分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 160條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
Form. | Atayal Form. Taiwan [tay] | -a | suffix forming active subjunctive from the reduced stem, sometimes preceded by the prefix #m- | 從減少的詞幹構成主動虛擬語氣的尾碼,有時前面有首碼#m- | -a₃ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 1 | |||
aaa | maybe; hesitation syllable | 可能;猶豫音節 | a₄ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 2 | |||||
aba | father. Used in direct address only; otherwise #i-aba (〈 #i 'prefix for persons' + #aba) | 父親。僅用於直接地址;否則為i-aba(〈i'個人首碼'+#aba) | aba₁ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 3 | |||||
ai | exclamation | 感嘆號 | ai₂ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 4 | |||||
ai | final particle | 最終粒子 | 噪聲 | Egerod 1980 | 5 | |||||
aia | mother, mother's sister. Used in direct address only; otherwise #iaia ( 〈 #i 'prefix for persons', plus #aia) | aya₂ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 6 | ||||||
akiʔ | paternal or maternal grandmother | 阿罵 | aki [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 7 | |||||
-an | suffix forming first passive indicative from the reduced stem, and suffix forming first passive perfect from the reduced stem in connection with the infix #-in-. Forms an imperative with the reduced or extra reduced stem. Forms nouns indicating place or time. Common suffix in place names, and less common suffix in personal names (e.g. #qalup 'to hunt' : #qlup-an 'hunting ground') | -an [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 8 | ||||||
aras | take, take along, bring | 帶上,帶上,帶上 | adaS [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 9 | |||||
au | exclamation: yes; alright; oh! | 感歎:是的;好的;哦! | au₂ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 10 | |||||
babaw | surface; on top of, above; later, get ahead, cross over | 表面;在上面,在上面;稍後,向前,越過 | babaw₃ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 11 | |||||
bahoq | to wash (clothes) | 洗(衣服) | basuq [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 12 | |||||
baq | can; know, understand; learn, teach | 能;知道,理解;學習,教導 | bajaq₁ [PAN] | bajaq | Egerod 1980 | 13 | ||||
basay | type of vine | 藤蔓植物類型 | baSay [PAN] | Mayrinax | Egerod 1980 | 14 | ||||
bhut | squirrel | 松鼠 | buhet [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 15 | |||||
(b)lukuʔ | large bamboo basket; umbrella | 大竹籃 | 噪聲 | Egerod 1980 | 16 | |||||
buax | hulled, uncooked cereal; grains (of rice or millet) | 去殼的,未煮熟的穀類;穀類(米或小米的) | beRas [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 17 | |||||
buay | fruit (occurs as the head of fruit names such as banana, plum and peach) | 水果(出現在水果名稱的頭部,如香蕉、李子和桃子) | buay₂ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 18 | |||||
bunaʔi | sand | 沙 | 偶然性 | Cʔuliʔ | Egerod 1980 | 19 | ||||
busuk | drunk | 醉的 | buSuk [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 20 | |||||
buuŋ | sound of buzzing (as a fly) | 嗡嗡聲(如蒼蠅) | buuŋ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 21 | |||||
ca-capuh | broom (women’s speech) | 掃帚(婦女演講) | Ca-Capuh [PAN] | Capuh | Mayrinax | Egerod 1980 | 22 | |||
cimu | salt | 鹽 | timu [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 23 | |||||
cinun | weaving | 編織 | tinun [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 24 | |||||
c〈um〉apuh | to sweep (women’s speech) | 掃除(婦女演講) | C〈um〉apu [PAN] | Capuh | Mayrinax | Egerod 1980 | 25 | |||
