分區 | 語言點 分區-位置-ISO名 | 詞 286條 | 英義 | 漢義 機翻 | 同源詞 | 類組 | 備註 | 方言 | 文獻出處 | 序 |
CMP | Asilulu CMP Indonesia (Maluku) [asl] | a | hesitation word: umm, uh | 猶豫詞:嗯,呃 | a₄ [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 1 | |||
a | plural noun marker | 複數名詞標記 | 噪聲 | Collins n.d. | 2 | |||||
ai ta-tunu | firewood | 木柴 | tunu [PMP] | CuNuh | Collins n.d. | 3 | ||||
akal | mind, attitude; deceptiveness, chicanery | 思想、態度;欺騙、詭計 | 借詞 | Collins n.d. | 4 | |||||
ala | chin, jaw | 下巴 | qazay [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 5 | |||||
ala pulut | kind of glutinous rice | 一種糯米 | pulut [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 6 | |||||
alu hua | pestle, especially rice pestle | 杵,尤指米杵 | qahelu [PMP] | qaSelu | Collins n.d. | 7 | ||||
ama | father (archaic); a rank in the village hierarchy related to #adat | 父親(古代);村莊等級中與亞當有關的等級 | amax [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 8 | |||||
amu | 2sg. genitive for alienable possession, your | 2毫克。對不動產的佔有,你的 | kamu₂ [PMP] | amu | Collins n.d. | 9 | ||||
asa | gills | 鰓 | hasaŋ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 10 | |||||
asa | rafter | 椽子 | kasaw₁ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 11 | |||||
asa | origin; as long as; however, whereas | 起源;只要;然而 | 借詞 | Collins n.d. | 12 | |||||
asar | the time and ritual of the Muslim prayer about 4 P.M. | 下午4點左右穆斯林祈禱的時間和儀式。 | 借詞 | Collins n.d. | 13 | |||||
asat | drought | 乾旱 | asat [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 14 | |||||
asu | dog | 狗 | asu₁ [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 15 | |||||
ata- | spleen | 脾臟 | qatay [PMP] | qaCay | Collins n.d. | 16 | ||||
ata | slave (archaic) | 奴隸(古代) | qaRta [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 17 | |||||
atu | something sent; shipment | 發送的東西;裝運 | 噪聲 | Collins n.d. | 18 | |||||
au | fire | 火 | hapuy [PMP] | Sapuy | Collins n.d. | 19 | ||||
au hala | ember | 餘燼 | baRah hapuy [PMP] | baRah | Collins n.d. | 20 | ||||
au latu | fragments of live embers which scatter upward when the embers are blown on | 當餘燼被吹上時向上散落的活餘燼碎片 | latu [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 21 | |||||
au luten | faggots of wood with burnt or burning ends | 有燒焦或燃燒末端的木柴 | latu [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 22 | |||||
bebek | duck | 鴨子 | 借詞 | Collins n.d. | 23 | |||||
biasa | ordinary behavior, usual custom; sense of being accustomed to something; usually | 平常的行為、習慣;習慣於某事的感覺;通常 | 借詞 | Collins n.d. | 24 | |||||
bicara | engage in legal disputes | 捲入法律糾紛 | 借詞 | Collins n.d. | 25 | |||||
biludu | kind of cloth, felt | 一種布料,毛氈 | 借詞 | Collins n.d. | 26 | |||||
binataŋ | animal; common term of abuse | 動物 | 借詞 | Collins n.d. | 27 | |||||
biola | violin | 小提琴 | 借詞 | Collins n.d. | 28 | |||||
bisa | can; poison, | 可以;毒藥, | 借詞 | Collins n.d. | 29 | |||||
bodo | stupidity | 愚蠢 | 借詞 | Collins n.d. | 30 | |||||
bodo-bodo | deceive, make a fool of | 欺騙,愚弄 | 借詞 | Collins n.d. | 31 | |||||
budi | proper behavior | 適當的行為 | 借詞 | Collins n.d. | 32 | |||||
bui | jail | 監獄 | 借詞 | Collins n.d. | 33 | |||||
buŋa | flower, especially decorative flowers of European origin; spot, dot, esp. in fish nomenclature | 花,尤指起源於歐洲的裝潢性花;斑點,斑點,尤指在魚類命名法中 | buŋa [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 34 | |||||
buruŋ | bird | 鳥 | 借詞 | Collins n.d. | 35 | |||||
dalima | pomegranate: Punica granatum | 石榴:石榴 | 借詞 | Collins n.d. | 36 | |||||
guntiŋ | scissors; the forking timbers that support a peaked roof; to cut with scissors | 剪刀;支撐尖頂的叉木;用剪刀剪 | 借詞 | Collins n.d. | 37 | |||||
haha | summit, top | 山頂 | babaw₃ [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 38 | |||||
ha-hitin | gleeful leaps, joyful commotion; cloth used for lifting hot pans | 歡樂的跳躍,歡樂的騷動;用來抬熱鍋的布 | bintiŋ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 39 | |||||
hahu | pig; a term of abuse | 豬;虐待的術語 | babuy₃ [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 40 | |||||
ha-husul | bow and arrow; slingshot, speargun | 弓箭;彈弓,長矛 | busuR₂ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 41 | |||||
ha-husul | arrow, dart | 箭,飛鏢 | busuR₂ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 42 | |||||
