分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 62條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
OC | Aua OC Papua New Guinea [wuv] | afaa | storm wind | 暴風 | habaRat [PMP] | SabaRat | Blust n.d. | 1 | ||
ai-ai | tree | 樹 | kayu-kayu [POC] | kaSiw | Blust n.d. | 2 | ||||
ana | food | 食物 | kana [POC] | kana₁ | Blust n.d. | 3 | ||||
ano | soil | 土壤 | tanoq [POC] | taneq | Blust n.d. | 4 | ||||
anunu | shadow; reflection | 陰影;反射 | qanunu [POC] | Blust n.d. | 5 | |||||
apuna | don’t! | 別這樣! | tabuna [POC] | Blust n.d. | 6 | |||||
ara-na | gills | 鰓 | asaŋ₂ [PEMP] | hasaŋ | Blust n.d. | 7 | ||||
ari | saltwater, salt | 鹽水,鹽 | tasik [PMP] | Blust n.d. | 8 | |||||
aro- | spouse | 配偶 | qasawa [PAN] | Blust n.d. | 9 | |||||
aru- | gall, gall bladder | 膽囊 | qasu₂ [POC] | Blust n.d. | 10 | |||||
aru | smoke | 煙 | kasu [POC] | Blust n.d. | 11 | |||||
aruru | coconut crab | 椰子蟹 | qayuyu [PMP] | Blust n.d. | 12 | |||||
auna/maru | satiated | 滿足 | masuR [POC] | Blust n.d. | 13 | |||||
awa | shore tree with red flower | 紅花濱樹 | tawan [PMP] | Blust n.d. | 14 | |||||
aʔafa | frigate bird | 護衛艦鳥 | katapa [POC] | Blust n.d. | 15 | |||||
aʔe- | heart | 心 | qatay [PMP] | qaCay | Blust n.d. | 16 | ||||
aʔo | thatch | 茅草 | qatop [POC] | qatep | Blust n.d. | 17 | ||||
bea | fruit bat, flying fox | 果蝠、飛狐 | bweka [POC] | Blust n.d. | 18 | |||||
ci | a shrub: Cordyline, Dracaena | 一種灌木:燈心草,龍血樹 | siRi [PMP] | Aua | Blust n.d. | 19 | ||||
civiri | cockatoo sp. | 鳳頭鸚鵡屬。 | sipiri [POC] | Blust n.d. | 20 | |||||
e-rua-i | two | 二 | rua [POC] | duSa | Blust n.d. | 21 | ||||
foʔa fa-maʔe-ia | kill | 殺死 | paka-mate-ia [POC] | aCay | Blust n.d. | 22 | ||||
fuara | crocodile | 鱷魚 | puqaya [POC] | buqaya | Blust n.d. | 23 | ||||
fua-uʔu | louse | 蝨子 | kutu₁ [PMP] | kuCux | Blust n.d. | 24 | ||||
-ia | imperative suffix: #inu 'drink', #inum-ia 'drink it!'; #maʔa 'see, look', #maʔa-ia 'look at it!'; #uʔu 'submerge a container to fill it', #uʔuf-ia 'fill it!' | -ia [POC] | Blust n.d. | 25 | ||||||
inu | to drink | 喝 | inum [PMP] | Aua | Blust n.d. | 26 | ||||
inu- | body | 身體 | 借詞 | Blust n.d. | 27 | |||||
inu-mia | drink it! (imper.) | 喝吧!(帝國) | inum-ia [POC] | inum | Blust n.d. | 28 | ||||
iro-iro | shine, reflect (Hambruch 1908) | 反光(Hambruch 1908) | iro iro [POC] | Blust n.d. | 29 | |||||
lumu | moss | 苔蘚 | lumut [PMP] | Blust n.d. | 30 | |||||
luʔu | knee | 膝 | qulu tuhud₂ [PMP] | quluh | Blust n.d. | 31 | ||||