gahap | seeds for sowing | 播種用種子 | Rahap [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 26 | |||||
gbi-an | late afternoon, evening | 下午晚些時候 | Rabi-an [PAN] | Rabiqi | Egerod 1980 | 27 | ||||
g〈əm〉ahap | to sow | 播種 | R〈um〉ahap [PAN] | Rahap | Egerod 1980 | 28 | ||||
ginuʔ | a small-sized winnowing basket | 小型的簸箕 | Rinu [PAN] | Mayrinax | Egerod 1980 | 29 | ||||
gitu | evergreen tree with yellow plumlike fruit: the loquat: Eriobotrya deflexa | 常綠喬木,果實黃色,李子狀;枇杷:枇杷 | Ritu [PAN] | Squliq | Egerod 1980 | 30 | ||||
hakut | carry, bring | 攜帶,攜帶 | sakut [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 31 | |||||
hayuŋ | pine tree | 松樹 | saleŋ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 32 | |||||
hia | 3sg. | 3毫克。 | si ia₁ [PAN] | ia₁ | Egerod 1980 | 33 | ||||
hira | yesterday | 昨天 | siRa₁ [PAN] | Cʔuliʔ | Egerod 1980 | 34 | ||||
h〈m〉akut | to carry, bring | 攜帶 | s〈um〉akut [PAN] | sakut | Egerod 1980 | 35 | ||||
hopau | 口袋 | 借詞 | Egerod 1980 | 36 | ||||||
htgan wagi | East | 東 | waRi₁ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 37 | |||||
i | prefix for persons | 人員首碼 | i₃ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 38 | |||||
-i | suffix forming first passive negatable indicative and imperative from the reduced stem | 從歸約詞幹構成第一個被動否定訓示性和祈使性尾碼 | -i₁ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 39 | |||||
iani | this; here; now | 這個;這裏;現在 | ia-ni [PAN] | -ni | Egerod 1980 | 40 | ||||
iluk | a plant with edible berry: Rubus parvifolius | 有可食用漿果的植物:小懸鉤子 | RiNuk [PAN] | Mayrinax | Egerod 1980 | 41 | ||||
ima | who; anyone | 誰;任何人 | ima [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 42 | |||||
imaʔ | who; anyone | 誰;任何人 | 噪聲 | Egerod 1980 | 43 | |||||
(-)in- | infix or prefix forming the passive perfect; infix forming nouns | 構成被動完成的中綴或首碼;構成名詞的中綴 | 〈in〉 [PAN] | -in- | Egerod 1980 | 44 | ||||
ini | preverbal negator, usually negating past tense (less commonly present tense); negated possibility or a prohibition | ini [PAN] | Squliq | Egerod 1980 | 45 | |||||
inu | where? anywhere | 哪里?在任何地方 | inu [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 46 | |||||
i-nu | where, anywhere? | 哪里,哪里? | i-nu [PAN] | -nu₁ | Egerod 1980 | 47 | ||||
irah | sister-in-law; wife's elder sister, husband's elder sister, elder brother's wife (man or woman speaking | idas₁ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 48 | ||||||
isu | nominalized pronoun II; you sg. | 名詞化代詞II;you sg。 | iSu [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 49 | |||||
ita | we (incl.) | 我們(包括) | ita₁ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 50 | |||||
kawas | year | 年 | kawaS₁ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 51 | |||||
kaʔ | nominative case marker for common nouns | 常用名詞的主格標記 | ka₃ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 52 | |||||
kgiy | hemp plant | 大麻植物 | keRiw [PAN] | Squliq | Egerod 1980 | 53 | ||||
kiopan wagi | West | 西 | waRi₁ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 54 | |||||
kita | to see, look upon, see in a dream; a mirror | 在夢中看、看、看;鏡子 | kita₂ [PAN] | kita | Egerod 1980 | 55 | ||||
kiʔ | locative case marker for personal nouns | 人稱名詞的位置格標記 | ki₂ [PAN] | Mayrinax | Egerod 1980 | 56 | ||||
kkagaŋ | crab | 蟹 | gaRaŋ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 57 | |||||
k〈m〉at | to bite | 咬 | k〈um〉aRaC [PAN] | kaRaC | Egerod 1980 | 58 | ||||
k〈n〉at-an | a bite (dog, snake, etc.) | 咬傷(狗、蛇等) | k〈in〉aRaC-an [PAN] | kaRaC | Egerod 1980 | 59 | ||||