ha-husul ina | quiver | 顫抖 | busuR₂ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 43 | |||||
hala | charcoal; ember | 炭;灰燼 | baRah [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 44 | |||||
hala | shoulder | 肩 | qabaRa₁ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 45 | |||||
halat | west, west wind, west monsoon | 西風西季風 | habaRat [PMP] | SabaRat | Collins n.d. | 46 | ||||
halawan | gold, gold ornament | 黃金,黃金飾品 | bulaw-an [PAN] | bulaw | Collins n.d. | 47 | ||||
hanu | wake up | 醒醒 | baŋun₂ [PMP] | baŋuN | Collins n.d. | 48 | ||||
hanu-k | awaken someone | 喚醒某人 | baŋun₂ [PMP] | baŋuN | Collins n.d. | 49 | ||||
hasa | sharpen by continuously rubbing one side of the blade on a whetstone | 在磨刀石上不斷地摩擦刀刃的一側使之鋒利 | hasaq [PMP] | Sasaq | Collins n.d. | 50 | ||||
hata | trunk, stick, piece of timber; body; beam; numerical connector for long, stick-like objects | 樹幹,棍子,木塊;身體;橫樑;長棍狀物體的數位連接器 | bataŋ [PMP] | bataŋ₁ | Collins n.d. | 51 | ||||
hataul | large shore tree yielding an orangish wood suitable for boat building | 一種適於造船的桔子樹 | bitaquR [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 52 | |||||
ha-tete | kind of chisel; to chisel wood | 一種鑿子;鑿木頭 | tektek₁ [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 53 | |||||
hau | smell | 氣味 | bahu [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 54 | |||||
hau-esa | very fishy smell | 很腥味 | bahu [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 55 | |||||
hau-mina | delicious oily smell of roasting fish, especially with juices dripping on the embers | 烤魚的油味,特別是餘燼上的汁液 | bahu [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 56 | |||||
hau-n | It stinks! | 真臭! | bahu [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 57 | |||||
haʔun | kind of very tall pandanus with large inedible fruits | 一種高大的pandanus,果實大而不能食用 | bakuŋ₂ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 58 | |||||
heha | the interior of the mouth; animal's mouth; call out to someone, call after | 嘴的內部;動物的嘴;向某人呼喊 | beqbeq [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 59 | |||||
hehu | pull out (hair, nails, etc.) | 拔出(頭髮、指甲等) | 根 | Collins n.d. | 60 | |||||
heke | tie, tie up, fetter | 綁,綁,綁 | beRkes [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 61 | |||||
heli | price | 價格 | beli [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 62 | |||||
heli-n | expensive; the price of something | 昂貴的;某物的價格 | beli [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 63 | |||||
hesi | to split bamboo or the exterior sago petioles from the interior pith | 從內部髓中劈開竹子或外部西米葉柄 | besiq [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 64 | |||||
heta | chop down; strike downward with a weapon | 砍倒;用武器向下打擊 | beta₂ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 65 | |||||
heten | millet (Panicum spp.) | 小米(穗種) | beteŋ₁ [PMP] | beCeŋ | Collins n.d. | 66 | ||||
heti | kick (with a jerk of one's knee); jerk something upward | 踢(膝蓋猛地一跳);向上猛地踢某物 | betik₁ [PAN] | betik | Collins n.d. | 67 | ||||
hetu | get up, wake up | 起來,醒醒 | betu [PMP] | betu₁ | Collins n.d. | 68 | ||||
hiak | cut wood (for kindling) | 砍柴(火種用) | biqak [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 69 | |||||
hihi- | mouth; orifice; lip | 嘴;孔;唇 | bibiR [PMP] | biRbiR | Collins n.d. | 70 | ||||
hiku | to adze wood, to hew and shape wood; an adze | 使木頭結實,使木頭劈開並成形;使 | biŋkuŋ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 71 | |||||
hila | giant taro: Alocasia macrorrhiza | 巨芋:海芋 | biRaq₁ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 72 | |||||
hini | seeds for planting | 播種用種子 | binehiq [PMP] | bineSiq | Collins n.d. | 73 | ||||
hisi | to peel (with the hands, e.g. bananas); rip open durian carpels to extract the fruit segments; to open (draperies, etc.) slightly, to part (curtains, etc.) | bisik₁ [PCEMP] | Collins n.d. | 74 | ||||||
hiti | lift something held close to the body; undertake a joint expense; hold an infant in one's lap | 把抱在身體附近的東西舉起來;共同承擔費用;把嬰兒抱在膝上 | bintiŋ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 75 | |||||
hiti | jump up from a seated position (as in an emergency) | 從座位上跳起來(如在緊急情況下) | bitik₁ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 76 | |||||
