphere, space between earth and sky | 中間的空間(如手指或腳趾之間)、大氣、地球和天空之間的空間 | qelet [PMP] | qeleC | Said 1977 | 141 | ||||
elloŋ | neck | 脖子 | eluŋ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 142 | |||||
elluŋ | cloud | 雲 | heluŋ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 143 | |||||
emma-ʔ | mother | 母親 | ema-q [PMP] | ema₁ | Said 1977 | 144 | ||||
emmeʔ | a unit of measure for gold | 金的計量單位 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 145 | |||||
enneŋ | six | 六 | enem [PAN] | Said 1977 | 146 | |||||
eppo | grandchild | 孫子 | empu [PMP] | Said 1977 | 147 | |||||
erreʔ | tying up, fastening | 系緊 | heRet [PMP] | SeReC | Said 1977 | 148 | ||||
esso | day | 白天 | qalejaw [PMP] | Said 1977 | 149 | |||||
etti | dry | 幹的 | qeti₁ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 150 | |||||
ettoʔ | make the sound "/toʔ, toʔ/" | 發出“/到,到” | etuk [PMP] | Said 1977 | 151 | |||||
ettuʔ | fart | 放屁 | qetut [PMP] | Said 1977 | 152 | |||||
gajaŋ | kris | 克裏斯 | gayaŋ [PAN] | Said 1977 | 153 | |||||
gasiŋ | spinning top | 紡紗上衣 | gasiŋ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 154 | |||||
gənnəʔ | complete | 完成 | genep [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 155 | |||||
gonciŋ | scissors | 剪刀 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 156 | |||||
gonciŋ-i | to cut with scissors, as hair | 剪用剪刀剪,如頭髮 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 157 | |||||
iccuʔ | little | 小的 | isut₁ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 158 | |||||
ideŋ | crave foods, of a pregnant woman | 渴望食物,孕婦的食物 | qidam [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 159 | |||||
ideʔ | small | 小的 | 噪聲 | Said 1977 | 160 | |||||
i-ko | 2sg., you/thou | 2sg.,你/你 | i-kahu [PMP] | kaSu | Said 1977 | 161 | ||||
ina | M | ina [PMP] | Said 1977 | 162 | ||||||
ina-ŋ | M | iná-ŋ [PMP] | ina | Said 1977 | 163 | |||||
indiʔ | manner, way of behaving | 舉止,行為管道 | 噪聲 | Said 1977 | 164 | |||||
indo-ʔ | mother, mother animal | 媽媽,動物媽媽 | indu-q [PWMP] | indu | Said 1977 | 165 | ||||
ɨnniŋ | eyebrow | 眉毛 | keniŋ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 166 | |||||
inuŋ | to drink | 喝 | inum [PMP] | Said 1977 | 167 | |||||
ireʔ | slice, cut, carve | 切片、切割、雕刻 | qiris [PMP] | Said 1977 | 168 | |||||
iri | jealousy | 嫉妒 | qiRih [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 169 | |||||
iriŋ | drive animals before one | 把動物趕在前面 | iriŋ₁ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 170 | |||||
isi | tooth | 牙齒 | isi₁ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 171 | |||||
isoʔ | suck | 吮吸 | qisep [PMP] | Said 1977 | 172 | |||||
itelloʔ | egg | 雞蛋 | qiteluR [PMP] | qiCeluR | Said 1977 | 173 | ||||
itiʔ | duck | 鴨子 | itik₂ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 174 | |||||
ittiʔ | drop of water (as a teardrop forming in the corner of the eye) | 水滴(在眼角形成淚滴) | itik₁ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 175 | |||||
jujuŋ | carrying on the head | 抬著頭 | zuŋzuŋ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 176 | |||||
ka-ala-ala | take what is not rightfully one's own | 拿不正當的東西 | alaq₁ [PAN] | Said 1977 | 177 | |||||
kaiʔ | hook onto something | 抓住某物 | kawit [PAN] | Said 1977 | 178 | |||||