kta-n | be seen by someone | 被人看見 | kita-en [PAN] | kita | Egerod 1980 | 60 | ||||
-ku | primary pronoun, I | 第一代詞,I | -ku [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 61 | |||||
kumis | hair (of animal), fur | (動物的)毛髮 | kumiS [PAN] | Cʔuliʔ | Egerod 1980 | 62 | ||||
lamaʔ | first, do first, before | 先做,先做 | lama₂ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 63 | |||||
luhuŋ | mortar | 灰漿 | Nusuŋ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 64 | |||||
lukus | clothes, put on clothes | 穿上衣服,穿上衣服 | 借詞 | Egerod 1980 | 65 | |||||
l〈um〉aŋuy | to swim | 游泳 | N〈um〉aŋuy [PAN] | Naŋuy | Mayrinax | Egerod 1980 | 66 | |||
-m- | infix forming an active indicative corresponding to active negatable indicative without affixes | 構成主動訓示符的中綴,對應於無詞綴的主動可否定訓示符 | 〈um〉 [PAN] | -um- | Egerod 1980 | 67 | ||||
mahoq | to wash (clothes) | 洗(衣服) | b〈um〉asuq [PAN] | basuq | Egerod 1980 | 68 | ||||
ma-ima-l | fifty | 五十 | ma-lima-N [PAN] | lima | Egerod 1980 | 69 | ||||
mama | uncle, brother of father or mother | 叔叔,父親或母親的兄弟 | mamah [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 70 | |||||
maqaw | a plant: Litsea cubea | 植物:山蒼子 | maqaw [PAN] | Mayrinax | Egerod 1980 | 71 | ||||
m-aras | take, take along, bring | 帶上,帶上,帶上 | um-adaS [PAN] | adaS | Egerod 1980 | 72 | ||||
ma-tanah | red | 紅色 | taNah [PAN] | Mayrinax | Egerod 1980 | 73 | ||||
ma-tanah | red | 紅色 | 借詞 | Mayrinax | Egerod 1980 | 74 | ||||
ma-tanah | red | 紅色 | taNah [PAN] | Palŋawan | Egerod 1980 | 75 | ||||
matas | to tattoo | 紋身 | p〈um〉ataS [PAN] | pataS | Egerod 1980 | 76 | ||||
m-busuk | drunk | 醉的 | ma-buSuk [PAN] | buSuk | Egerod 1980 | 77 | ||||
mə-naga | to wait | 等待 | naRa [PAN] | Squliq | Egerod 1980 | 78 | ||||
m-ita | to see, to look upon | 看,看 | k〈um〉ita [PAN] | kita | Egerod 1980 | 79 | ||||
m-quas | to sing | 歌唱 | quyaS [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 80 | |||||
m-suyap | to yawn | 打哈欠 | Suyeʔab [PAN] | Squliq | Egerod 1980 | 81 | ||||
m-talah | red | 紅色 | taNah [PAN] | Squliq | Egerod 1980 | 82 | ||||
m-talah | red | 紅色 | 借詞 | Squliq | Egerod 1980 | 83 | ||||
m-usa | to go | 外帶 | um-uSa [PAN] | uSa | Egerod 1980 | 84 | ||||
na | genitive of common nouns | 普通名詞的格化 | na₃ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 85 | |||||
na-nu | why, anyhow, what, anything, to do what? | 為什麼,無論如何,什麼,什麼,做什麼? | na-nu [PAN] | -nu₁ | Egerod 1980 | 86 | ||||
nia | his, hers; he, she | 他的,她的;他,她 | ni-ia [PAN] | ia₁ | Egerod 1980 | 87 | ||||
ni-aʔ | 3sg. agent/possessor | 3毫克。代理人/佔有人 | ni-a [PAN] | -a₂ | Egerod 1980 | 88 | ||||
nukaʔ | hemp which has been through the hatchel; hemp thread; to make hemp thread | 穿過艙口的大麻;麻線;製成麻線 | nuka [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 89 | |||||
p- | causative prefix | 致使首碼 | pa-₂ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 90 | |||||
paga | the stand used for the heads taken in headhunting | 獵頭用的架子 | paRa₁ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 91 | |||||
pagay | unhulled rice, rice in the husk | 糙米,稻殼裏的米 | pajay [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 92 | |||||
pahpah | flower | 花 | pahpah [PAN] | Mayrinax | Egerod 1980 | 93 | ||||
paris | enemy | 敵人 | pajiS [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 94 | |||||
patas | tattoo | 紋身 | pataS [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 95 | |||||
pətas-an | be tattooed | 紋身 | pataS-an [PAN] | pataS | Egerod 1980 | 96 | ||||
pilaʔ | silver | 銀 | 借詞 | Cʔuliʔ | Egerod 1980 | 97 | ||||