hitik mata | raise one's eyes; to glance; jump up and gesticulate in glee | 抬起眼睛;瞥一眼;高興地跳起來做手勢 | bitik₁ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 77 | |||||
hua | to swell; be pregnant; fruit; protrusions; numeral connector for small objects (as cigarettes); areca nut | buaq [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 78 | ||||||
hua | salt water crocodile: Crocodilus porosus L. | 鹽水鱷魚:鱷魚 | buqaya [PCEMP] | Collins n.d. | 79 | |||||
hua | fruit; numeral connector for small objects | 水果.小物體用數位連接器 | buaq [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 80 | |||||
huhu | curving, four-cornered fish trap of plaited bamboo | 竹編彎彎的四角捕魚器 | bubu₂ [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 81 | |||||
huhu | be full of wood mites (as planks) | 滿是木蟎(如木板) | bukbuk₃ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 82 | |||||
huhu kamu hua | very fine-meshed fish trap | 非常精細的網狀捕魚器 | bubu₂ [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 83 | |||||
huhu katihu | shrimp trap made of a single piece of bamboo, slatted and tapering on both ends, used in streams | 捕蝦器,由一根竹子製成,兩端有板條和錐形,用於溪流中 | bubu₂ [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 84 | |||||
huhul | small bits of rotten wood | 一小塊腐爛的木頭 | buRbuR₂ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 85 | |||||
huhu lau haha | large-meshed fish trap | 大網捕魚器 | bubu₂ [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 86 | |||||
huhu pule | plaited cone-shaped entrance on either end of the fish trap; fish trap characterized by such an entrance | bubu₂ [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 87 | ||||||
hui | food remnants, grease on plate | 食物殘渣,盤子上的油脂 | buqi₁ [PCMP] | Collins n.d. | 88 | |||||
huku | a bump; to bulge (something hidden in clothes, something deep inside); become swollen | 隆起;隆起(隱藏在衣服裏的東西,裏面的東西);腫脹 | buku [PCEMP] | bukuh | Collins n.d. | 89 | ||||
hulan | moon, month | 月,月 | bulan₃ [PMP] | bulaN | Collins n.d. | 90 | ||||
hula puti | bright moon | 明月 | bulan₃ [PMP] | bulaN | Collins n.d. | 91 | ||||
hula-si | spew out saliva mixed with chewed areca on some diseased body part (a medical treatment for all kinds of external and internal disorders, esp. those caused by unfriendly spirits, e.g. headache) | buRah [PMP] | buReS | Collins n.d. | 92 | |||||
hulu | end (as of village, veranda) | 結束(從村莊、陽臺開始) | budu [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 93 | |||||
hulu | body hair, feather, fur; insect setae | 體毛、羽毛、毛皮;昆蟲剛毛 | bulu₁ [PCEMP] | Collins n.d. | 94 | |||||
hulu pana | kind of black, spiked sea urchin (Echinodea) | 一種黑色的有刺海膽(棘頭海膽) | bulu₁ [PCEMP] | Collins n.d. | 95 | |||||
hun-en | the ridgepole that rests on the roof ridge cover | 立在屋脊蓋上的脊樑 | bubuŋ-en [PMP] | bubuŋ₁ | Collins n.d. | 96 | ||||
hunu | kill; extinguish (fire or lamp); block out (another player or token) from a game | 殺戮;熄滅(火或燈);封鎖(另一個玩家或權杖)參加遊戲 | bunuq₂ [PMP] | buNuq₂ | Collins n.d. | 97 | ||||
husu | shoot an arrow or a speargun; fire rubber bands | 射箭或長矛;發射橡皮筋 | busuR₂ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 98 | |||||
huta | grass, leaves; fallen leaves, rubbish (on the ground) | 草,樹葉;落葉,垃圾(地上) | 噪聲 | Collins n.d. | 99 | |||||
hutil | wart | 肉贅 | butiR [PCEMP] | buteliR | Collins n.d. | 100 | ||||
hutu | group, clump, gang, flock, etc. | 成群結隊、成群結隊、成群結隊等。 | butu₂ [PCEMP] | butu | Collins n.d. | 101 | ||||
hutun ai | kind of seaside tree: Barringtonia asiatica (L.) Kurz. | 一種海濱樹種:巴林托尼亞(L.)庫爾茲。 | butun [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 102 | |||||
huʔak | extract, pry up; dig up objects implanted in the earth (e.g. half-buried stones); force open, as a jammed door (with some tool) | 噪聲 | Collins n.d. | 103 | ||||||
huʔal | land mass, island | 陸地,島嶼 | 噪聲 | Collins n.d. | 104 | |||||
iɁa selu | kind of fish: longtom: Tylosurus macleayanus Ogilby | 魚類種類:長鰭金槍魚 | selu [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 105 | |||||
ina | mother, mother’s sister | 媽媽,媽媽的妹妹 | ina [PCEMP] | Collins n.d. | 106 | |||||
irus | coconut shell ladle | 椰子殼勺 | qidus [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 107 | |||||
is | exclamation uttered upon failure to catch, hit, hook (etc.) something | 因未能抓住、擊中、鉤住某物而發出的驚歎聲 | qis [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 108 | |||||