ka-lao-lao | to go here and there | 到處去 | lakaw lakaw [PMP] | lakaw | Said 1977 | 179 | ||||
kamaliʔ | bedroom | 臥室 | kamaliR [PMP] | Said 1977 | 180 | |||||
k-asi-asi | poor | 貧窮的 | ka-qasiq [PMP] | qasiq | Said 1977 | 181 | ||||
kaso | rafter | 椽子 | kasaw₁ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 182 | |||||
ka-taŋka | the Indian cork tree: Millingtonia hortensis | 印度軟木樹:Millingtonia hortensis | taŋga₂ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 183 | |||||
kenna | be struck, affected by | 受到打擊 | keNa [PAN] | Said 1977 | 184 | |||||
kima | giant clam, Tridacna gigas | 巨蛤 | kima [PMP] | Said 1977 | 185 | |||||
lai | male (of humans or animals) | 男性(指人或動物) | laki₁ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 186 | |||||
lal-lataŋ | stinging nettle | 刺蕁麻 | la-lateŋ [PMP] | laCeŋ | Said 1977 | 187 | ||||
lampaʔ | free, as a domesticated animal loose from its tether | 自由的,如馴養的動物從束縛中掙脫出來的 | 噪聲 | Said 1977 | 188 | |||||
laŋe | to swim | 游泳 | laŋuy [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 189 | |||||
lao | to go; to, towards | 去;去 | lakaw [PMP] | Said 1977 | 190 | |||||
laso | penis | 陰莖 | lasuq₂ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 191 | |||||
lauʔ | sea | 海 | lahud [PAN] | Said 1977 | 192 | |||||
leaŋ ~ liaŋ | cave, grotto, cavern, den | 洞穴,洞穴,洞穴,洞穴 | liaŋ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 193 | |||||
ləbbi | more | 更多 | lebiq [PMP] | Said 1977 | 194 | |||||
lele | to move; to spread (of a contagious disease) | 移動;傳播(傳染病) | 噪聲 | Said 1977 | 195 | |||||
ləmmaʔ | weak, soft | 軟弱無力 | lemeq [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 196 | |||||
lempaʔ | load carried on a shoulder pole | 扁擔上的負荷 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 197 | |||||
lempoŋ | buffalo wallow, mud pool | 水牛牆,泥池 | 偶然性 | Said 1977 | 198 | |||||
lessik | spattered | 飛濺 | lecik [PAN] | Said 1977 | 199 | |||||
lessiʔ | spattered | 飛濺 | 根 | Said 1977 | 200 | |||||
lima | five | 五 | lima [PAN] | Said 1977 | 201 | |||||
linruŋ | shelter, protection | 庇護所 | liduŋ [PAN] | Said 1977 | 202 | |||||
lumuʔ | moss, algae | 苔蘚、藻類 | lumut [PMP] | Said 1977 | 203 | |||||
mab-baku-bakuʔ | by the basketful | 靠籃子 | bakul-bakul [PWMP] | bakul | Said 1977 | 204 | ||||
mab-betta | cut | 切 | beta₂ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 205 | |||||
mab-betu | explode (as an erupting volcano) | 爆炸(如火山噴發) | betu₂ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 206 | |||||
mab-bisaʔ-bisaʔ | to split repeatedly | 反復分裂 | biseqak [PMP] | Said 1977 | 207 | |||||
mab-bissa | wash the anus | 洗肛門 | biseq [PMP] | Said 1977 | 208 | |||||
mab-buŋa | to blossom, bear flowers | 開花結果 | maR-buŋa [PWMP] | buŋa | Said 1977 | 209 | ||||
ma-busuŋ | person whose abdomen is inflated as the result of a curse or supernatural punishment | 因詛咒或超自然的懲罰而膨脹腹部的人 | ma-busuŋ [PWMP] | busuŋ | Said 1977 | 210 | ||||
mad-dara | to bleed | 流血 | maR-daRaq [PWMP] | daRaq | Said 1977 | 211 | ||||
ma-dua | second | 第二 | duha [PMP] | duSa | Said 1977 | 212 | ||||
ma-eppaʔ | the fourth | 第四次 | ma-epat [PMP] | Sepat | Said 1977 | 213 | ||||
ma-iŋeʔ | having vivid memories | 記憶猶新 | ma-iŋat [PWMP] | iŋat | Said 1977 | 214 | ||||