pipiʔ | vulva | 外陰 | pipi₂ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 98 | |||||
piraʔ | several, several times; how many, how many times, how long a time; only | 幾次,幾次;多少次,多少次,多長時間;只有 | pijax [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 99 | |||||
pitu | seven | 七 | pitu₁ [PAN] | pitu | Egerod 1980 | 100 | ||||
p-kita | look at one another | 互相看看 | kita₂ [PAN] | kita | Egerod 1980 | 101 | ||||
p-qmah-an | cultivate, till, work the field | 耕耘,耕耘,耕耘 | pa-qumah-an [PAN] | qumah | Egerod 1980 | 102 | ||||
p-utaq | to vomit; to emit semen; semen | 嘔吐;排出精液;精液 | pa-utaq [PAN] | utaq | Egerod 1980 | 103 | ||||
qagiraŋ | bean, pea | 豆子,豌豆 | qaRidaŋ [PAN] | Mayrinax | Egerod 1980 | 104 | ||||
qaglu | a plant: Phragmites longivalis | 一種植物:蘆葦 | qaReNu [PAN] | Mayrinax | Egerod 1980 | 105 | ||||
qais | boundary | 邊界 | qajiS [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 106 | |||||
qalaŋ | village | 村莊 | 借詞 | Squliq | Egerod 1980 | 107 | ||||
qalipuguʔ | hair whorl (Li 1980) | 發旋(李1980) | qali-puju [PAN] | Cʔuliʔ | Egerod 1980 | 108 | ||||
qalup | to hunt; chase away | 獵殺;趕走 | qanup [PAN] | qaNup | Egerod 1980 | 109 | ||||
qani | this, these; here | 這個,這些;這裏 | qa-ni [PAN] | -ni | Egerod 1980 | 110 | ||||
qani | this, these, here | 這個,這些,這裏 | qani₁ [PAN] | qani | Egerod 1980 | 111 | ||||
qa-ni | this, these; here | 這個,這些;這裏 | qa₁ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 112 | |||||
qa-qnus | a plant: Begonia aptera | 一株:無翅秋海棠 | qanus₁ [PAN] | Mayrinax | Egerod 1980 | 113 | ||||
qasuu | pestle | 杵 | qaSelu [PAN] | Mayrinax | Egerod 1980 | 114 | ||||
qataq | to eat raw (as taro) | 生吃(如芋頭) | qataq [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 115 | |||||
qesipa | soft-shelled turtle: Trionix sinensis sinensis (Tsuchida 1976:266) | 中華鱉(Tsuchida 1976:266) | qaCipa [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 116 | |||||
qlup-an | to hunt | 打獵 | qaNup-an [PAN] | qaNup | Egerod 1980 | 117 | ||||
qlup-un | be hunted | 被追捕 | qaNup-en [PAN] | qaNup | Egerod 1980 | 118 | ||||
q-m-alup | to hunt; chase away | 獵殺;趕走 | q〈um〉aNup [PAN] | qaNup | Egerod 1980 | 119 | ||||
qmisan | winter | 冬天 | qamiS-an [PAN] | qamiS | Egerod 1980 | 120 | ||||
qom | pangolin, anteater | 穿山甲,食蟻獸 | qaRem [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 121 | |||||
qu | particle designating nominal unit mostly with definite reference, preceding noun ("the"), or verb ("the one who", "the one which"); as member of a verb-noun or noun-noun construction | qu₂ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 122 | ||||||
quai-ux | rattan | 藤條 | quay [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 123 | |||||
quaŋ | crack, crevice, fissure, gorse | 裂縫,裂縫,裂縫,血塊 | quaŋ₁ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 124 | |||||
quas | song | 歌曲 | quyaS [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 125 | |||||
qumah | cultivate, till, work the field | 耕耘,耕耘,耕耘 | qumah [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 126 | |||||
raga | the Formosan maple, fam. Aceraceae | 臺灣楓樹,家族。槭樹科 | daRa₁ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 127 | |||||
rakus | camphor laurel: Cinnamomum camphora | 樟樹:樟樹 | dakeS [PAN] | Mayrinax | Egerod 1980 | 128 | ||||
ramoʔ | blood | 血 | damuq₁ [PAN] | Squliq | Egerod 1980 | 129 | ||||
rapal | sole of the foot; footprint | 腳底;腳印 | dapaN [PAN] | Squliq | Egerod 1980 | 130 | ||||
rapaʔ | palm of the hand | 手掌 | dapa [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 131 | |||||