isi- | flesh | 肉 | isi₅ [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 109 | |||||
ite | we (plural incl.), emphatic pronoun | 我們(包括複數),強調代詞 | k-ita [PAN] | ita₁ | Collins n.d. | 110 | ||||
iʔa mamin | kind of fish, including tripletail Maori wrasse (Cheilinus trilobatus Lacepede), and violet-lined Maori wrasse (Diagrammus Lacepede) | mamin₁ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 111 | ||||||
iʔan | fish | 魚 | hikan [PMP] | Sikan | Collins n.d. | 112 | ||||
iʔan hutu | school of fish | 魚群 | butu₂ [PCEMP] | butu | Collins n.d. | 113 | ||||
ka-kele | to keep standing, to stand around | 站著,站著 | kedeŋ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 114 | |||||
kalu | to stir | 攪動 | kalu [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 115 | |||||
kapak | sound of two slaps (or more) | 兩巴掌聲(或更多) | kapak [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 116 | |||||
katihu ta-tunu | roasted shrimp | 烤蝦 | tunu [PMP] | CuNuh | Collins n.d. | 117 | ||||
katik | sound of a rap on a plate or a seashell | 敲擊盤子或貝殼的聲音 | katik [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 118 | |||||
(k)ele | to stand; to be erect, to rise upward | 站起來;站起來 | kedeŋ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 119 | |||||
kiki | to collapse in an epileptic fit; to shudder (of animals) | 因癲癇發作而昏倒;使(動物)發抖 | gigil [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 120 | |||||
kota | city; Ambon City | 都市;安邦市 | 借詞 | Collins n.d. | 121 | |||||
ku- | 1sg genitive pronoun for alienable possession | 不動產佔有的第1人稱代詞 | -ku [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 122 | |||||
-ku | 1sg genitive pronoun for inalienable possession | 1sg不可剝奪佔有的生格代詞 | -ku [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 123 | |||||
kula huli-n | stalk of bananas | 香蕉莖 | buliR [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 124 | |||||
la | landward side, landward direction | 向陸側,向陸方向 | daya [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 125 | |||||
lala | blood; to bleed | 流血 | daRaq [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 126 | |||||
lalan | road, path | 道路,小徑 | zalan [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 127 | |||||
lale | a fly, Diptera | 雙翅目蒼蠅 | lalej [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 128 | |||||
lale- | interior; one’s emotions | 內心;情緒 | dalem [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 129 | |||||
la-lima | bailing well (in a boat) | 撈井(船上) | la-limas [PMP] | limas | Collins n.d. | 130 | ||||
la-lua-t | vomitus | 嘔吐物 | luaq [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 131 | |||||
la-lumu | become mossy (stagnant water, rocks, etc.) | 變成苔蘚狀(死水、岩石等) | lumut [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 132 | |||||
lanit | sky | 天空 | laŋit [PMP] | laŋiC | Collins n.d. | 133 | ||||
lase | scrotum | 陰囊 | laseR [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 134 | |||||
lase hatu | testicle (lit. ‘scrotum stone’) | 睾丸(亮。陰囊結石) | laseR [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 135 | |||||
latu | king, village chief | 國王,村長 | datu [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 136 | |||||
latu kairupaŋ | the ancient ruler of Asilulu before the descent to the coast, and the spirit which guards over the site of the old village | datu [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 137 | ||||||
lau | leaf; shutter, page; numerical connector for sheets of paper, etc. | 頁;快門、頁;紙張等的數位連接器。 | daun [PCEMP] | dahun | Collins n.d. | 138 | ||||
lau | far, distant | 遠,遠 | zauq [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 139 | |||||
lau | seaward | 向海 | laur [PCEMP] | lahud | Collins n.d. | 140 | ||||
lawa kima | kind of large clam which can be domesticated, esp. Tridacna gigas (#lawa = shellfish, mollusk, snail) | kima [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 141 | ||||||
lawa-lawa | spider | 蜘蛛 | lawaq-lawaq [PMP] | lawaq₂ | Collins n.d. | 142 | ||||
lawa-lawa tai | spiderweb (lit. ‘spider feces’) | 蜘蛛網(亮。'蜘蛛糞便') | lawaq-lawaq [PMP] | lawaq₂ | Collins n.d. | 143 | ||||
lea | fathom | 英尋 | depah [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 144 | |||||