majaŋ | blossom of the areca palm | 檳榔花 | mayaŋ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 215 | |||||
ma-jaʔ | bad | 壞的 | ma-zaqat [PMP] | zaqat | Said 1977 | 216 | ||||
mak-kattaŋ | to plane wood | 刨木 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 217 | |||||
mak-kutana | ask, inquire about | 詢問,詢問 | maR-kutaña [PWMP] | kutaña | Said 1977 | 218 | ||||
mak-kutu | to delouse | 清除 | maR-kutu [PWMP] | kuCux | Said 1977 | 219 | ||||
m-ala | get, fetch, obtain | 獲取,獲取,獲取 | um-alaq [PAN] | alaq₁ | Said 1977 | 220 | ||||
m-ala | to take | 採取 | um-ala [PAN] | ala | Said 1977 | 221 | ||||
m-aliʔ | drift, float on a current | 漂流 | qaliR [PMP] | Said 1977 | 222 | |||||
man-nasu | to cook | 烹調 | nasu [PMP] | Nasu | Said 1977 | 223 | ||||
manuk | chicken | 雞 | manuk [PMP] | Said 1977 | 224 | |||||
manuk-manuk | bird | 鳥 | manu(k)-manuk [PMP] | manuk | Said 1977 | 225 | ||||
manuʔ buriʔ | a speckled chicken | 有斑點的雞 | burik [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 226 | |||||
maŋ-asu | follow one's heart's desire | 隨心所欲 | maŋ-asu [PWMP] | asu₁ | Said 1977 | 227 | ||||
maŋ-erreʔ | narrow | 狹窄的 | maŋ-heRet [PWMP] | SeReC | Said 1977 | 228 | ||||
maŋ-ideŋ | to crave foods, of pregnant women | 渴望食物,對孕婦 | maŋ-qidam [PWMP] | qidam | Said 1977 | 229 | ||||
ma-ŋilu | feel painful sensation, as in the teeth after eating a mango | 吃了芒果後感到牙齒疼痛 | ma-ŋilu [PAN] | ŋilu | Said 1977 | 230 | ||||
maŋiwɨŋ | shark | 鯊魚 | 偶然性 | Said 1977 | 231 | |||||
ma-pitu | seventh | 第七 | ma-pitu [PWMP] | pitu | Said 1977 | 232 | ||||
m-appaʔ | use a protective lining or mat | 使用防護襯裏或墊子 | S〈um〉apaR [PAN] | SapaR | Said 1977 | 233 | ||||
ma-pute | white | 白色 | ma-putiq [PMP] | putiq | Said 1977 | 234 | ||||
mar-ana-ŋ | one family | 一個家庭 | maRe-anak [PAN] | aNak | Said 1977 | 235 | ||||
mar-anaʔ | with a child (as a parent sleeping with a child) | 帶著孩子(作為父母和孩子睡覺) | maRe-anak [PAN] | aNak | Said 1977 | 236 | ||||
mar-aŋiŋ | get a breath of fresh air | 呼吸新鮮空氣 | haŋin [PMP] | Said 1977 | 237 | |||||
m-ase | return affection | 回報感情 | ma-qasiq [PMP] | qasiq | Said 1977 | 238 | ||||
ma-siaŋ | bright, lit up | 明亮,明亮 | siaŋ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 239 | |||||
mata | eye | 眼睛 | mata [PMP] | maCa | Said 1977 | 240 | ||||
mata əsso | sun (‘eye of the day’) | 太陽(“每日之眼”) | mata nu qalejaw [PAN] | maCa | Said 1977 | 241 | ||||
mata laləŋ | scout, one who points out the way | 偵察兵,指路人 | mata nu zalan [PMP] | maCa | Said 1977 | 242 | ||||
mata-mata | a spy | 間諜 | mata-mata [PMP] | maCa | Said 1977 | 243 | ||||
mata pasa | major feast day, feast day that is busiest | 重要的節日,最忙的節日 | mata [PMP] | maCa | Said 1977 | 244 | ||||
ma-ti-kɨrrɨʔ | strong, powerful (e.g. the sun’s rays) | 強的,有力的(如太陽光) | keRas [PMP] | Said 1977 | 245 | |||||
ma-tinro | to sleep | 睡覺 | ma-tiduR [PMP] | tiduR | Said 1977 | 246 | ||||
ma-toa | parents-in-law | 公婆 | ma-tuqah [PMP] | tuqaS | Said 1977 | 247 | ||||
mat-taneŋ | to plant | 種植 | tanem [PMP] | CaNem | Said 1977 | 248 | ||||
matti | wait | 等待 | 噪聲 | Said 1977 | 249 | |||||
mat-tunu | to roast (as fish) | 烤(如魚) | maR-tunuh [PWMP] | CuNuh | Said 1977 | 250 | ||||
ma-tunu | cooked well | 熟透的 | ma-tunuh [PAN] | CuNuh | Said 1977 | 251 | ||||
ma-wasa | wet | 潮濕的 | ma-baseq [PMP] | baseq | Said 1977 | 252 | ||||