raral | old times, the old days, formerly, a long time ago, of yore, ancient | 過去的,過去的,很久以前的,過去的,古老的 | dadaN [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 132 | |||||
rumaʔ | some; sometime; some time ago; sometimes, from time to time | 有時;有時;有時;有時 | duma [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 133 | |||||
rusa | two | 二 | duSa [PAN] | Squliq | Egerod 1980 | 134 | ||||
s- | marker of instrumental passive | 器樂被動標記 | Si-₁ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 135 | |||||
sa | particle of subjugation, and particle with various prepositional and demonstrative usages; at, in, on, to, by; that; there | Sa₂ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 136 | ||||||
sabuʔ | to wrap | 包裝 | Cabu [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 137 | |||||
s-aku | primary pronoun, I | 第一代詞,I | aku [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 138 | |||||
s-ami | 1pl. excl. nominative, we | 1pl.不包括提名,我們 | ami [PAN] | Squliq | Egerod 1980 | 139 | ||||
saoni | a little while ago; today (Tsuchida 1976) | 不久前;今天(津田1976) | Sauni [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 140 | |||||
si- | instrumental prefix | 儀器首碼 | Si-₁ [PAN] | Mayrinax | Egerod 1980 | 141 | ||||
simu | primary and nominalized pronoun II plus III; you and he or she | 主代詞和名詞化代詞II加III;你和他或她 | Simu [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 142 | |||||
sina | a plant: Erechtites spp. | 植物:直立岩。 | Sina [PAN] | Mayrinax | Egerod 1980 | 143 | ||||
ska wagi | noon | 正午 | waRi₁ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 144 | |||||
sok | to smell | 聞 | Sajek [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 145 | |||||
soni | today (up till this moment, opposite of #kira 'the rest of today') (Egerod 1980) | 今天(直到現在,與“煌的今天的其餘部分”相反)(埃格羅德1980) | Sauni [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 146 | |||||
suagiʔ | wife’s younger sister; husband’s younger brother; man’s younger brother’s wife; woman’s younger sister’s husband | Suaji [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 147 | ||||||
talam | to try, to taste; to ask about the future, to tell the future | 嘗試,品味;詢問未來,告訴未來 | tañam [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 148 | |||||
tbakuʔ | tobacco | 煙草 | 借詞 | Egerod 1980 | 149 | |||||
t〈m〉inun | to weave | 編織 | tinun [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 150 | |||||
t〈m〉tu | to crush (Huang 1993:10) | 粉碎(黃1993:10) | tutuh [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 151 | |||||
turiŋ | to point; digit, finger, toe | 指 | tudiŋ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 152 | |||||
-un | 2nd passive indicative | 第二被動訓示性 | -en [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 153 | |||||
usa | go | 去 | uSa [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 154 | |||||
wagi | sun | 太陽 | waRi₁ [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 155 | |||||
wah | final particle of mild exclamation and exhortation | 輕聲感歎最後一個助詞 | 噪聲 | Egerod 1980 | 156 | |||||
walay | thread | 線 | walay [PAN] | Squliq | Egerod 1980 | 157 | ||||
walu | honeybee | 蜜蜂 | waNu [PAN] | Squliq | Egerod 1980 | 158 | ||||
waqit | canine tooth, fang, tusk; tooth of a tool or instrument (as a tattooing tool) | 犬齒,牙,牙;工具或器具的牙齒(作為紋身工具) | waqit [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 159 | |||||
yuŋay | monkey; substitute for girl whose real name is tabooed; to become a monkey | 猴子;代替真名被禁止的女孩;成為猴子 | uŋay [PAN] | Egerod 1980 | 160 |