mafo | to heal, dry up, as a wound | 癒合,曬乾,如傷口 | mapo [POC] | Blust n.d. | 32 | |||||
ma-mara | dry up, as rice that is cooking | 乾涸,如正在煮的米飯 | ma-maja [PMP] | maja | Blust n.d. | 33 | ||||
manua | sea eagle | 海鷹 | manuka [POC] | Blust n.d. | 34 | |||||
manu-manu vileviluga | bird | 鳥 | manu-manuk [POC] | manuk | Blust n.d. | 35 | ||||
maʔe | die, dead | 死,死 | mate [POC] | aCay | Blust n.d. | 36 | ||||
mimi | to urinate | 小便 | mimi [PMP] | Blust n.d. | 37 | |||||
muki | stern of a canoe | 獨木舟的船尾 | muri [POC] | udehi | Blust n.d. | 38 | ||||
mu-muʔa | to vomit | 嘔吐 | mu-mutaq [POC] | utaq | Blust n.d. | 39 | ||||
nuto | small squid | 小烏賊 | nuso [POC] | Blust n.d. | 40 | |||||
oa | a hardwood tree: Intsia bijuga | 一棵硬木樹:■ | toRas [POC] | teRas | Blust n.d. | 41 | ||||
para | kind of broad-leaved littoral pandanus used in plaiting mats and baskets | 一種用於編織墊子和籃子的濱海闊葉大麻 | padran [POC] | paŋudaN | Blust n.d. | 42 | ||||
pia | wild taro, Alocasia spp. | 野生芋頭。 | piRaq₂ [POC] | biRaq₁ | Blust n.d. | 43 | ||||
pie | sand | 沙 | pika [POC] | Blust n.d. | 44 | |||||
pie | earth, soil | 土,土 | bia [POC] | Blust n.d. | 45 | |||||
piʔaw | a shore tree: Calophyllum inophyllum | 一棵海岸樹:海棠 | pitaquR [POC] | bitaquR | Blust n.d. | 46 | ||||
poma | seaweed used to paint canoes | 用來畫獨木舟的海藻 | boma [POC] | Blust n.d. | 47 | |||||
pula | eye | 眼睛 | bulat₂ [POC] | bulat | Blust n.d. | 48 | ||||
puna | large flat fish sp. (= Pidgin #plaŋpis) | 大扁魚 | buna [POC] | Blust n.d. | 49 | |||||
pupua | ridgepole of a house | 屋脊 | pupuŋan [POC] | bubuŋ₁ | Blust n.d. | 50 | ||||
ranu | fresh water | 淡水 | ranum [POC] | daNum | Blust n.d. | 51 | ||||
rau-a | far | 遠的 | sauq₁ [POC] | zauq | Blust n.d. | 52 | ||||
ti | Dracaena | 龍血樹 | siRi [PMP] | Blust n.d. | 53 | |||||
u | housepost | 郵政總局 | tuRu₂ [POC] | Blust n.d. | 54 | |||||
uciLa | lightning | 閃電 | qusila [POC] | Blust n.d. | 55 | |||||
uka | shrimp, lobster | 蝦,龍蝦 | quraŋ [POC] | qudaŋ | Blust n.d. | 56 | ||||
ulu | breadfruit | 麵包果 | kuluR [PMP] | Blust n.d. | 57 | |||||
unum-ia | cook it! roast it! (imper.) | 煮吧!烤吧!(帝國) | qumun [PMP] | Blust n.d. | 58 | |||||
upu | young coconut | 小椰子 | ubu [POC] | upu | Blust n.d. | 59 | ||||
wane-wane | smooth, level; straight | 平滑的,水準的;直的 | wane wane [POC] | Blust n.d. | 60 | |||||
wataa | twins | 雙胞胎 | masaŋa [POC] | Blust n.d. | 61 | |||||
wa-taa(〈 *mwa-saŋa) | twins | 雙胞胎 | ma-saŋa [PMP] | saŋa₁ | Blust n.d. | 62 |