ma-wasa-wasa | damp, somewhat wet | 潮濕,有點潮濕 | ma-base-baseq [PWMP] | baseq | Said 1977 | 253 | ||||
m-erruŋ | low droning noise | 低嗡嗡聲 | heRuŋ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 254 | |||||
m-etti | dry | 幹的 | ma-qeti [PMP] | qeti₁ | Said 1977 | 255 | ||||
minaŋa | mouth of a river, estuary | 河口 | minaŋa [PMP] | Said 1977 | 256 | |||||
miññaʔ | oil | 油 | miñak [PMP] | Said 1977 | 257 | |||||
na | and | 和 | na₅ [PMP] | Na₁ | Said 1977 | 258 | ||||
na | and | 和 | 噪聲 | Said 1977 | 259 | |||||
naŋe | to swim | 游泳 | naŋuy [PMP] | Naŋuy | Said 1977 | 260 | ||||
nasu | cooked | 煮熟的 | nasu [PMP] | Nasu | Said 1977 | 261 | ||||
n-cujuŋ | to carry on the head | 頂著頭 | zuŋzuŋ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 262 | |||||
nipiʔ | thin (as cloth) | 薄(如布) | nipis [PMP] | Nipis | Said 1977 | 263 | ||||
nippi | dream | 夢想 | h〈in〉ipi [PMP] | Sipi | Said 1977 | 264 | ||||
ŋilu | painful sensation, as of arthritis in one’s knee | 疼痛的感覺,如膝關節炎 | ŋilu [PAN] | Said 1977 | 265 | |||||
pab-biasa | to accustom | 使習慣 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 266 | |||||
pad-dua-dua | become two | 變成兩個 | duha [PMP] | duSa | Said 1977 | 267 | ||||
pa-gajaŋ | stab | 刺 | gayaŋ [PAN] | Said 1977 | 268 | |||||
pageʔ | fence, wall (as a stone wall around a planted field) | 籬笆,牆(作為種植地周圍的石牆) | pager [PMP] | Said 1977 | 269 | |||||
p-ala | to win | 獲勝 | alaq₂ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 270 | |||||
pallaʔ | enclosed garden, orchard | 封閉花園、果園 | parelak [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 271 | |||||
palu | a hammer | 錘子 | palu [PMP] | palu₃ | Said 1977 | 272 | ||||
paluŋ-eŋ | rice mortar | 米漿 | paluŋ-en [PWMP] | paluŋ₁ | Said 1977 | 273 | ||||
pam-miriŋ | edge, side | 邊,邊 | bidiŋ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 274 | |||||
pam-miriŋ | edge, side | 邊,邊 | biriŋ₁ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 275 | |||||
panasa | jackfruit | 菠蘿蜜 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 276 | |||||
panreŋ | pandanus | 潘達努斯 | paŋedan [PMP] | paŋudaN | Said 1977 | 277 | ||||
paŋ-antaraʔ | person who leads or escorts another | 領導或護送他人的人 | paŋ-hateD [PWMP] | SateD | Said 1977 | 278 | ||||
parada | paint | 油漆 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 279 | |||||
paraʔ | hoarse | 沙啞的 | paRaek [PMP] | Said 1977 | 280 | |||||
par-ettus-eŋ | frequently farting | 經常放屁 | qetut [PMP] | Said 1977 | 281 | |||||
pari | stingray | 黃貂魚 | paRih [PMP] | paRiS | Said 1977 | 282 | ||||
par-inuŋ | drunkard | 酒鬼 | paR-inum [PWMP] | inum | Said 1977 | 283 | ||||
pa-si-buno | someone who likes to engage in fights to the death, war leader; kill someone; fight each other; incite an opponent to fight | bunuq₂ [PMP] | buNuq₂ | Said 1977 | 284 | |||||
pat-tasiʔ | sailor | 水手 | tasik [PMP] | Said 1977 | 285 | |||||
pa-waluŋ | funeral shroud | 裹屍布 | balun₅ [PMP] | baluN | Said 1977 | 286 | ||||
pɨddɨŋ | to blink | 眨眼 | pezem [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 287 | |||||
pikku | deformed arm | 變形臂 | pikuq₁ [PAN] | Said 1977 | 288 | |||||
piliʔ | dizzy; cheeks | 頭暈;面頰 | pilis [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 289 | |||||