lian | cave | 洞穴 | liaŋ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 145 | |||||
lili | post, pillar | 柱子 | adiRi [PCEMP] | SadiRi | Collins n.d. | 146 | ||||
lili tema | the northernmost house post (which is considered sacred) | 最北端的門柱(被認為是神聖的) | adiRi [PCEMP] | SadiRi | Collins n.d. | 147 | ||||
lima | five | 五 | lima [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 148 | |||||
lima | to bail water | 放水 | limas [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 149 | |||||
lima hua | fingers | 手指 | buaq ni lima [PMP] | buaq | Collins n.d. | 150 | ||||
lima-t | scoop for bailing | 撈撈鏟 | limas [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 151 | |||||
lina | calm | 平靜的 | linaw [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 152 | |||||
liri | to wall up, to fence in, as in enclosing a garden | 圍起牆,圍起籬笆,如圍起花園 | dindiŋ₁ [PCMP] | diŋdiŋ₁ | Collins n.d. | 153 | ||||
loi bidadari | kind of traditional dance (with scarves) | 一種傳統舞蹈(帶圍巾) | 借詞 | Collins n.d. | 154 | |||||
lua | two | 二 | duha [PMP] | duSa | Collins n.d. | 155 | ||||
lua | to vomit | 嘔吐 | luaq [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 156 | |||||
lua-lua | both | 二者都 | dua-dua [PCEMP] | duSa | Collins n.d. | 157 | ||||
luin | sea-cow (Dugong dugong Muller) | 海牛(儒艮儒艮穆勒) | ruyuŋ₂ [PCEMP] | duyuŋ₂ | Collins n.d. | 158 | ||||
luli- | bone; thorn, fish bones; sew by hand, string together | 骨頭;刺,魚骨;手工縫,串在一起 | duRi [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 159 | |||||
luli-elak | backbone | 骨幹 | duRi [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 160 | |||||
luma | house, building | 房屋、建築物 | Rumaq [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 161 | |||||
luma siku-n | the corner of the house | 房子的角落 | sikux [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 162 | |||||
luma-tau | an extended family, all of whom bear a single family name, passed on patrilineally; a clan comprising a single family in this sense, and usually one or two smaller families which are historically dependent on that clan | Rumaq [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 163 | ||||||
lumut | moss | 苔蘚 | lumut [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 164 | |||||
lupuk | to gather (as people at a meeting); to gather together (fruit, stones, etc.) into a pile, cluster | lumpuk [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 165 | ||||||
lusu- | ribs, rib-cage; kind of fastening which fixes the gunnels to the dugout base of an outrigger sailboat | Rusuk [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 166 | ||||||
ma- | (fossilized in e.g. #mataɁu) | (如馬塔烏化石) | ma-₁ [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 167 | |||||
mala | dry | 幹的 | maja [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 168 | |||||
mala ai | kind of tree the bark of which was formerly used to make loincloths | 一種樹皮以前用來做腰帶的樹 | malaw [PCEMP] | Collins n.d. | 169 | |||||
malana | man, male; husband | 男人,男人;丈夫 | ma-Ruqanay [PMP] | RuqaNay | Collins n.d. | 170 | ||||
ma-lata | flat, level (as land) | 平坦、水準(如陸地) | dataR [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 171 | |||||
mama | to chew on (as guava leaves to relieve a sore throat) | 咀嚼(如芭樂葉子減輕喉嚨痛) | mamaq [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 172 | |||||
ma-mina | greasy and delicious | 油膩可口 | miñak [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 173 | |||||
maniwa | thin (of cloth or hair) | 薄的(布或頭髮的) | ma-niwaŋ [PMP] | Niwaŋ | Collins n.d. | 174 | ||||
manu | chicken (Gallus spp.); bird (with qualifying term) | 雞(五倍子spp.);鳥(帶限定詞) | manuk [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 175 | |||||
m-anu | to float (in the current), as a bottle; to drift | 漂流漂流(在水流中),如瓶子;漂流 | ma-qañud [PMP] | qañud | Collins n.d. | 176 | ||||
manu hutu | flock of chickens | 一群雞 | butu₂ [PCEMP] | butu | Collins n.d. | 177 | ||||
marəl | phalanger, including Phalanger orientalis orientalis Pallas | 陽具,包括東方陽具 | mansər [PCEMP] | Collins n.d. | 178 | |||||
mata | dead; die; lose consciousness; end in a receptacle without markers in the #joŋka game (game language) | matay₁ [PCEMP] | aCay | Collins n.d. | 179 | |||||