pɨsseʔ | sharp or sour taste; ginger | 薑味,薑味 | hapejis [PMP] | Said 1977 | 290 | |||||
pitu | seven | 七 | pitu₁ [PAN] | pitu | Said 1977 | 291 | ||||
poŋ | tree; capital (for business) | 樹;資本(商業) | puqun [PMP] | Said 1977 | 292 | |||||
pucuʔ | vegetation; tip of a sprouting plant | 植物;萌芽植物的頂端 | qapucuk [PAN] | Said 1977 | 293 | |||||
punne | turtledove | 斑鳩 | punay [PAN] | Said 1977 | 294 | |||||
punne-punne | turtledove | 斑鳩 | punay punay [PMP] | punay | Said 1977 | 295 | ||||
pute | white | 白色 | putiq [PMP] | Said 1977 | 296 | |||||
rakiʔ | raft | 木筏 | Rakit [PMP] | Said 1977 | 297 | |||||
rapeʔ | tightly bound | 緊密結合 | dapet [PMP] | Said 1977 | 298 | |||||
reŋŋeŋ | friend, associate | 朋友、同事 | deŋen [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 299 | |||||
rəppa | fathom | 英尋 | depah [PAN] | Said 1977 | 300 | |||||
reppuŋ | gather | 聚集 | rempun [PMP] | Said 1977 | 301 | |||||
ri | in, at, on; toward; from | 在、在、在;朝;從 | di [PAN] | Said 1977 | 302 | |||||
riwa | take on the lap | 上一圈 | riba [PMP] | Said 1977 | 303 | |||||
sala | almost; mistake, error | 幾乎;錯誤,錯誤 | salaq₁ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 304 | |||||
salaga | harrow (for rice field) | 耙(稻田用) | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 305 | |||||
salaka | silver | 銀 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 306 | |||||
salaŋka | shoulder | 肩 | 偶然性 | Said 1977 | 307 | |||||
saloʔ | river | 河 | saluR [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 308 | |||||
sampuɁ | large, body-length sarong,; blanket | 大的,體長的紗籠;毯子 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 309 | |||||
sanra | pawned | 典當 | sanda [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 310 | |||||
sanres-eŋ | back of a chair, thing to lean on | 靠在椅背上的東西 | sandeR [PMP] | Said 1977 | 311 | |||||
sanreʔ | to lean on | 依靠 | sandeR [PMP] | Said 1977 | 312 | |||||
saŋgaraʔ | fried banana | 油炸香蕉 | saŋelaR [PMP] | Said 1977 | 313 | |||||
sao | house | 房子 | sapaw [PAN] | Said 1977 | 314 | |||||
sauɁ | conquered | 被征服 | saur₂ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 315 | |||||
sawa | python | 蟒蛇 | sawa [PMP] | Said 1977 | 316 | |||||
sawe | to arrive | 到達 | sabay₂ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 317 | |||||
si-buno | kill one another | 互相殘殺 | bunuq₂ [PMP] | buNuq₂ | Said 1977 | 318 | ||||
sikkiɁ | to pick up (as news) | 接(作為新聞) | 噪聲 | Said 1977 | 319 | |||||
sɨrre | fragrant grass sp.: Andropogon nardus Linn. | 香子蘭屬植物。 | seray [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 320 | |||||
subɨŋ | earring | 耳環 | subeŋ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 321 | |||||
suliʔ | expensive | 昂貴的 | sulit₁ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 322 | |||||
tai | feces; to defecate | 排便 | taqi [PMP] | Caqi | Said 1977 | 323 | ||||
tampuʔ | pregnant | 懷孕的 | tambuk [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 324 | |||||
taneŋ | plant | 植物 | tanem [PMP] | CaNem | Said 1977 | 325 | ||||
taneŋ-eŋ | plantation | 種植園 | tanem [PMP] | CaNem | Said 1977 | 326 | ||||
tapa | slow roasting, as of fish over a fire | 緩慢烘烤,如魚在火上烘烤 | tapa₁ [PMP] | Capa | Said 1977 | 327 | ||||
tara-manuʔ | cockspur | 雞冠 | tada [PMP] | Said 1977 | 328 | |||||