mata | eye; origin, source; numerical connector (for roads, currencies, etc.) | 眼睛;原點、源;數位連接器(用於道路、貨幣等) | mata [PMP] | maCa | Collins n.d. | 180 | ||||
mata-dua | the two lines which connect the uppermost par of the sail | 連接帆最上面部分的兩條線 | mata [PMP] | maCa | Collins n.d. | 181 | ||||
mata-luma | clan, sub-clan, extended family (#luma = ‘house’) | 宗族,子宗族,大家庭(#luma='房子') | mata [PMP] | maCa | Collins n.d. | 182 | ||||
mata-nulu | entrance, portal, doorway | 入口、入口、門口 | mata [PMP] | maCa | Collins n.d. | 183 | ||||
matanulu lau | door | 門 | daun [PCEMP] | dahun | Collins n.d. | 184 | ||||
mataʔu | to fear, be afraid | 害怕,害怕 | ma-takut [PAN] | takut | Collins n.d. | 185 | ||||
matua | very old, of huge trees, animals, etc.; too old, of tubers and fruits allowed to ripen too long; past one’s prime, of spinsters and old bachelors | ma-tuqah [PMP] | tuqaS | Collins n.d. | 186 | |||||
maʔusi nipis | kind of lime | 一種石灰 | nipis [PMP] | Nipis | Collins n.d. | 187 | ||||
mina | oily and delicious; to exude delicious oils (as a broiling fish) | 油膩可口;散發出美味的油(如烤魚) | miñak [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 188 | |||||
mu- | 2sg. genitive pronoun for alienable possession, your | 2毫克。不動產佔有的代詞 | -mu [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 189 | |||||
-mu | 2sg. genitive pronoun for inalienable possession, your | 2毫克。不可剝奪財產的代詞 | -mu [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 190 | |||||
-n | 3sg. (human and non-human) genitive pronoun for inalienable possession | 3毫克。(人與非人)不可剝奪佔有的生格代詞 | ni-a [PAN] | -a₂ | Collins n.d. | 191 | ||||
na- | 3sg. (human and non-human) genitive pronoun for alienable possession | 3毫克。(人與非人)不動產佔有的生格代詞 | ni-a [PAN] | -a₂ | Collins n.d. | 192 | ||||
na | a particle indicating finality (#weu na ‘I’ll be going then’) | 一個表示終結的粒子(#weu na‘我會去的’) | na₄ [PMP] | Na₂ | Collins n.d. | 193 | ||||
nala- | name | 名稱 | ŋajan [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 194 | |||||
nanu | to swim and dive around in fairly shallow water | 在相當淺的水中游泳和潛水 | naŋuy [PMP] | Naŋuy | Collins n.d. | 195 | ||||
nanu-nanu | to swim for some time | 游泳一段時間 | naŋuy [PMP] | Naŋuy | Collins n.d. | 196 | ||||
nawa | breath (archaic, in fixed phrases) | 呼吸(古語,固定片語) | ñawa [PCEMP] | NiSawa | Collins n.d. | 197 | ||||
nenu | the Indian mulberry: Morinda citrifolia L. | 印度桑樹:巴戟天。 | ñəñu [PCEMP] | Collins n.d. | 198 | |||||
nenu maʔasi ai | kind of small tree, the roots of which yield soda | 一種小樹,其根部產蘇打水 | ñəñu [PCEMP] | Collins n.d. | 199 | |||||
-ni | 3sg. human genitive pronoun for inalienable possession | 3毫克。不可剝奪佔有的人稱代詞 | ni-a [PAN] | -a₂ | Collins n.d. | 200 | ||||
ninal | echo | 回聲 | aniŋal [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 201 | |||||
niŋal | echo | 回聲 | niŋal [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 202 | |||||
niwel | coconut, Cocos nucifera | 椰子,椰子 | niuR [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 203 | |||||
nono-e | suck (Stresemann 1927:63) | 糟透了(斯特雷斯曼1927:63) | ñepñep [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 204 | |||||
nono-e | to suck | 吸 | ñopñop [PCEMP] | Collins n.d. | 205 | |||||
n-una | fish scale; sea turtle shell | 魚鱗 | qunap₁ [PCEMP] | quSeNap | Collins n.d. | 206 | ||||
paka-mata | deliver the final blows, administer a coup-de-grace; finish off | 進行最後的打擊,進行一次優雅的政變;結束 | pa(ka)-m-atay [PMP] | aCay | Collins n.d. | 207 | ||||
pata-lau | distant; far (from each other) | 遙遠的;遙遠的 | zauq [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 208 | |||||
penu | to be at the peak (of the tide) | 在(潮水)最高峰 | peNuq [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 209 | |||||
pikal | plate, crockery | 盤子,陶器 | 借詞 | Collins n.d. | 210 | |||||
pule-k | to twist | 扭曲 | pules [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 211 | |||||
roko tai | cigarette ashes | 煙灰 | taqi [PMP] | Caqi | Collins n.d. | 212 | ||||
sa | one | 一 | sa₃ [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 213 | |||||
saɁa | to ride (as in a boat) | 騎馬(如在船上) | sakay₁ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 214 | |||||
saɁa | to climb (as a coconut palm), to rise (as the moon) | 攀爬(如椰子樹),升起(如月亮) | sake [POC] | sakay₄ | Collins n.d. | 215 | ||||
sala | error; be wrong | 錯誤 | salaq₁ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 216 | |||||
sala-sala-n | unclear (of vision) | (視力)不清 | salaq₁ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 217 | |||||
sana | branch | 分支 | saŋa₁ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 218 | |||||
sana-k | to lean one’s folded arm on something | 把折疊的手臂靠在某物上 | saŋa₁ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 219 | |||||
sa-sa | something | 某物 | sa₃ [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 220 | |||||
sa-saɁu | hoe-like tool used for scraping sago | 鋤狀工具,用於刮西米 | saku₁ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 221 | |||||
saɁu | to chop sago pith away from the trunk with a hoe-like tool | 用鋤頭一樣的工具把西米髓從樹幹上砍下來 | saku₁ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 222 | |||||
saʔalu | a natural barrier just below the sea surface, especially of coral reefs | 珊瑚礁在海面下的天然屏障,尤指珊瑚礁 | sakaRu [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 223 | |||||
seman | outrigger | 支腿 | saRman [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 224 | |||||
sese | to press down in order to fill up completely (as in pressing down the contents of a basket so it will be full) | seksek₁ [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 225 | ||||||
siku | elbow; corner | 彎頭 | sikux [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 226 | |||||
sina-t | a ray of light | 一縷光 | sinaR [PMP] | siNaR | Collins n.d. | 227 | ||||
siwa | nine | 九 | siwa [PMP] | Siwa | Collins n.d. | 228 | ||||
sula | animal traps; stakes at the base of garden fence posts | 動物陷阱.花園籬笆柱底部的木樁 | suja [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 229 | |||||
susu | breast | 乳房 | susu₁ [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 230 | |||||
susu | to stab; to perforate | 刺穿 | suksuk [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 231 | |||||
susu hatu | nipple, teat (breast stone) | 乳頭,乳頭(胸石) | susu₁ [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 232 | |||||
susu wae | mothers milk (breast water) | 母乳(母乳) | susu₁ [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 233 | |||||
suɁun | breadfruit (Artocarpus sp.) | 麵包果(■sp.) | sukun [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 234 | |||||
ta | not, esp. in fast speech or as an emphatic sentence-final particle | 不是,特別是在快速講話中或作為強調句的最後一個助詞 | taq₃ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 235 | |||||
tahuli | conch shell (Strombus spp.); conch shell trumpet | 海螺殼 | tabuRi [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 236 | |||||
tai | feces, excreta, filth | 糞便、排泄物、汙物 | taqi [PMP] | Caqi | Collins n.d. | 237 | ||||
tak | sound of knock on door or tap on head | 敲門或叩頭聲 | tak [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 238 | |||||
takar-an | a measurement of volume | 體積的量測 | 借詞 | Collins n.d. | 239 | |||||
tala | to cut down (as a banana plant); to scrape, to rasp | 砍(如香蕉植物);刮 | taRaq₁ [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 240 | |||||
talu | to place, to put | 放置 | taRuq [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 241 | |||||
talutun | several fish, including diagonal-banded toado, also called black-lined pufferfish (Arothron aerostaticus Jenyns), Myers’ porcupine fish (Dicotylichthys myersi Ogilby), and three-bar porcupine fish (D. punctulatus Kaup) | taRutuŋ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 242 | ||||||
tanala | to gaze in amazement; to stare for a long time | 驚奇地注視 | tanaRa [PCMP] | Collins n.d. | 243 | |||||
tani | to cry | 哭 | taŋis [PMP] | Caŋis | Collins n.d. | 244 | ||||
tani pak-anitu | to wail and keen (on the death of a loved one) | 痛哭(在愛人死後) | taŋis [PMP] | Caŋis | Collins n.d. | 245 | ||||
taŋ | sound of metallic crash or gunshot | 金屬撞擊聲或槍聲 | taŋ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 246 | |||||
tata | father (archaic) | 父親(古代) | tata₁ [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 247 | |||||
ta-tala | coconut rasp | 椰子銼 | taRaq₁ [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 248 | |||||
ta-tulu | to descend in large numbers or repeatedly | 大量下降或反復下降 | tuRun₁ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 249 | |||||
ta-tunu | something roasted or burned | 烤或燒的東西 | tunu [PMP] | CuNuh | Collins n.d. | 250 | ||||