tara-manuʔ | cockspur | 雞冠 | tara [PMP] | Said 1977 | 329 | |||||
tar-eppaʔ | every four, all four | 每四個,全部四個 | taR-epat [PWMP] | Sepat | Said 1977 | 330 | ||||
tasiʔ | sea (poetic) | 海(詩意) | tasik [PMP] | Said 1977 | 331 | |||||
tauŋ | year | 年 | taqun [PMP] | Said 1977 | 332 | |||||
tau-tau mata | pupil of the eye (‘person of the eye’) | 瞳孔(人眼) | tau nu mata [PMP] | maCa | Said 1977 | 333 | ||||
tebbaʔ | notch or incise, as a tree | 切口或切口,如樹 | tebek [PAN] | Said 1977 | 334 | |||||
təbbu | sugarcane | 甘蔗 | tebuh₁ [PMP] | tebuS | Said 1977 | 335 | ||||
tedduŋ | umbrella | 雨傘 | teduŋ₁ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 336 | |||||
tellaŋ | kind of bamboo | 一種竹子 | telaŋ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 337 | |||||
telleŋ | sink, submerge | 下沉 | teleŋ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 338 | |||||
tellu | three | 三 | telu [PAN] | Said 1977 | 339 | |||||
tiro | stare, look into the distance | 凝視,凝視遠方 | tindaw [PMP] | Said 1977 | 340 | |||||
toa | old | 古老的 | tuqah [PMP] | tuqaS | Said 1977 | 341 | ||||
t〈om〉oa | parents | 父母 | t〈um〉uqah [PWMP] | tuqaS | Said 1977 | 342 | ||||
tudaŋ | sit | 坐 | tu(n)daŋ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 343 | |||||
tukaʔ | climb a mountain | 爬山 | tukad₂ [PAN] | Said 1977 | 344 | |||||
tuma | clothes louse | 衣虱 | tumah [PMP] | CumeS | Said 1977 | 345 | ||||
tunu | to roast (as fish) | 烤(如魚) | tunu [PMP] | CuNuh | Said 1977 | 346 | ||||
tuppa | to pour out | 傾瀉 | tumpaq [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 347 | |||||
ua | fruit | 水果 | buaq [PMP] | Said 1977 | 348 | |||||
ubaʔ | gunpowder | 火藥 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 349 | |||||
ujuŋ | bundle, as of firewood | 捆,如木柴 | uyun₁ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 350 | |||||
uleŋ | moon | 月亮 | bulan₃ [PMP] | bulaN | Said 1977 | 351 | ||||
uno | kill | 殺死 | bunuq₂ [PMP] | buNuq₂ | Said 1977 | 352 | ||||
unre | fish net | 魚網 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 353 | |||||
uraiʔ | west | 西 | udahik [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 354 | |||||
uriŋ | cooking pot | 鍋 | kurin [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 355 | |||||
uriŋ | cooking pot | 鍋 | kudin [PMP] | Said 1977 | 356 | |||||
uriŋ-kuriŋ | small cooking pot | 小鍋 | kudin [PMP] | Said 1977 | 357 | |||||
usiŋ | charcoal | 木炭 | qujiŋ [PAN] | Said 1977 | 358 | |||||
uso | blossom of the banana tree (red and heart-shaped; Mills 1975:808) | 香蕉樹的花(紅色和心形;磨坊1975:808) | pusuq₁ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 359 | |||||
utana | ask, inquire about | 詢問,詢問 | kutaña [PMP] | Said 1977 | 360 | |||||
utu | louse | 蝨子 | kutu₁ [PMP] | kuCux | Said 1977 | 361 | ||||
wajaʔ | to pay | 支付 | bayaD [PMP] | Said 1977 | 362 | |||||
waleʔ | reciprocate, do in return | 報答,報答 | bales₁ [PAN] | Said 1977 | 363 | |||||
waluŋ | wrap up | 總結 | balun₅ [PMP] | baluN | Said 1977 | 364 | ||||
waluʔ | bundle | 捆 | balut₂ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 365 | |||||
waŋuŋ | body | 身體 | baŋun₂ [PMP] | baŋuN | Said 1977 | 366 | ||||
waramparaŋ | goods, possessions | 貨物、財產 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 367 | |||||