tehu | sugarcane, Saccharum officinarum | 甘蔗,甘蔗 | tebuh₁ [PMP] | tebuS | Collins n.d. | 251 | ||||
telu | three | 三 | telu [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 252 | |||||
tete | to cut something which is not very thick until it is severed (as in beheading an enemy) | 割斷不太厚的東西直到它被割斷(如斬首敵人) | tektek₁ [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 253 | |||||
tetun | cape, promontory | 海角 | tetun [PCMP] | Collins n.d. | 254 | |||||
tia- | belly; pregnant | 肚子;懷孕的 | tian [PMP] | tiaN | Collins n.d. | 255 | ||||
tilen | oyster | 牡蠣 | tiRem [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 256 | |||||
timul | east wind, east monsoon season | 東風,東季風季節 | timuR [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 257 | |||||
titi | to flow a little (as blood); to drip (as tears) | 流一點(如血);滴一點(如淚) | tiktik₂ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 258 | |||||
titi | to beat a drum in order to signal a meeting | 擊鼓以表示開會 | titik [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 259 | |||||
tua | eldest, among one’s parents’ siblings | 長輩,在父母的兄弟姐妹中 | tuqah [PMP] | tuqaS | Collins n.d. | 260 | ||||
tuha | kind of vine, Derris elliptica Benth., the root of which is used as a medicine and fish poison | tubah [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 261 | ||||||
tulu | to go down, to get off (as from a bus); to move from a respected place to an ordinary place; to go ashore | tuRun₁ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 262 | ||||||
tulu helu | bedtime (about 10:00 PM) | 就寢時間(約晚上10:00) | tuduR [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 263 | |||||
tulu-k | to bring downward, to cause to descend | 使下降 | tuRun₁ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 264 | |||||
tulul | slumber | 沉睡 | tuduR [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 265 | |||||
tulul | slumber | 沉睡 | tuduR [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 266 | |||||
tunu | to burn; to roast or bake; to shoot | 燒;烤或烤;射擊 | tunu [PMP] | CuNuh | Collins n.d. | 267 | ||||
tuŋ | sound of a gun | 槍聲 | tuŋ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 268 | |||||
ule | pot | 鍋 | kuden [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 269 | |||||
ule lale | clay cooking pot | 泥鍋 | kuden [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 270 | |||||
ule liti | wok, esp. of brass | 鍋,尤指黃銅鍋 | kuden [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 271 | |||||
upal | sago palm midribs or petiole, esp. when dried | 西米棕櫚中脈或葉柄,尤指乾燥時 | kumbal [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 272 | |||||
uʔet | a round weighted fish net which is cast on the water’s surface | 拋在水面上的一種圓形的有重量的漁網 | puket₁ [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 273 | |||||
uʔi | female genitals (in general); vulva; a common term of abuse | 女性生殖器(一般);外陰;常用的虐待術語 | puki [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 274 | |||||
wael | water, sap, liquid; river (esp. in place names) | 水、樹液、液體;河流(特別是地名) | waiR [PCEMP] | wahiR | Collins n.d. | 275 | ||||
waka- | root | 根 | wakaR [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 276 | |||||
walet | rope, cord, string; intestines; vines and creeping plants in general | 繩子,繩子,繩子;腸子;藤蔓植物 | waRej [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 277 | |||||
wali- | younger sibling of the same sex | 同性的弟弟妹妹 | waji [PCEMP] | Suaji | Collins n.d. | 278 | ||||
walu | eight | 八 | walu [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 279 | |||||
wa-wai | species (of mangos only) | 種類(僅芒果) | waiwai [PCEMP] | wai | Collins n.d. | 280 | ||||
waʔat ai | mangrove tree | 紅樹林 | wakat [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 281 | |||||
wela | to file | 歸檔 | qa(m)pelas [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 282 | |||||
wela-t | kind of abrasive leaf used for sanding | 一種砂紙 | qa(m)pelas [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 283 | |||||
weli hutu | clump of grass | 一叢草 | butu₂ [PCEMP] | butu | Collins n.d. | 284 | ||||
welu | gall | 膽子 | qapejux [PAN] | Collins n.d. | 285 | |||||
wenu | sea turtle: Chelonia sp. | 海龜:龜sp。 | peñu [PMP] | Collins n.d. | 286 |