warani | brave | 勇敢的 | baRani [PMP] | Said 1977 | 368 | |||||
waraŋeŋ | rat-weed, arsenic | 鼠草,砷 | baraŋen₂ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 369 | |||||
wareʔ | athwart, across | 橫,橫 | baRat₁ [PAN] | Said 1977 | 370 | |||||
wasa | wet | 潮濕的 | baseq [PMP] | Said 1977 | 371 | |||||
wataŋ | trunk, stem; strong | 樹幹、莖;強壯 | bataŋ [PMP] | bataŋ₁ | Said 1977 | 372 | ||||
weka | split | 分裂 | beka [PMP] | Said 1977 | 373 | |||||
welaŋ | ray of light | 光線 | 根 | Said 1977 | 374 | |||||
weluʔ | bend back, e.g. the fingers in dancing (Matthes 1874) | 向後彎曲,例如手指在跳舞(Matthes 1874) | beluk [PMP] | Said 1977 | 375 | |||||
wenaŋ | thread | 線 | benaŋ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 376 | |||||
wene | seed for sowing | 播種用種子 | benehiq [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 377 | |||||
wennaŋ si wuteʔ | a piece of thread | 一根線 | butes [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 378 | |||||
wereʔ | husked rice | 糙米 | beRas [PMP] | Said 1977 | 379 | |||||
weseʔ | dense, packed closely together | 密密麻麻地擠在一起 | besek [PMP] | Said 1977 | 380 | |||||
wesoʔ | satiated, full from having eaten enough | 吃飽了,吃飽了 | besuR [PAN] | Said 1977 | 381 | |||||
wessa, ma-bessa | big, large; magnanimous | 大的,大的;寬宏大量的 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 382 | |||||
weta | to cut | 切割 | betak [PMP] | Said 1977 | 383 | |||||
wete | to fry, as corn | 炸,如玉米 | beRtiq [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 384 | |||||
wetta | to cut (as vegetation with a machete) | 砍(如用大砍刀砍下的植物) | beta₂ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 385 | |||||
wetteŋ | millet | 小米 | beteŋ₁ [PMP] | beCeŋ | Said 1977 | 386 | ||||
wetteŋ | millet | 小米 | betem [PMP] | Said 1977 | 387 | |||||
widaŋ | winding sheet | 卷繞板 | bidaŋ [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 388 | |||||
wiji | seed; numeral coefficient for small objects | 種子.小物體的數位係數 | 借詞 | Said 1977 | 389 | |||||
wilo | dazzled by glare | 眩目的 | 根 | Said 1977 | 390 | |||||
winaŋa | (= #minaŋa) estuary, mouth of river | 河口,河口 | binaŋa [PMP] | Said 1977 | 391 | |||||
wine | seed-rice | 種子稻 | binehiq [PMP] | bineSiq | Said 1977 | 392 | ||||
wiriŋ | edge (as of the sea) | 邊緣(如海) | bidiŋ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 393 | |||||
wiriŋ | edge (as of the sea) | 邊緣(如海) | biriŋ₁ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 394 | |||||
wisaʔ | split (wood) | 劈開(木頭) | biseqak [PMP] | Said 1977 | 395 | |||||
witi | calf of the leg | 小腿 | bities [PMP] | Said 1977 | 396 | |||||
wittuŋ | star | 藝員 | bituqen [PAN] | Said 1977 | 397 | |||||
wiwe | lip | 嘴唇 | bibiR [PMP] | biRbiR | Said 1977 | 398 | ||||
wukkaʔ | to open, remove (as the lid of a pot) | 打開,取下(如鍋蓋) | bu(ŋ)kas [PMP] | bukas | Said 1977 | 399 | ||||
wumpuŋ | heap, stack, pile | 堆,堆,堆 | bunbun [PMP] | Said 1977 | 400 | |||||
wuŋeʔ | first, beginning | 首先,開始 | buŋas [PMP] | Said 1977 | 401 | |||||
wusek | to stuff (as a pillow with kapok) | 填塞(如木棉枕頭) | 根 | Said 1977 | 402 | |||||
wuta | blind | 失明的 | buta₁ [PMP] | buCa | Said 1977 | 403 | ||||
wuteʔ | broken piece of thread or rope | 斷線或繩子 | butes [PWMP] | Said 1977 | 404 | |||||
wuttaŋ | gush out (as water from a reservoir) | 噴出(如水庫裏的水) | buntaŋ [PMP] | Said 1977 | 405 |